I am trying to write a function that given a list of non negative integers, arranges them such that they form the largest possible number.
For example, given [50, 2, 1, 9]
, the largest formed number is 95021
Here is the code that I have tried to solve the problem:
a = [50, 2, 1, 9]
ans = []
for i in range(len(a)-1,-1,-1):
print ''.join(map(str,ans))
However, I get 50921
, as 50
is largest, but it should show 9
7 个解决方案
In Python 2 you can do this with an appropriate comparison function passed to sort
在Python 2中,您可以使用传递给sort的适当比较函数来完成此操作。
#!/usr/bin/env python
''' Sort a list of non-negative integers so that
if the integers were converted to string, concatenated
and converted back to int, the resulting int is the highest
possible for that list
From http://*.com/q/30140796/4014959
Written by PM 2Ring 2015.05.10
Python 2 version
data = [
[50, 2, 1, 9],
[10, 1],
[2, 23, 21],
def mycmp(a, b):
a, b = str(a), str(b)
ab, ba = a + b, b + a
if ab == ba:
return 0
if ab < ba:
return -1
return 1
for a in data:
print 'In: ', a
a.sort(cmp=mycmp, reverse=True)
print 'Out:', a
In: [50, 2, 1, 9]
Out: [9, 50, 2, 1]
In: [10, 1]
Out: [1, 10]
In: [2, 23, 21]
Out: [23, 2, 21]
In Python 3, sort
no longer takes a custom comparison function. scpio's answer shows how to use functools
to convert a comparison function into a key function, but it's not that hard to do "by hand".
在Python 3中,sort不再需要自定义比较功能。 scpio的答案显示了如何使用functools将比较函数转换为关键函数,但“手工”并不难。
#!/usr/bin/env python
''' Sort a list of non-negative integers so that
if the integers were converted to string, concatenated
and converted back to int, the resulting int is the highest
possible for that list
From http://*.com/q/30140796/4014959
Written by PM 2Ring 2015.05.10
Python 3 compatible version
from __future__ import print_function
class cmpclass(object):
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = str(n)
def __str__(self):
return self.n
def _cmp(self, other):
a, b = self.n, str(other)
ab, ba = a + b, b + a
if ab == ba:
return 0
if ab < ba:
return -1
return 1
def __lt__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) == -1
def __le__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) <= 0
def __eq__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) == 0
def __ne__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) != 0
def __gt__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) == 1
def __ge__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) >= 0
data = [
[50, 2, 1, 9],
[10, 1],
[2, 23, 21],
for a in data:
print('In: ', a)
a.sort(key=cmpclass, reverse=True)
print('Out:', a)
In: [50, 2, 1, 9]
Out: [9, 50, 2, 1]
In: [10, 1]
Out: [1, 10]
In: [2, 23, 21]
Out: [23, 2, 21]
The previous Python 3 compatible version I posted doesn't actually work on Python 3 :oops:! That's because the __cmp__
method is no longer supported in Python 3. So I've changed my old __cmp__
method to _cmp
and used it to implement all 6 of the rich comparison methods.
我发布的以前的Python 3兼容版本实际上并不适用于Python 3:oops:!那是因为Python 3中不再支持__cmp__方法。因此我将旧的__cmp__方法更改为_cmp并使用它来实现所有6种丰富的比较方法。
Important note
I have to mention that this comparison function is a bit weird: it's non-transitive, in other words, a>b and b>c doesn't
necessarily imply a>c. And that means that the results of using it in
unpredictable. It does appear to do the right thing for the data I've tested it with, eg, it returns the correct result for all permutations of
[1, 5, 10]
, but I guess it really shouldn't be trusted to do so for all input.
我必须提到这个比较函数有点奇怪:它是非传递的,换句话说,a> b和b> c并不一定意味着a> c。这意味着在.sort()中使用它的结果是不可预测的。它似乎对我测试过的数据做了正确的事情,例如,它为[1,5,10]的所有排列返回正确的结果,但我想这真的不应该被信任对于所有输入。
An alternative strategy that's guaranteed to work is brute force: generate all permutations of the input list & find the permutation that yields the maximum result. But hopefully there's a more efficient algorithm, since generating all permutations of a large list is rather slow.
As Antti Haapala points out in the comments, my old comparison functions were unstable when comparing different numbers that consist of the same sequences of repeating digits, eg 123123 and 123123123. Such sequences should compare equal, my old functions didn't do that. The latest modification addresses that problem.
正如Antti Haapala在评论中指出的那样,当比较由重复数字的相同序列组成的不同数字时,我的旧比较函数是不稳定的,例如123123和123123123.这些序列应该相等,我的旧函数没有这样做。最新的修改解决了这个问题。
It turns out that mycmp() / _cmp()
actually is transitive. It's also stable, now that it handles the ab == ba
case properly, so it's safe to use with TimSort (or any other sorting algorithm). And it can be shown that it gives the same result as Antti Haapala's fractionalize()
key function.
事实证明,mycmp()/ _cmp()实际上是可传递的。它也很稳定,因为它正确处理了ab == ba的情况,所以使用TimSort(或任何其他排序算法)是安全的。并且可以证明它与Antti Haapala的fractionalize()键函数具有相同的结果。
In what follows I'll use uppercase letters to represent integers in the list and I'll use the lowercase version of a letter to represent the number of digits in that integer. Eg, a
is the number of digits in A
. I'll use _
as an infix operator to represent digit concatenation. Eg, A_B
is int(str(A)+str(B)
; note that A_B
has a+b
digits. Arithmetically,A_B = A * 10**b + B
在下面我将使用大写字母表示列表中的整数,我将使用字母的小写版本来表示该整数中的位数。例如,a是A中的位数。我将使用_作为中缀运算符来表示数字连接。例如,A_B是int(str(A)+ str(B);注意A_B有+ b个数字。算术上,A_B = A * 10 ** b + B.
For the sake of brevity, I'll use f()
to represent Antti Haapala's fractionalize()
key function. Note that f(A) = A / (10**a - 1)
为简洁起见,我将使用f()来表示Antti Haapala的fractionalize()键函数。注意f(A)= A /(10 ** a - 1)。
Now for some algebra. I'll put it in a code block to keep the formatting simple.
Let A_B = B_A
A * 10**b + B = B * 10**a + A
A * 10**b - A = B * 10**a - B
A * (10**b - 1) = B * (10**a - 1)
A / (10**a - 1) = B / (10**b - 1)
f(A) = f(B)
So A_B = B_A if & only if f(A) = f(B)
A_B > B_A if & only if f(A) > f(B)
This proves that using mycmp() / _cmp() as the sort comparison function
is equivalent to using fractionalize() as the sort key function.
Note that
f(A_B) = (A * 10**b + B) / (10**(a+b)-1)
f(B_A) = (B * 10**a + A) / (10**(a+b)-1)
So f(A_B) = f(B_A) iff A_B = B_A, and f(A_B) > f(B_A) iff A_B > B_A
Let's see what happens with 3 integers.
f(A), f(B), f(C) are just real numbers, so comparing them is
And so if f(A) > f(B) and f(B) > f(C) then f(A) > f(C).
This proves that mycmp() / _cmp() is also transitive.
Clearly, if f(A) > f(B) > f(C) then
A_B > B_A, B_C > C_B, A_C > C_A
Let B_C > C_B
For any A,
A * 10**(b+c) + B_C > A * 10**(b+c) + C_B
So A_B_C > A_C_B
i.e. adding the same integer to the beginning of B_C and C_B preserves
the inequality.
Let A_B > B_A
For any C,
(A_B) * 10**c + C > (B_A) * 10**c + C
So A_B_C > B_A_C,
i.e. adding the same integer to the end of A_B and B_A preserves the
Using these results, we can show that
if f(A) > f(B) > f(C) then
A_B_C > A_C_B > C_A_B > C_B_A and
A_B_C > B_A_C > B_C_A > C_B_A.
This covers all 6 permutations of [A, B, C] and shows that A_B_C is the
largest possible integer for that list.
A mathematical induction-style argument shows that sorting a list of any finite length using pairwise comparisons with mycmp()
/ _cmp()
as the comparison function or with fractionalize()
as the key function suffices to find the permutation that yields the largest possible integer produced by digit concatenation. The details of this argument will be left as an exercise for the reader. :)
数学归纳式参数表明,使用成对比较mycmp()/ _cmp()作为比较函数或使用fractionalize()作为键函数排序任何有限长度的列表足以找到产生最大可能整数的置换由数字串联产生。这个论点的细节将留给读者练习。 :)
One-liner using insights from Antti Haapala, PM 2Ring and Stefan Pochmann:
One-liner使用Antti Haapala,PM 2Ring和Stefan Pochmann的见解:
from fractions import Fraction
sorted(a, key=lambda n: Fraction(n, 10**len(str(n))-1), reverse=True)
Given a = [50, 5, 51, 59, 2, 1, 9, 98]
给定a = [50,5,51,59,2,1,9,88]:
[9, 98, 59, 5, 51, 50, 2, 1]
Here is an ugly solution that does work without passing a cmp
comparison function to the sorted
. Basically, the key function takes each number and calculates a rational number that has that number as the repeating decimals; that is
0 => 0
100 => 100/999 == 0.100100100...
10 => 10/99 == 0.1010101010...
1 => 1/9 == 0.1111111111...
11 => 11/99 == 0.1111111111...
12 => 12/99 == 0.1212121212...
9 => 9/9 == 1
99 => 99/99 == 1
999 => 999/999 == 1
The 0 is sorted the smallest with sort key 0, and 1 followed by most zeroes would have key closest to 0.1
, and thus sorted second smallest. Numbers that consist of digit 9 all have sort key equal to 1
; it does not really matter if you sort 9
before or after 99
Sorting using these values as the key will necessarily give the correct output, unless you use numbers that are too big for float precision. (probably much sooner than 2 ** 53
使用这些值作为键进行排序必然会提供正确的输出,除非您使用的数字对于浮点精度而言太大。 (可能比2 ** 53早得多)
Thus we get the following program:
# for Python 2, not needed in Python 3
from __future__ import division
a = [50, 5, 51, 59, 2, 1, 9, 98]
def fractionalize(i):
divisor = 9
while divisor < i:
divisor = 10 * divisor + 9
return i / divisor
print(sorted(a, key=fractionalize, reverse=True))
Which produces
[9, 98, 59, 5, 51, 50, 2, 1]
As we're essentially calculating i / (10 ** ceil(log10(i + 1)) - 1)
here, one can also write the following oneliner:
由于我们基本上在这里计算i /(10 ** ceil(log10(i + 1)) - 1),所以还可以编写以下oneliner:
from math import ceil, log10
print(sorted(a, key=lambda i: i and i/(10**ceil(log10(i+1))-1), reverse=True))
The i and
part guards for division by zero error, in case 0
is among the numbers.
I hope I'm not varying too much on this. My input is cast as a list of strings. I generate the list of permutations, creating a list of lists, and then sort the sublists from least to greatest. Finally, I take the last element of the sorted list.
import itertools
digits = ['50', '2', '1', '9']
perms = itertools.permutations(digits)
sorted_numlist = sorted(perms)
print sorted_numlist[-1]
If you'd rather have the number itself rather than the list of elements...
import itertools
digits = ['11', '68', '4', '12']
perms = itertools.permutations(digits)
numlist = []
for sublist in perms:
permutated_num = "".join(sublist)
sorted_numlist = sorted(numlist)
print sorted_numlist[-1]
That second one actually also serves to show the the first is properly sorting on lists.
I'm pretty new with Python and would appreciate comments/improvements.
import functools
def cmpr(x, y):
xy = str(x) + str(y)
yx = str(y) + str(x)
return -1 if (xy > yx) else 1
a = [50, 2, 1, 9]
The most straight-forward way is to use itertools.permutations() to model how you would solve this by hand:
>>> from itertools import permutations, imap
>>> a = [50, 2, 1, 9]
>>> int(max(imap(''.join, permutations(map(str, a)))))
I would love to understand from all the python experts here what is wrong with my one-liner solution. Leet code website keeps rejecting with failed tcs which works just fine on my local env.
我很想从这里的所有python专家那里了解我的单线解决方案有什么问题。 Leet代码网站一直拒绝使用失败的tcs,这在我的本地环境中运行得很好。
from itertools import permutations as pm
def max_number(lst):
if all(v == 0 for v in nums):
return "0"
lst1 = [str(item) for item in lst]
return max([int(''.join(list(perm))) for perm in pm(lst, len(lst1))])
In Python 2 you can do this with an appropriate comparison function passed to sort
在Python 2中,您可以使用传递给sort的适当比较函数来完成此操作。
#!/usr/bin/env python
''' Sort a list of non-negative integers so that
if the integers were converted to string, concatenated
and converted back to int, the resulting int is the highest
possible for that list
From http://*.com/q/30140796/4014959
Written by PM 2Ring 2015.05.10
Python 2 version
data = [
[50, 2, 1, 9],
[10, 1],
[2, 23, 21],
def mycmp(a, b):
a, b = str(a), str(b)
ab, ba = a + b, b + a
if ab == ba:
return 0
if ab < ba:
return -1
return 1
for a in data:
print 'In: ', a
a.sort(cmp=mycmp, reverse=True)
print 'Out:', a
In: [50, 2, 1, 9]
Out: [9, 50, 2, 1]
In: [10, 1]
Out: [1, 10]
In: [2, 23, 21]
Out: [23, 2, 21]
In Python 3, sort
no longer takes a custom comparison function. scpio's answer shows how to use functools
to convert a comparison function into a key function, but it's not that hard to do "by hand".
在Python 3中,sort不再需要自定义比较功能。 scpio的答案显示了如何使用functools将比较函数转换为关键函数,但“手工”并不难。
#!/usr/bin/env python
''' Sort a list of non-negative integers so that
if the integers were converted to string, concatenated
and converted back to int, the resulting int is the highest
possible for that list
From http://*.com/q/30140796/4014959
Written by PM 2Ring 2015.05.10
Python 3 compatible version
from __future__ import print_function
class cmpclass(object):
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = str(n)
def __str__(self):
return self.n
def _cmp(self, other):
a, b = self.n, str(other)
ab, ba = a + b, b + a
if ab == ba:
return 0
if ab < ba:
return -1
return 1
def __lt__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) == -1
def __le__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) <= 0
def __eq__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) == 0
def __ne__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) != 0
def __gt__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) == 1
def __ge__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) >= 0
data = [
[50, 2, 1, 9],
[10, 1],
[2, 23, 21],
for a in data:
print('In: ', a)
a.sort(key=cmpclass, reverse=True)
print('Out:', a)
In: [50, 2, 1, 9]
Out: [9, 50, 2, 1]
In: [10, 1]
Out: [1, 10]
In: [2, 23, 21]
Out: [23, 2, 21]
The previous Python 3 compatible version I posted doesn't actually work on Python 3 :oops:! That's because the __cmp__
method is no longer supported in Python 3. So I've changed my old __cmp__
method to _cmp
and used it to implement all 6 of the rich comparison methods.
我发布的以前的Python 3兼容版本实际上并不适用于Python 3:oops:!那是因为Python 3中不再支持__cmp__方法。因此我将旧的__cmp__方法更改为_cmp并使用它来实现所有6种丰富的比较方法。
Important note
I have to mention that this comparison function is a bit weird: it's non-transitive, in other words, a>b and b>c doesn't
necessarily imply a>c. And that means that the results of using it in
unpredictable. It does appear to do the right thing for the data I've tested it with, eg, it returns the correct result for all permutations of
[1, 5, 10]
, but I guess it really shouldn't be trusted to do so for all input.
我必须提到这个比较函数有点奇怪:它是非传递的,换句话说,a> b和b> c并不一定意味着a> c。这意味着在.sort()中使用它的结果是不可预测的。它似乎对我测试过的数据做了正确的事情,例如,它为[1,5,10]的所有排列返回正确的结果,但我想这真的不应该被信任对于所有输入。
An alternative strategy that's guaranteed to work is brute force: generate all permutations of the input list & find the permutation that yields the maximum result. But hopefully there's a more efficient algorithm, since generating all permutations of a large list is rather slow.
As Antti Haapala points out in the comments, my old comparison functions were unstable when comparing different numbers that consist of the same sequences of repeating digits, eg 123123 and 123123123. Such sequences should compare equal, my old functions didn't do that. The latest modification addresses that problem.
正如Antti Haapala在评论中指出的那样,当比较由重复数字的相同序列组成的不同数字时,我的旧比较函数是不稳定的,例如123123和123123123.这些序列应该相等,我的旧函数没有这样做。最新的修改解决了这个问题。
It turns out that mycmp() / _cmp()
actually is transitive. It's also stable, now that it handles the ab == ba
case properly, so it's safe to use with TimSort (or any other sorting algorithm). And it can be shown that it gives the same result as Antti Haapala's fractionalize()
key function.
事实证明,mycmp()/ _cmp()实际上是可传递的。它也很稳定,因为它正确处理了ab == ba的情况,所以使用TimSort(或任何其他排序算法)是安全的。并且可以证明它与Antti Haapala的fractionalize()键函数具有相同的结果。
In what follows I'll use uppercase letters to represent integers in the list and I'll use the lowercase version of a letter to represent the number of digits in that integer. Eg, a
is the number of digits in A
. I'll use _
as an infix operator to represent digit concatenation. Eg, A_B
is int(str(A)+str(B)
; note that A_B
has a+b
digits. Arithmetically,A_B = A * 10**b + B
在下面我将使用大写字母表示列表中的整数,我将使用字母的小写版本来表示该整数中的位数。例如,a是A中的位数。我将使用_作为中缀运算符来表示数字连接。例如,A_B是int(str(A)+ str(B);注意A_B有+ b个数字。算术上,A_B = A * 10 ** b + B.
For the sake of brevity, I'll use f()
to represent Antti Haapala's fractionalize()
key function. Note that f(A) = A / (10**a - 1)
为简洁起见,我将使用f()来表示Antti Haapala的fractionalize()键函数。注意f(A)= A /(10 ** a - 1)。
Now for some algebra. I'll put it in a code block to keep the formatting simple.
Let A_B = B_A
A * 10**b + B = B * 10**a + A
A * 10**b - A = B * 10**a - B
A * (10**b - 1) = B * (10**a - 1)
A / (10**a - 1) = B / (10**b - 1)
f(A) = f(B)
So A_B = B_A if & only if f(A) = f(B)
A_B > B_A if & only if f(A) > f(B)
This proves that using mycmp() / _cmp() as the sort comparison function
is equivalent to using fractionalize() as the sort key function.
Note that
f(A_B) = (A * 10**b + B) / (10**(a+b)-1)
f(B_A) = (B * 10**a + A) / (10**(a+b)-1)
So f(A_B) = f(B_A) iff A_B = B_A, and f(A_B) > f(B_A) iff A_B > B_A
Let's see what happens with 3 integers.
f(A), f(B), f(C) are just real numbers, so comparing them is
And so if f(A) > f(B) and f(B) > f(C) then f(A) > f(C).
This proves that mycmp() / _cmp() is also transitive.
Clearly, if f(A) > f(B) > f(C) then
A_B > B_A, B_C > C_B, A_C > C_A
Let B_C > C_B
For any A,
A * 10**(b+c) + B_C > A * 10**(b+c) + C_B
So A_B_C > A_C_B
i.e. adding the same integer to the beginning of B_C and C_B preserves
the inequality.
Let A_B > B_A
For any C,
(A_B) * 10**c + C > (B_A) * 10**c + C
So A_B_C > B_A_C,
i.e. adding the same integer to the end of A_B and B_A preserves the
Using these results, we can show that
if f(A) > f(B) > f(C) then
A_B_C > A_C_B > C_A_B > C_B_A and
A_B_C > B_A_C > B_C_A > C_B_A.
This covers all 6 permutations of [A, B, C] and shows that A_B_C is the
largest possible integer for that list.
A mathematical induction-style argument shows that sorting a list of any finite length using pairwise comparisons with mycmp()
/ _cmp()
as the comparison function or with fractionalize()
as the key function suffices to find the permutation that yields the largest possible integer produced by digit concatenation. The details of this argument will be left as an exercise for the reader. :)
数学归纳式参数表明,使用成对比较mycmp()/ _cmp()作为比较函数或使用fractionalize()作为键函数排序任何有限长度的列表足以找到产生最大可能整数的置换由数字串联产生。这个论点的细节将留给读者练习。 :)
One-liner using insights from Antti Haapala, PM 2Ring and Stefan Pochmann:
One-liner使用Antti Haapala,PM 2Ring和Stefan Pochmann的见解:
from fractions import Fraction
sorted(a, key=lambda n: Fraction(n, 10**len(str(n))-1), reverse=True)
Given a = [50, 5, 51, 59, 2, 1, 9, 98]
给定a = [50,5,51,59,2,1,9,88]:
[9, 98, 59, 5, 51, 50, 2, 1]
Here is an ugly solution that does work without passing a cmp
comparison function to the sorted
. Basically, the key function takes each number and calculates a rational number that has that number as the repeating decimals; that is
0 => 0
100 => 100/999 == 0.100100100...
10 => 10/99 == 0.1010101010...
1 => 1/9 == 0.1111111111...
11 => 11/99 == 0.1111111111...
12 => 12/99 == 0.1212121212...
9 => 9/9 == 1
99 => 99/99 == 1
999 => 999/999 == 1
The 0 is sorted the smallest with sort key 0, and 1 followed by most zeroes would have key closest to 0.1
, and thus sorted second smallest. Numbers that consist of digit 9 all have sort key equal to 1
; it does not really matter if you sort 9
before or after 99
Sorting using these values as the key will necessarily give the correct output, unless you use numbers that are too big for float precision. (probably much sooner than 2 ** 53
使用这些值作为键进行排序必然会提供正确的输出,除非您使用的数字对于浮点精度而言太大。 (可能比2 ** 53早得多)
Thus we get the following program:
# for Python 2, not needed in Python 3
from __future__ import division
a = [50, 5, 51, 59, 2, 1, 9, 98]
def fractionalize(i):
divisor = 9
while divisor < i:
divisor = 10 * divisor + 9
return i / divisor
print(sorted(a, key=fractionalize, reverse=True))
Which produces
[9, 98, 59, 5, 51, 50, 2, 1]
As we're essentially calculating i / (10 ** ceil(log10(i + 1)) - 1)
here, one can also write the following oneliner:
由于我们基本上在这里计算i /(10 ** ceil(log10(i + 1)) - 1),所以还可以编写以下oneliner:
from math import ceil, log10
print(sorted(a, key=lambda i: i and i/(10**ceil(log10(i+1))-1), reverse=True))
The i and
part guards for division by zero error, in case 0
is among the numbers.
I hope I'm not varying too much on this. My input is cast as a list of strings. I generate the list of permutations, creating a list of lists, and then sort the sublists from least to greatest. Finally, I take the last element of the sorted list.
import itertools
digits = ['50', '2', '1', '9']
perms = itertools.permutations(digits)
sorted_numlist = sorted(perms)
print sorted_numlist[-1]
If you'd rather have the number itself rather than the list of elements...
import itertools
digits = ['11', '68', '4', '12']
perms = itertools.permutations(digits)
numlist = []
for sublist in perms:
permutated_num = "".join(sublist)
sorted_numlist = sorted(numlist)
print sorted_numlist[-1]
That second one actually also serves to show the the first is properly sorting on lists.
I'm pretty new with Python and would appreciate comments/improvements.
import functools
def cmpr(x, y):
xy = str(x) + str(y)
yx = str(y) + str(x)
return -1 if (xy > yx) else 1
a = [50, 2, 1, 9]
The most straight-forward way is to use itertools.permutations() to model how you would solve this by hand:
>>> from itertools import permutations, imap
>>> a = [50, 2, 1, 9]
>>> int(max(imap(''.join, permutations(map(str, a)))))
I would love to understand from all the python experts here what is wrong with my one-liner solution. Leet code website keeps rejecting with failed tcs which works just fine on my local env.
我很想从这里的所有python专家那里了解我的单线解决方案有什么问题。 Leet代码网站一直拒绝使用失败的tcs,这在我的本地环境中运行得很好。
from itertools import permutations as pm
def max_number(lst):
if all(v == 0 for v in nums):
return "0"
lst1 = [str(item) for item in lst]
return max([int(''.join(list(perm))) for perm in pm(lst, len(lst1))])