打开Chrome OS自动更新功能 - pengyq0930

时间:2024-02-21 11:47:04

打开Chrome OS自动更新功能


如需更新Chrome OS,请先确保Brunch内核已经支持该版本的Chrome OS。


Update only the Brunch framework (if you have enabled native ChromeOS updates)

If you chose to use the "enable_updates" option and have updated to a new ChromeOS release, you might want to update the brunch framework to match your current ChromeOS version.

  1. Download the Brunch release corresponding to your ChromeOS version (from the GitHub release section).
  2. Open the ChromeOS shell (CTRL+ALT+T and enter shell at the invite)
  3. Update the framework:
sudo chromeos-update -f < path to the Brunch release archive >
  1. Restart ChromeOS


在Brunch内核中默认会关闭Chrome OS自动更新功能


2)打开Grub Customizer

3)选择安装Chrome OS时设置的路径,我设置的名字是Chrome OS

4)在img_path=$img_path 后面添加options=enable_updates
