来源 微软 技术支持网站
仅仅禁用hostednetwork 是不行的,配置其实还在,彻底删除 配置可以按照如下操作进行:
net stop wlansvc
Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\system\currentcontrolset\services\wlansvc\parameters\hostednetworksettings"
Remove-Item "HKLM:\system\currentcontrolset\services\wlansvc\parameters\hostednetworksettings"
net start wlansvc
托管网络 连接 上之后,终端 可能通过认证,但是无法获取IP,有人给出了解决方案
The following procedure worked for me.
1) Disable Internet Connection Sharing from your modem connection -> properties -> Sharing Tab
2) Enable it again.
3) Disconnect from the Internet.
4) Reconnect again
5) Restart ICS service from the "services.msc" window.
6) Stop the hostednetwork
7) Start the hostednetwork
8) Internet Sharing is now enabled and everything gets resolved.