
时间:2022-06-13 23:14:28

I'm trying to extend my REST service (built using WCF/webHttpBinding) so that clients can upload gzipped data. I'm not sure what the best way to accomplish this but I thought it would be fairly easy by adding a HTTP module which will decompress the data if Content-Encoding for the incoming request is set to gzip.

我正在尝试扩展我的REST服务(使用WCF / webHttpBinding构建),以便客户端可以上载gzip压缩数据。我不确定最好的方法是什么,但我认为通过添加一个HTTP模块可以相当容易,如果传入请求的Content-Encoding设置为gzip,它将解压缩数据。

So I created an class deriving from IHttpModule with the following implementation:


  private void OnBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
     var app = (HttpApplication) sender;
     var context = app.Context;

     var contentEncoding = context.Request.Headers["Content-Encoding"];

     if (contentEncoding == "gzip")
        // some debug code:
        var decompressedStream = new GZipStream(context.Request.InputStream, CompressionMode.Decompress);
        var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
        memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        var streamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream);
        string msg = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

        context.Request.InputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        app.Request.Filter = //new TestFilterStream(app.Request.Filter);
                    new System.IO.Compression.GZipStream(
                    app.Request.Filter, CompressionMode.Decompress);


The issue I'm seeing is that the GZipStream decompression is never actually performed. I've confirmed that the incoming data is in fact gzip'd (the msg-variable contains the proper data). I've also tried creating my own stream class (TestFilterStream) above and assign that to app.Request.Filter and I've confirmed that no members on the stream class is actually called by ASP.NET. So it seems like while it's possible to specify a filter, that filter isn't actually used.


Isn't HttpApplication.Request.Filter actually used?


3 个解决方案



I tried setting the Request Filter in two ways:


  1. Using a HttpModule
  2. 使用HttpModule

  3. Setting it in the start of Application_BeginRequest() (Global.asax)
  4. 在Application_BeginRequest()(Global.asax)的开头设置它

Both with the same results (VS2012 web project + IISExpress):

两者都有相同的结果(VS2012网络项目+ IISExpress):

  • If there is no input data (GET request or similar), the Filter.Read is not invoked
  • 如果没有输入数据(GET请求或类似),则不调用Filter.Read

  • In case of a POST with actual data, the filter is executed and the web service gets the filtered data
  • 在具有实际数据的POST的情况下,执行过滤器并且web服务获得过滤的数据

  • Even if I read from the Request.InputStream before the Filter is set, I still get the filter triggered from my service code.
  • 即使我在设置过滤器之前从Request.InputStream中读取,我仍然会从我的服务代码中触发过滤器。

I have no easy way of testing with Gzippet input, so I have not tried if the actual filter works. However, I know it is getting triggered, since I get an error from GZipStream while it attempts to look for the input.


Perhaps you are having other HttpModules or Filters that disrupt your input or control flow?


This post proposes a method similar to yours, but also states the following, which may be causing some side effects (my tests were not using WCF):


"It appears that this approach trigger a problem in WCF, as WCF relies on the original Content-Length and not the value obtained after decompressing."




I've just done a couple of tests, and my Request.Filter stream is called into, as long as there is a request body and the request body gets read by the http handler. I'm guessing you use either a PUT or a POST, and certainly read the request body, so that shouldn't be a problem.


I suspect Knaģis' comment is correct. Have you tried without the debug code? If I dig into the HttpRequest source, I see a variable _rawContent being written to exactly once; at that same time the request filters are applied. After that the _rawContent value just gets cached, and is never updated (nor reset when a filter is added).


So by calling Request.InputStream in your debug code you are definitely preventing your filter from being applied later on. Reading the Request.Headers collection is no problem.




Are you sure, that application itself should bother? Usually that's handled per configuration of host (IIS). So, basically, you only need to implement custom GZip support, when you host the service yourself. You can take a look here




I tried setting the Request Filter in two ways:


  1. Using a HttpModule
  2. 使用HttpModule

  3. Setting it in the start of Application_BeginRequest() (Global.asax)
  4. 在Application_BeginRequest()(Global.asax)的开头设置它

Both with the same results (VS2012 web project + IISExpress):

两者都有相同的结果(VS2012网络项目+ IISExpress):

  • If there is no input data (GET request or similar), the Filter.Read is not invoked
  • 如果没有输入数据(GET请求或类似),则不调用Filter.Read

  • In case of a POST with actual data, the filter is executed and the web service gets the filtered data
  • 在具有实际数据的POST的情况下,执行过滤器并且web服务获得过滤的数据

  • Even if I read from the Request.InputStream before the Filter is set, I still get the filter triggered from my service code.
  • 即使我在设置过滤器之前从Request.InputStream中读取,我仍然会从我的服务代码中触发过滤器。

I have no easy way of testing with Gzippet input, so I have not tried if the actual filter works. However, I know it is getting triggered, since I get an error from GZipStream while it attempts to look for the input.


Perhaps you are having other HttpModules or Filters that disrupt your input or control flow?


This post proposes a method similar to yours, but also states the following, which may be causing some side effects (my tests were not using WCF):


"It appears that this approach trigger a problem in WCF, as WCF relies on the original Content-Length and not the value obtained after decompressing."




I've just done a couple of tests, and my Request.Filter stream is called into, as long as there is a request body and the request body gets read by the http handler. I'm guessing you use either a PUT or a POST, and certainly read the request body, so that shouldn't be a problem.


I suspect Knaģis' comment is correct. Have you tried without the debug code? If I dig into the HttpRequest source, I see a variable _rawContent being written to exactly once; at that same time the request filters are applied. After that the _rawContent value just gets cached, and is never updated (nor reset when a filter is added).


So by calling Request.InputStream in your debug code you are definitely preventing your filter from being applied later on. Reading the Request.Headers collection is no problem.




Are you sure, that application itself should bother? Usually that's handled per configuration of host (IIS). So, basically, you only need to implement custom GZip support, when you host the service yourself. You can take a look here
