【应用服务 App Service】 App Service Rewrite 实例 - 反向代理转发功能

时间:2024-02-01 14:30:21


在使用Azure App Service(应用服务)时,有时候需要在不同的站点之间进行跳转,但是希望通过通过访问同一个域名的方式来实现反向代理。如果创建应用时候选择的是Window服务,这时候可以参考以下的方式配置IIS 的Proxy + Rewrie

如网站一为PHP站点,它的首页是:https://lbphptest.chinacloudsites.cn/, 网站二是Java站点,它的首页是:https://lbjavatest.chinacloudsites.cn/






一: 准备好两个App Service站点

二:在需要做方向代理的站点种添加applicationHost.xdt和web.config 文件,如以上的例子中使用的是PHP站点作为代理站点。

  • 添加ApplicationHost.xdt文件,开启Proxy enable属性为true。文件需要添加在D:\home\site下,与wwwroot目录同级


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform">
        <proxy xdt:Transform="InsertIfMissing" enabled="true" preserveHostHeader="false" reverseRewriteHostInResponseHeaders="false" />
  • 添加web.config文件,设置rewrite的规则。


<rule name="Proxy" stopProcessing="true">  
<match url="^proxy/?(.*)" />  
<action type="Rewrite" url="http://lbjavatest.chinacloudsites.cn/{R:1}" />  




Web 应用如何实现反向代理转发功能:https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/articles/azure-operations-guide/app-service-web/aog-app-service-web-howto-realize-reverse-proxy-and-forward-function


URL Rewrite Module Configuration Reference:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/extensions/url-rewrite-module/url-rewrite-module-configuration-reference#redirect-action

 Rewrite Rules Overview

A rewrite rule defines the logic of what to compare or match the request URL with, and what to do if the comparison is successful.

Rewrite rules consists of the following parts:

  • Pattern – The rule pattern is used to specify either the regular expression or a wildcard pattern that is used to match URL strings.
  • Conditions – The optional conditions collection is used to specify additional logical operations to perform if a URL string matches the rule pattern. Within the conditions, you can check for certain values of HTTP headers or server variables, or verify if the requested URL corresponds to a file or directory on a physical file system.
  • Action – The action is used to specify what to do if the URL string matches the rule pattern and all the rule conditions are met.