Vector tiles矢量切片
A broad collection of natural, built, and place data广泛收集的自然、建筑和地点数据
Global elevation data全球高程数据
Constantly updating traffic data不断更新交通数据
Open standard开放的标准

On this page本页
- How web maps work网络地图如何工作的
- Benefits of vector tiles矢量切片的好处
- Open standard开放标准
Vector tiles make huge maps fast while offering full design flexibility. The vector tile format is the vector data equivalent of raster image tiles for web mapping, with the strengths of tiling: optimized for caching, scaling, and serving map imagery rapidly.
The Mapbox-owned vector tilesets described in this documentation are freely available for developers to use as data sources. Mapbox-maintained styles use these tilesets as data sources.
These vector tile reference documents include information to help you style the data from each tileset. You can refer to these documents to find information about layers, data fields, data sources, and more.
How web maps work网络地图是如何工作的
Traditionally, maps are created from image tiles. Like for instance this PNG image tile depicting the corner of lower Manhattan with roads, building footprints, and parks:
To get the underlying vector tile data that makes up this image, you can request it specifically:
要获取构成此图像的底层矢量平铺数据,可以特别请求它:<your access token>
As the name suggests, vector tiles contain vector data instead of the rendered image. They contain geometries and metadata — like road names, place names, house numbers — in a compact, structured format. Vector tiles are rendered only when requested by a client, like a web browser or a mobile app. Rendering happens either in the client (Mapbox GL JS, Mapbox iOS SDK, Mapbox Android SDK) or dynamically on the server (map API). Read the Mapbox Vector Tile Specification to learn more.
顾名思义,矢量平铺包含矢量数据,而不是渲染图像。它们以紧凑、结构化的格式包含几何图形和元数据,如道路名称、地名、房屋编号。矢量图块仅在客户端(如web浏览器或移动应用程序)请求时呈现。渲染可以在客户端(Mapbox GL JS、Mapbox iOS SDK、Mapbox Android SDK)中进行,也可以在服务器(map API)上动态进行。阅读Mapbox矢量平铺规范以了解更多信息。(矢量切片可以提前切好,也可以实时生成)
Benefits of vector tiles矢量切片的好处
Vector tiles have two important advantages over fully rendered image tiles:
- Styling: as vectors, tiles can be styled when requested, allowing for many map styles on global data
- Size: vector tiles are really small, enabling global high resolution maps, fast map loads, and efficient caching
Mapbox Streets, our global basemap, is entirely made of vector tiles. Any map data you upload with Mapbox Studio is converted into vector tiles before styling.
地图盒街道,我们的全球基础地图,是完全由矢量切片制作的。使用Mapbox Studio上载的任何地图数据在设置样式之前都会转换为矢量分幅。
Open standard开放标准
Vector tiles are an open standard under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 US License. We support vector tiles across our products and there is a large list of vector tile implementation by other vendors.
Read the Mapbox Vector Tile Spec on GitHub and get in touch with us there with feedback and improvements.