无法创建VSTO Excel工作簿项目

时间:2022-02-23 23:36:06

I am having two issues on two computers, I have another question unanswered about opening an existing VTSO Excel workbook. However this question is about creating a new project with VSTO. If I select Excel 2013 Workbook C# in new projects, and choose create a new workbook, it starts to open Excel, and then I get this error in VS

我在两台计算机上遇到两个问题,我还有另外一个关于打开现有VTSO Excel工作簿的问题。然而,这个问题是关于用VSTO创建一个新项目。如果我在新项目中选择Excel 2013 Workbook C#,并选择创建新工作簿,它会开始打开Excel,然后我在VS中收到此错误

无法创建VSTO Excel工作簿项目

What's really strange is it occurs on two computers I have, with a mix of Office 2010, and Office 2013. I have installed the lastest R2 and VSTO May release. Uninstalling & reinstalling VS 2013 made no difference, and switching between R2 and R2 VS made no difference. Also opening exising projects fails as well. I read this question and tried the suggested answers, most notably this:

真正奇怪的是它发生在我拥有的两台计算机上,混合使用Office 2010和Office 2013.我已经安装了最新的R2和VSTO May版本。卸载和重新安装VS 2013没有任何区别,R2和R2 VS之间的切换没有任何区别。同时开放现有项目也失败了。我读了这个问题并尝试了建议的答案,最值得注意的是:

无法创建VSTO Excel工作簿项目

But to no avail. I'm at a loss, because I can't work on my project. Does anyone have any ideas?


2 个解决方案



UPDATE: Dec 22, 2016:


The temporary workaround is to roll-back to a previous version of Excel and disable automatic Office updates.


  1. Open Excel > File > Account > Update Options > Disable Updates


  2. Note of your Office version under Office Updates


  3. Keep reverting to the previous version of Office 2013 / 2016 until issue is resolved:
    Start on Step 2: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2770432

    继续恢复到以前版本的Office 2013/2016,直到问题得到解决:从第2步开始:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2770432

In my case, I went from 6965.2115 (December 13, 2016) to 6965.2105 (November 8, 2016)... but issue persisted.


Then down to 6965.2092 (October 11, 2016).. and ISSUE RESOLVED!


As of Dec. 2016, there's no official Microsoft fix.


Here's the open BUG at Microsoft. Anyone facing this frustration, please up vote to voice your concerns so that Microsoft can take priority on this: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/3117015/excel-designer-cannot-be-activated-visual-studio

这是微软公开的BUG。任何人都面临这种挫败感,请投票表达您的疑虑,以便微软可以优先考虑:https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/3117015/excel-designer-cannot-be-activated-visual -工作室



I finally stumbled on a solution of sorts for this problem. I uninstalled Office 2013 x86 and Installed Office 2013 x64, and I also Installed the Visual Studio 2015 RC and I am now able to make new projects. This doesn't solve everyone's issue, because not everyone can use Office x64, but it works for me.

我终于偶然发现了这个问题的各种解决方案。我卸载了Office 2013 x86和Installed Office 2013 x64,我还安装了Visual Studio 2015 RC,现在我可以创建新项目了。这并不能解决每个人的问题,因为不是每个人都可以使用Office x64,但它对我有用。



UPDATE: Dec 22, 2016:


The temporary workaround is to roll-back to a previous version of Excel and disable automatic Office updates.


  1. Open Excel > File > Account > Update Options > Disable Updates


  2. Note of your Office version under Office Updates


  3. Keep reverting to the previous version of Office 2013 / 2016 until issue is resolved:
    Start on Step 2: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2770432

    继续恢复到以前版本的Office 2013/2016,直到问题得到解决:从第2步开始:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2770432

In my case, I went from 6965.2115 (December 13, 2016) to 6965.2105 (November 8, 2016)... but issue persisted.


Then down to 6965.2092 (October 11, 2016).. and ISSUE RESOLVED!


As of Dec. 2016, there's no official Microsoft fix.


Here's the open BUG at Microsoft. Anyone facing this frustration, please up vote to voice your concerns so that Microsoft can take priority on this: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/3117015/excel-designer-cannot-be-activated-visual-studio

这是微软公开的BUG。任何人都面临这种挫败感,请投票表达您的疑虑,以便微软可以优先考虑:https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/3117015/excel-designer-cannot-be-activated-visual -工作室



I finally stumbled on a solution of sorts for this problem. I uninstalled Office 2013 x86 and Installed Office 2013 x64, and I also Installed the Visual Studio 2015 RC and I am now able to make new projects. This doesn't solve everyone's issue, because not everyone can use Office x64, but it works for me.

我终于偶然发现了这个问题的各种解决方案。我卸载了Office 2013 x86和Installed Office 2013 x64,我还安装了Visual Studio 2015 RC,现在我可以创建新项目了。这并不能解决每个人的问题,因为不是每个人都可以使用Office x64,但它对我有用。