
时间:2021-08-10 23:17:45

I wrote the following Scala code below to handle a String that I pass in, format the String, append it to a StringBuilder and return the formatted String with escaped unicode back to my caller for other processing.


The Scala compiler complains of the following on the lines where there is a String.format call with the following error:


overloaded method value format with alternatives: (x$1; java.util.Locale; x$2: String, X$3: Object*) (x$1:String,x$2: Object*) String cannot be applied to (*String, Int)

重载方法值格式与其他选项:(x$1;java.util.Locale;x$2: String,x$ 3: Object*) (x$1:String,x$2: Object*) String不能应用于(*String, Int)

class TestClass {    
    private def escapeUnicodeStuff(input: String): String = {
            //type StringBuilder = scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder
            val sb = new StringBuilder()
            val cPtArray = toCodePointArray(input) //this method call returns an Array[Int]
            val len = cPtArray.length
            for (i <- 0 until len) {
              if (cPtArray(i) > 65535) {
                val hi = (cPtArray(i) - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xD800
                val lo = (cPtArray(i) - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00
                sb.append(String.format("\\u%04x\\u%04x", hi, lo)) //**complains here**
              } else if (codePointArray(i) > 127) {
                sb.append(String.format("\\u%04x", codePointArray(i))) //**complains here**
              } else {
                sb.append(String.format("%c", codePointArray(i))) //**complains here**


How do I address this problem? How can I clean up the code to accomplish my purpose of formatting a String? Thanks in advance to the Scala experts here


2 个解决方案



The String.format method in Java expects Objects as its arguments. The Object type in Java is equivalent to the AnyRef type in Scala. The primitive types in Scala extend AnyVal – not AnyRef. Read more about the differences between AnyVal, AnyRef, and Any in the docs or in this answer. The most obvious fix is to use the Integer wrapper class from Java to get an Object representation of your Ints:


String.format("\\u%04x\\u%04x", new Integer(hi), new Integer(lo))

Using those wrapper classes is almost emblematic of unidiomatic Scala code, and should only be used for interoperability with Java when there is no better option. The more natural way to do this in Scala would be to either use the StringOps equivalent method format:

使用这些包装类几乎是unidiomatic Scala代码的象征,在没有更好的选择时,只能用于与Java的互操作性。在Scala中更自然的做法是使用StringOps等效的方法格式:

"\\u%04x\\u%04x".format(hi, lo)

You can also use the f interpolator for a more concise syntax:



Also, using a for loop like you have here is unidiomatic in Scala. You're better off using one of the functional list methods like map, foldLeft, or even foreach together with a partial function using the match syntax. For example, you might try something like:


toCodePointArray(input).foreach {
    case x if x > 65535 => 
        val hi = (x - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xD800
        val lo = (x - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00
    case x if > 127 => sb.append(f"\\u$x%04x") 
    case x => sb.append(f"$x%c")    

Or, if you don't have to use StringBuilder, which really only needs to be used in cases where you are appending many strings, you can replace your whole method body with foldLeft:


def escapeUnicodeStuff(input: String) = toCodePointArray(input).foldLeft("") {
    case (acc, x) if x > 65535 => 
        val hi = (x - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xD800
        val lo = (x - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00
        acc + f"\\u$hi%04x\\u$lo%04x"
    case (acc, x) if x > 127 => acc + f"\\u$x%04x"
    case (acc, x) => acc + f"$x%c"

Or a even map followed by a mkString:


def escapeUnicodeStuff(input: String) = toCodePointArray(input).map {
    case x if x > 65535 => 
        val hi = (x - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xD800
        val lo = (x - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00
    case x if x > 127 => f"\\u$x%04x"
    case x => f"$x%c"



I couldn't figure out what exactly is causing that "overload *" but notice the code below:


scala> "\\u%04x\\u%04x".format(10,20)
res12: String = \u000a\u0014

Using the one provided by StringOps works.




The String.format method in Java expects Objects as its arguments. The Object type in Java is equivalent to the AnyRef type in Scala. The primitive types in Scala extend AnyVal – not AnyRef. Read more about the differences between AnyVal, AnyRef, and Any in the docs or in this answer. The most obvious fix is to use the Integer wrapper class from Java to get an Object representation of your Ints:


String.format("\\u%04x\\u%04x", new Integer(hi), new Integer(lo))

Using those wrapper classes is almost emblematic of unidiomatic Scala code, and should only be used for interoperability with Java when there is no better option. The more natural way to do this in Scala would be to either use the StringOps equivalent method format:

使用这些包装类几乎是unidiomatic Scala代码的象征,在没有更好的选择时,只能用于与Java的互操作性。在Scala中更自然的做法是使用StringOps等效的方法格式:

"\\u%04x\\u%04x".format(hi, lo)

You can also use the f interpolator for a more concise syntax:



Also, using a for loop like you have here is unidiomatic in Scala. You're better off using one of the functional list methods like map, foldLeft, or even foreach together with a partial function using the match syntax. For example, you might try something like:


toCodePointArray(input).foreach {
    case x if x > 65535 => 
        val hi = (x - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xD800
        val lo = (x - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00
    case x if > 127 => sb.append(f"\\u$x%04x") 
    case x => sb.append(f"$x%c")    

Or, if you don't have to use StringBuilder, which really only needs to be used in cases where you are appending many strings, you can replace your whole method body with foldLeft:


def escapeUnicodeStuff(input: String) = toCodePointArray(input).foldLeft("") {
    case (acc, x) if x > 65535 => 
        val hi = (x - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xD800
        val lo = (x - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00
        acc + f"\\u$hi%04x\\u$lo%04x"
    case (acc, x) if x > 127 => acc + f"\\u$x%04x"
    case (acc, x) => acc + f"$x%c"

Or a even map followed by a mkString:


def escapeUnicodeStuff(input: String) = toCodePointArray(input).map {
    case x if x > 65535 => 
        val hi = (x - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xD800
        val lo = (x - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00
    case x if x > 127 => f"\\u$x%04x"
    case x => f"$x%c"



I couldn't figure out what exactly is causing that "overload *" but notice the code below:


scala> "\\u%04x\\u%04x".format(10,20)
res12: String = \u000a\u0014

Using the one provided by StringOps works.
