
时间:2024-02-23 12:09:11


因为MST适用于多个VLAN的情况,所以它就比PVST+或RPVST+要求更多的其他配置。当用户通过命令:spanning-tree mode mst启用MST之后,就可以利用其他配置命令配置区域和实例:
步骤1 进入MST配置子模式来配置MST:
spanning-tree mst configuration
步骤2 配置MST区域名称
name name
步骤3 配置MST配置版本号
revision revision_number
步骤4 将VLAN映射到MSTI
instance instance_number vlan vlan_range
步骤 5 保存退出,退出MST配置模式

在基于Cisco IOS软件的Catalyst接交换机上配置MST和将VLAN映射到实例的输出结果
用命令:switch#configure terminal
switch(config)#spanning-tree mode mst
switch(config)#spanning-tree mst configration
switch(config-mst)#show current
Current MST configuration
Name      []
Revision 0
Instance Vlans mapped
-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
0         1-4094

switch(config-mst)#name cisco
switch(config-mst)#revision 1
switch(config-mst)#instance 1 vlan 1-10
switch(config-mst)#show pending
Pending MST configuration
Name      [cisco]
Revision 1
Instance Vlans mapped
-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
0         11-4094
1         1-10

在上例中,show current命令将可以显示交换机上MST的当前配置。show pending将能够详细地显示未提交的MST配置。如果管理员通过使用abort命令来放弃所做的配置变更,那么Catalyst交换机就将忽略未决的 配置。此外,当发出end命令的时候,Catalyst交换机将保存MST配置,如上例所示。

举例说明用户如何在基于CIsco IOS软件的Catalyst交换机上显示MST配置。
在基于Cisco IOS软件的Catalyst交换机上显示MST配置
switch#show spanning-tree mst configuration
Name      [cisco]
Revision 1
Instance Vlans mapped
-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
0         11-4094
1         1-10

在基于Cisco IOS软件的Catalyst交换机显示MST协议信息
switch#show spanning-tree mst
###### MST00        vlans mapped:   11-4094
Bridge      address 001a.e3b6.7100 priority 32768 (32768 sysid 0)
Root        address 0019.0632.d800 priority 32768 (32768 sysid 0)
            port    Fa0/1           path cost 200000  
IST master this switch
Operational hello time 2, forward delay 15, max age 20
Configured hello time 2, forward delay 15, max age 20, max hops 20

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/1            Root FWD 200000    128.3    P2p Bound(RSTP)
Fa0/2            Altn BLK 200000    128.4    P2p Bound(RSTP)
Fa0/3            Altn BLK 200000    128.5    P2p Bound(RSTP)

###### MST01        vlans mapped:   1-10
Bridge      address 001a.e3b6.7100 priority 32769 (32768 sysid 1)
Root        this switch for MST01

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/1            Boun FWD 200000    128.3    P2p Bound(RSTP)
Fa0/2            Boun BLK 200000    128.4    P2p Bound(RSTP)
Fa0/3            Boun BLK 200000    128.5    P2p Bound(RSTP)

switch#show spanning-tree mst 1

###### MST01        vlans mapped:   1-10
Bridge      address 001a.e3b6.7100 priority 32769 (32768 sysid 1)
Root        this switch for MST01

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/1            Boun FWD 200000    128.3    P2p Bound(RSTP)
Fa0/2            Boun BLK 200000    128.4    P2p Bound(RSTP)
Fa0/3            Boun BLK 200000    128.5    P2p Bound(RSTP)

switch#show spanning-tree mst interface FastEthernet 0/2

FastEthernet0/2 of MST00 is alternate blocking
Edge port: no             (default)        port guard : none        (default)
Link type: point-to-point (auto)           bpdu filter: enable      (internal)
Boundary : boundary       (auto)           bpdu guard : disable     (default)
Bpdus sent 3, received 60

Instance Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Vlans mapped
-------- ---- --- --------- -------- -------------------------------
0        Altn BLK 200000    128.4    11-4094
1        Boun BLK 200000    128.4    1-10

switch#show spanning-tree mst 1 detail
###### MST01        vlans mapped:   1-10
Bridge      address 001a.e3b6.7100 priority 32769 (32768 sysid 1)
Root        this switch for MST01

FastEthernet0/1 of MST01 is boundary forwarding
Port info             port id          128.3 priority    128 cost      200000
Designated root       address 001a.e3b6.7100 priority 32769 cost           0
Designated bridge     address 001a.e3b6.7100 priority 32769 port id    128.3
Timers: message expires in 0 sec, forward delay 0, forward transitions 1
Bpdus (MRecords) sent 74, received 0

FastEthernet0/2 of MST01 is boundary blocking
Port info             port id          128.4 priority    128 cost      200000
Designated root       address 001a.e3b6.7100 priority 32769 cost           0
Designated bridge     address 001a.e3b6.7100 priority 32769 port id    128.4
Timers: message expires in 0 sec, forward delay 0, forward transitions 0
Bpdus (MRecords) sent 3, received 0

FastEthernet0/3 of MST01 is boundary blocking
Port info             port id          128.5 priority    128 cost      200000
Designated root       address 001a.e3b6.7100 priority 32769 cost           0
Designated bridge     address 001a.e3b6.7100 priority 32769 port id    128.5
Timers: message expires in 0 sec, forward delay 0, forward transitions 0
Bpdus (MRecords) sent 3, received 0


show spanning-tree    显示交换机上所配置全部VLAN的STP信息
show spanning-tree active   显示有激活接口的全部VLAN的STP信息
show spanning-tree interface interface-id 显示指定接口的STP信息
show spanning-tree statistics mod/port vlan_Id 在运行Cisco CatOS软件的Catalyst交换机中,      显示特定接口和特定VLAN的STP信息
show spanning-tree summary   显示交换机上所配置每个VLAN的STP汇总信息
show spanning-tree summary totals 显示交换机上所配置全部VLAN的STP汇总信息
show spanning-tree detail   显示交换机上所配置全部VLAN的STP详细信息
show spanning-tree vlan vlan_id bridge 显示特定VLAN的STP网桥信息
show spanning-tree root    显示交换机上所配置全部VLAN的STP根信息
show spanning-tree vlan vlan-id   显示特定VLAN的STP信息
(config-if)#show spanning-tree cost port_cost 配置接口的生成树开销值
(config)#show spanning-tree vlan vlan_id root primary 通过将交换机的优先级自动降低到        低于当前根的优先级,将交换机配置为特定        VLAN的根
(config)#show spanning-tree vlan vlan_id priority value 配置特定VLAN的网桥优先级

本文来自: 高校自动化网(Www.zdh1909.com) 详细出处参考(转载请保留本链接):http://www.zdh1909.com/html/Cisco/15532.html