笛卡尔积(cross join)
--1.笛卡尔积方式一 select a.id, b.code, c.name, d.addr from 表1 a cross join 表2 b cross join 表3 c left join 表4 e on d.id = a.id and d.code=b.code and d.name=c.name where a.system_type=1 and b.system_type=2 and c.system_type=3 order by b.department_id --1.笛卡尔积方式二 select a.id, b.code, c.name, d.addr from 表1 a inner join 表2 b on b.system_type=2 inner join 表3 c on c.system_type=3 left join 表4 e on d.id = a.id and d.code=b.code and d.name=c.name where a.system_type=1 order by b.department_id