
时间:2024-02-22 12:30:39


AI Programming Resources
PC AI - Logic Programming
Computational Logic
ILOG, Inc.
University of Washington: Constraint-Based Systems
Declarative Systems & Software Engineering (DSSE) Group
Extreme Software
Topics in Information Processing 2CS24: Declarative Languages
Constraint Logic Programming
comp.lang.functional FAQ
John McCarthy
Screamer Tool Repository
Lisp Resources
Mercury Project
The Miranda Programming Language
Mozart Programming System
Oz Programming System
Logic Programming Associates
Cetus Links: Prolog
The Scheme Programming Language
CMU Scheme Repository


comp.speech WWW Site [UK] - Information on speech technology products and soft

Computational Semiotics and Fuzzy Linguistics

Computational Semiotics
Grammar Formalisms
Grammatical Inference
LINGUIST List virtual library
"String Searching Algorithms" Book
AGFL Grammar Work Lab
Natural Language Software Registry

Neural Networks Tutorial Review
Image Compression with Neural Networks
Backpropagator\'s Review
Bibliographies on Neural Networks
Intelligent Motion Control with an Artificial Cerebellum
Kernel Machines
Some Neural Networks Research Organizations
Neural Network Modeling in Vision Research
Neural Networks and Machine Learning
Neural Application Software
Neural Network Toolbox for MATLAB
Netlab Software
Kunama Systems Limited


AI Tutorial Review
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
The Turing Test and Intelligence
AI Resources

AI Programming Resources
Some AI Research Organizations

Introduction to Expert Systems
Berkeley Expert System Technology lab
Jess, the Expert System Shell for the Java Platform
CLIPS: A Tool for Building Expert Systems
FuzzyCLIPS - Fuzzy Work(Expert System)
Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems at Acquired Intelligence
Computer program designed to solve standard American crosswords
GEOMET Technologies, Inc.
ExpLore Reasoning Systems: Business rule and expert system

Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Discovery In Databases: Tools and techniques
Resource Description Framework (RDF) Schema Specification 1.0 ,W3C Candidate R

ecommendation 27 March 2000
W3C Resource Description Framework Resource Description Framework (RDF), the W

3C Standard for knowledge representation on the Web
Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF)- Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF), a DARP

A project based format for exchanging pieces of knowledge bases
Data Mining And Knowledge Discovery
AI Knowledge-Based Systems
Knowledge Representation Resources


Machine Learning Tutorial
Reinforcement Learning:An Introduction
The Journal of Machine Learning Research
Online Machine Learning Resources
Machine Learning at AAAI
Active Logic - inference engine that incorporates a history of their reasoning

as they run
Machine Learning in Games
Machine Learning Group
Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems at Acquired Intelligence

China Robotics Web Sites
Robot Science & Technology - magazine
Mobile Robotics Research Group, Edinburgh University
robort topics and links
Arnold goal to design a system of multiple robots, that are individually auton

omous and can team up to cooperatively perform tasks.
Modular Reconfigurable Robotics - research project from Xerox PARC to design s

mall, autonomous robots that can be reconfigured and linked together to achiev

e different goals.
Polypod - modular, reconfigurable robot that walks, rolls, and crawls
Australia\'s Telerobot on the Web
RoboCup: The Robot World Cup

Intelligent Agent Tutorial Review
A Perspective on Software Agents Research
Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice
Software Agents: An Overview
Mobile Agents and the Future of the Internet
Intelligent Agent Resource

Proof Theory as an Alternative to Model Theory
Mathematical Reasoning Group
Description of the HOL Theorem Proving System
Software, Theorem Provers

Inductive Theorem Prover INKA 4.0

Mechanized Reasoning Systems
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Case-Based Reasoning
David J.C. MacKay: Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms
Exploring the Labyrinth of the Mind
TMYCIN: Medical Reasoning System

Reasoning about Computational Resource Allocation
Qualitative Reasoning Research at UT Austin
Qualitative Reasoning Group, Northwestern University
Formal Reasoning Group
Case-Based Reasoning
Integrated Reasoning Group Overview

Pattern Recognition Tutorial
Pattern Recognition for HCI
RailwayBridge: Medical Applications for Pattern Classifiers
Bayesian motion estimation and segmentation
Facial Expression Home Page
Keith Price Bibliography Annotated Computer Vision Bibliography:
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Pattern Recognition Information
Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems at Boston University
Attrasoft Neural Network Application Software
optical recognition objectives

Computers, Games and the Real World
Machine Learning in Games
How Machines have Learned to Play Othello
  http://www.neci.nj.nec.com/ homepages/mic/ps/IEEE.pdf
Amit\'s Thoughts on Path-Finding
Game AI
Journal & Book Publications on Othello Programs
Project: Von Neumann

READY: User-Oriented Resource-Adaptivity
Algorithms for Adaptive Sampling Designs
Complex Adaptive Systems
Intelligent Motion Control with an Artificial Cerebellum
Piranha and Adaptive Parallelism
The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
Adaptive Environments Center, Inc.
  http:// www.adaptenv.org/
Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation
Complex Adaptive Systems Research

Rule-Based Systems
Rule-Based Systems Overview
Constraints and Rule-based Systems
Rule-Based Systems: Mechanisms and Efficiency

Principles and Practice in Verifying Rule-Based Systems
Improving O & M Problem Diagnosis with Rule-Based Computer Systems
V, V&T of New Technology: Rule-Based Systems
The Myth of Modularity In Rule-Based Sys\'I\'tems for Reasoning With Uncertainty

Rule-Based Diagnostic Systems
A Software Engineering Methodology for Rule-based Systems
Uncertain Rule-Based Fuzzy Logic Systems: Introduction and New Directions (Boo

k) 2001
  http://vig.pearsoned.com/store/product/0 ,store-562_banner-0_isbn-0130409693

Building Rule-Based Systems (Course)

Machine Learning: Rule-Based Systems
Neural Fuzzy Systems with Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems
Production Systems for Rule-Based Programming
On the Expressiveness of Rule-Based Systems for Reasoning with Uncertainty
Decision Trees and Rule-Based Systems

Mycin - Rule-Based Systems

Parallel Rule-Based Systems
Rule-Based Systems - A Core Technology of Expert Systems
Using Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems To Evaluatem Overall Financial Performance of G


Automatic Design of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems
Rule-Based Data Mining (RBDM)
Experiments in Knowledge Refinement for a Large Rule-Based System
Validation of Intelligence in Large Rule-Based Systems with Common Sense
Uncertain Rule-Based Fuzzy Logic Systems for Wireless Communications
CLIPS Rule-Based Language
Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems
Rule-based Expert Systems for Information Retrieval
Implementing Rule-Based Online Expert Systems
Feasibility of General Purpose Rule-Based MT Systems
Optimization Of Real-Time Rule-Based Expert Systems
Rule-Based Intrusion Detection
Set-Oriented Constructs for Rule-Based Systems

Neural Application Software
License Plate and Container Recognition
Prime Time Freeware for AI
The MatterHorn Materials Discovery Database
Dendral and Congen

Applications of AI in Education
Artificial Intelligence Systems in Routine Clinical Use.
TMYCIN: Medical Reasoning System

GEOMET Technologies, Inc.
Tactical guidance system for military aircraft

