<view> <image src="{{img}}" class=\'bgImg\'></image> <text class=\'mine\'>我的邀请码</text> <text class=\'code\'>{{code}}</text> <text class=\'who\'>谁邀请你一起吃面?</text> <view class=\'inputBox\'> <input placeholder=\'输入朋友的验证码\' class=\'input\' bindinput=\'bindKeyInput\'/> <button bindtap=\'btnclick\' class=\'btn\'>提交</button> </view> <text class=\'tishi\'>输入朋友的邀请码,朋友和你各自获得通用优惠券1张</text> <text class=\'shareText\'>生成海报分享至</text> <view class=\'imgBox\'> <button open-type="share" class=\'zfbtn\'><image src="{{wechat}}" class=\'img\'></image></button> <button class=\'zfbtn m_l\' bindtap=\'formSubmit\'><image src="{{quan}}" class=\'img\'></image></button> </view> <!--生成海报 --> <!-- <view class="img-box"> </view> --> <view class=\'imagePathBox\' hidden="{{maskHidden == false}}"> <image src="{{imagePath}}" class=\'shengcheng\'></image> <button class=\'baocun\' bindtap=\'baocun\'>保存相册,分享到朋友圈</button> </view> <view hidden="{{maskHidden == false}}" class="mask"></view> <view class="canvas-box"> <canvas style="width: 375px;height: 667px;position:fixed;top:9999px" canvas-id="mycanvas"/> </view> </view>
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// pages/prize/prize.js const app = getApp() Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { img:"../../images/gobg.png", wechat:"../../images/wechat.png", quan:"../../images/quan.png", code:"E7AI98", inputValue:"", maskHidden: false, name:"", touxiang:"", code: "E7A93C" }, //获取输入框的值 bindKeyInput:function(e){ this.setData({ inputValue: e.detail.value }) }, //点击提交按钮 btnclick:function(){ var text = this.data.inputValue wx.showToast({ title: text, icon: \'none\', duration: 2000 }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { var that = this; wx.getUserInfo({ success: res => { console.log(res.userInfo,"huoqudao le ") this.setData({ name: res.userInfo.nickName, }) wx.downloadFile({ url: res.userInfo.avatarUrl, //仅为示例,并非真实的资源 success: function (res) { // 只要服务器有响应数据,就会把响应内容写入文件并进入 success 回调,业务需要自行判断是否下载到了想要的内容 if (res.statusCode === 200) { console.log(res, "reererererer") that.setData({ touxiang: res.tempFilePath }) } } }) } }) }, //将canvas转换为图片保存到本地,然后将图片路径传给image图片的src createNewImg: function () { var that = this; var context = wx.createCanvasContext(\'mycanvas\'); context.setFillStyle("#ffe200") context.fillRect(0, 0, 375, 667) var path = "/images/gobg.png"; //将模板图片绘制到canvas,在开发工具中drawImage()函数有问题,不显示图片 //不知道是什么原因,手机环境能正常显示 context.drawImage(path, 0, 0, 375, 183); var path1 = that.data.touxiang; console.log(path1,"path1") //将模板图片绘制到canvas,在开发工具中drawImage()函数有问题,不显示图片 var path2 = "/images/txquan.png"; var path3 = "/images/heise.png"; var path4 = "/images/wenziBg.png"; var path5 = "/images/wenxin.png"; context.drawImage(path2, 126, 186, 120, 120); //不知道是什么原因,手机环境能正常显示 // context.save(); // 保存当前context的状态 var name = that.data.name; //绘制名字 context.setFontSize(24); context.setFillStyle(\'#333333\'); context.setTextAlign(\'center\'); context.fillText(name, 185, 340); context.stroke(); //绘制一起吃面标语 context.setFontSize(14); context.setFillStyle(\'#333333\'); context.setTextAlign(\'center\'); context.fillText("邀请你一起去吃面", 185, 370); context.stroke(); //绘制验证码背景 context.drawImage(path3, 48, 390, 280, 84); //绘制code码 context.setFontSize(40); context.setFillStyle(\'#ffe200\'); context.setTextAlign(\'center\'); context.fillText(that.data.code, 185, 435); context.stroke(); //绘制左下角文字背景图 context.drawImage(path4, 25, 520, 184, 82); context.setFontSize(12); context.setFillStyle(\'#333\'); context.setTextAlign(\'left\'); context.fillText("进入小程序输入朋友的邀请", 35, 540); context.stroke(); context.setFontSize(12); context.setFillStyle(\'#333\'); context.setTextAlign(\'left\'); context.fillText("码,朋友和你各自获得通用", 35, 560); context.stroke(); context.setFontSize(12); context.setFillStyle(\'#333\'); context.setTextAlign(\'left\'); context.fillText("优惠券1张哦~", 35, 580); context.stroke(); //绘制右下角扫码提示语 context.drawImage(path5, 248, 578, 90, 25); //绘制头像 context.arc(186, 246, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI) //画出圆 context.strokeStyle = "#ffe200"; context.clip(); //裁剪上面的圆形 context.drawImage(path1, 136, 196, 100, 100); // 在刚刚裁剪的园上画图 context.draw(); //将生成好的图片保存到本地,需要延迟一会,绘制期间耗时 setTimeout(function () { wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ canvasId: \'mycanvas\', success: function (res) { var tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath; that.setData({ imagePath: tempFilePath, canvasHidden:true }); }, fail: function (res) { console.log(res); } }); }, 200); }, //点击保存到相册 baocun:function(){ var that = this wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ filePath: that.data.imagePath, success(res) { wx.showModal({ content: \'图片已保存到相册,赶紧晒一下吧~\', showCancel: false, confirmText: \'好的\', confirmColor: \'#333\', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { console.log(\'用户点击确定\'); /* 该隐藏的隐藏 */ that.setData({ maskHidden: false }) } },fail:function(res){ console.log(11111) } }) } }) }, //点击生成 formSubmit: function (e) { var that = this; this.setData({ maskHidden: false }); wx.showToast({ title: \'装逼中...\', icon: \'loading\', duration: 1000 }); setTimeout(function () { wx.hideToast() that.createNewImg(); that.setData({ maskHidden: true }); }, 1000) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { var that = this; wx.getUserInfo({ success: res => { console.log(res.userInfo, "huoqudao le ") this.setData({ name: res.userInfo.nickName, }) wx.downloadFile({ url: res.userInfo.avatarUrl, //仅为示例,并非真实的资源 success: function (res) { // 只要服务器有响应数据,就会把响应内容写入文件并进入 success 回调,业务需要自行判断是否下载到了想要的内容 if (res.statusCode === 200) { console.log(res, "reererererer") that.setData({ touxiang: res.tempFilePath }) } } }) } }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function () { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function (res) { return { title:"这个是我分享出来的东西", success:function(res){ console.log(res,"转发成功") }, fail:function(res){ console.log(res,"转发失败") } } } })