本片文章中的截图方式 :
mac: 调用系统截图
qq截图工具地址: https://github.com/17326953721/qqScreenshot.git
import { execFile } from "child_process";
const isDevelopment = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development";
const path = require("path");
let url = path.resolve(__dirname, "./../static/qq/PrintScr.exe");
if (isDevelopment && !process.env.IS_TEST) { // 生产环境 url = path.join(__dirname, "../../extraResources/PrintScr.exe"); } let screen_window = execFile(url); screen_window.on("exit", (code) => { if (code) { //截图完成,已经在粘贴板中 } });
"extraResources": [ { "from": "./static/qq/PrintScr.exe", "to": "./extraResources/PrintScr.exe" }, { "from": "./static/qq/PrScrn.dll", "to": "./extraResources/PrScrn.dll" } ],
const child_process = require("child_process"); child_process.exec(`screencapture -i -c`, (error, stdout, stderr) => { console.log("308", error); if (!error) { //截图完成,在粘贴板中 } });
screencapture 是mac中的命令,可以通过终端输入进行截图,后缀命令:
-c 强制截图保存到剪贴板而不是文件中 -C 截图时保留光标(只在非交互模式下有效) -d display errors to the user graphically(不知道啥意思) -i 交互模式截取屏幕。可以是选区或者是窗口。按下空格可切换截屏模式 -m 只截取主显示器(-i模式下无效) -M 截图完毕后,会打开邮件客户端,图片就躺在邮件正文中 -o 在窗口模式下,不截取窗口的阴影 -P 截图完毕后,在图片预览中打开 -s 只允许鼠标选择模式 -S 窗口模式下,截取屏幕而不是窗口 -t png 指定图片格式,模式是png。可选的有pdf, jpg, tiff等 -T 延时截取,默认为5秒。 -w 只允许窗口截取模式 -W 开始交互截取模式,默认为窗口模式(只是默认模式与-i不同) -x 不播放声效 -a do not include windows attached to selected windows(不懂) -r 不向图片中加入dpi信息 -l<windowid> 抓取指定windowid的窗口截图 -R<x,y,w,h> 抓取指定区域的截图 -B<bundleid> 截图输出会被bundleid指出的程序打开 -U 打开截屏操作版 //我这边使用-U,会报错
import { clipboard } from "electron"; //调用electron方法获取剪贴板内容 clipboardParsing() { let pngs = clipboard.readImage().toPNG(); //可改变图片格式,如:toJPEG let imgData = new Buffer(pngs, "beas64"); let imgs = "data:image/png;base64," + btoa(new Uint8Array(imgData).reduce( (data, byte) => data + String.fromCharCode(byte), "") ); let mytextarea = document.getElementById("mytextarea"); let screenshotImg = document.createElement("img"); //imgs 为base64格式 screenshotImg.src = imgs; screenshotImg.style.maxHeight = "70px"; screenshotImg.style.maxWidth = "200px"; mytextarea.appendChild(screenshotImg); },
import { execFile } from "child_process";
const isDevelopment = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development";
const path = require("path");
const child_process = require("child_process");
execFileWay() { if (process.platform == "darwin") { //判断当前操作系统,"darwin" 是mac系统 "win32" 是window系统 child_process.exec(`screencapture -i -c`,(error, stdout, stderr) => { if (!error) { this.clipboardParsing(); } }); } else { let url = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../../../../static/qq/PrintScr.exe"); if (isDevelopment && !process.env.IS_TEST) { // 生产环境 url = path.join(__dirname, "../../../../extraResources/PrintScr.exe" ); } let screen_window = execFile(url); screen_window.on("exit", (code) => { if (code) { this.clipboardParsing(); } }); } }
import { app, Menu, BrowserWindow, ipcMain,Tray, BrowserView, globalShortcut } from \'electron\' import { execFile } from \'child_process\'; const isDevelopment = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development"; const path = require(\'path\'); //截图快捷键 export const screenshots = () => { return globalShortcut.register(\'CommandOrControl+Shift+L\', () => { let url = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../static/qq/PrintScr.exe"); if (isDevelopment && !process.env.IS_TEST) { // 生产环境 url = path.join(__dirname, \'../../../extraResources/PrintScr.exe\'); } let screen_window = execFile(url); })