
时间:2021-08-23 00:19:12

I have written spark streaming application using Kfka and mapwithsta functions. I have attched a snapshot of my application for the storage level将mapwithstatedstream的默认存储模式从Memory仅限制到其他模式


As you see the Kafka stream is serilized in both memory and disk..but I cant find a way to change the default presistence of the mapwithste internal streams..this the pice of code I am using


val messages=KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String, (String,String)](ssc,
 (r:org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord[String,String]) =>(r.topic(),r.value()))
val mapped1=message.map(x=>(x._2.hashCode().toString(),x)).mapWithState(stateSpec1)

In my applications sates can become huge so I need to presiste the internal sates in emeory and disk..I would apprecite any help on this.


1 个解决方案



mapWithState is a distributed in-memory state store. It saves your state inside an internal structure called OpenHashMapBasedStateMap. What you're currently persisting is the KafkaRDD created by KafkaUtils.createDStream. If you're not iterating that same input twice, there's no need to persist it.


Remember that even if your internal state is huge, it should be evenly distributed inside your cluster. This means that you're not putting all your eggs in one basket, but spreading it throughout the cluster. If your state grows, you can always scale out your cluster with an additional node.




mapWithState is a distributed in-memory state store. It saves your state inside an internal structure called OpenHashMapBasedStateMap. What you're currently persisting is the KafkaRDD created by KafkaUtils.createDStream. If you're not iterating that same input twice, there's no need to persist it.


Remember that even if your internal state is huge, it should be evenly distributed inside your cluster. This means that you're not putting all your eggs in one basket, but spreading it throughout the cluster. If your state grows, you can always scale out your cluster with an additional node.
