I'm using the tikz.py pandocfilter to turn latex tikz code in a markdown file into images in the output html file. I'm running pandoc version, python 2.7.10 and ImageMagick 6.9.6-4. My pandoc command is:
我正在使用tikz.py pandocfilter将markdown文件中的latex tikz代码转换为输出html文件中的图像。我正在运行pandoc版本1.17.0.2,python 2.7.10和ImageMagick 6.9.6-4。我的pandoc命令是:
pandoc -s -c --mathjax -i- t slidy tik.md --filter tikz.py -o tik.html
(but I've tried simpler commands without slidy or mathjax and they give the same issue)
Where tik.md contains a simple tikz environment:
\draw (0,0) -- (4,0) -- (4,4) -- (0,4) -- (0,0);
tikz.py runs well and it seems to successfully generate the image:
$ pandoc -s -c --mathjax -i -t slidy tik.md --filter tikz.py -o tik.html
$ pandoc -s -c --mathjax -i -t slidy tik.md --filter tikz.py -o tik.html
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015) (preloaded format=pdflatex) restricted \write18 enabled.
这是pdfTeX,版本3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16(TeX Live 2015)(预加载格式= pdflatex)启用了限制\ write18。
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2015/01/01>
Babel ...
[1] (./tikz.aux) )
Output written on tikz.pdf (1 page, 1077 bytes).
Transcript written on tikz.log.
Created image tikz-images/53200b26dfa2c05d2b92647ef74211f7a2ce0c0e.png
创建的图像tikz-images / 53200b26dfa2c05d2b92647ef74211f7a2ce0c0e.png
pandoc: Error in $: Failed reading: not a valid json value
I am using an unaltered tikz.py so it is not clear to me where the source of the problem could be. Any thoughts?
1 个解决方案
I just ran into the same thing in a Ruby filter, and finally figured out that it was because I was trying to write debugging output to standard output. Since a filter has to read standard input and write to standard output, any debugging output on standard output will blow things up.
In my Ruby filter I had to change puts 'debug stuff'
to STDERR.puts 'debug stuff'
在我的Ruby过滤器中,我不得不将put'debug stuff'更改为STDERR.puts'debug stuff'。
I just ran into the same thing in a Ruby filter, and finally figured out that it was because I was trying to write debugging output to standard output. Since a filter has to read standard input and write to standard output, any debugging output on standard output will blow things up.
In my Ruby filter I had to change puts 'debug stuff'
to STDERR.puts 'debug stuff'
在我的Ruby过滤器中,我不得不将put'debug stuff'更改为STDERR.puts'debug stuff'。