主要是将Lidar点云信息按点转为pcl::PointXYZI,再将其用pcl::toROSMsg(mypoints, ros_Lidar_msg)转换成rosmsg,然后使用bag.write()。
使用cv_bridge::CvImage ros_image作为中介,然后ros_image.toImageMsg()转换成rosmsg,再使用bag.write()。
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: read_log <logfile> <savepath>\n"); return 1; } // Open the log file. vector<string> vecImgTimeName; string strTimestampfile = argv[1]; string strLidarPath = strTimestampfile + "/lidar_data_reader/"; string strImagePath = strTimestampfile + "/img_data_reader/"; getDirFiles(strImagePath,vecImgTimeName,".jpg"); sort(vecImgTimeName.begin(), vecImgTimeName.end()); ros::Time::init(); std::string output_dir = argv[2]; cout << "begin to subscribe" << endl; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI> points; const size_t kMaxNumberOfPoints = 1e6; // From Readme for raw files. points.clear(); points.reserve(kMaxNumberOfPoints); rosbag::Bag bag; bag.open(output_dir + "/res.bag", rosbag::bagmode::Write); int imageCount = 0; int seq = 0; for(vector<string>::iterator it=vecImgTimeName.begin();it!=vecImgTimeName.end();it++) { string tmp = *it; string strLidarFile = strLidarPath + tmp + ".txt"; string strImgFile = strImagePath + tmp + ".jpg"; cout<<"Lidar : "<<strLidarFile<<endl; cout<<"Image : "<<strImgFile<<endl; cv::Mat img; vector<LidarPoint> lidar_pts; try { img = cv::imread(strImgFile); if (img.empty()) throw(img); readLidarPts(strLidarFile, lidar_pts); if (lidar_pts.empty()) throw(lidar_pts); } catch (const cv::Mat &) { cerr << "[Fatal Error] Failed to load image. Check for Path." << endl; } catch (const std::vector<LidarPoint> &) { cerr << "[Fatal Error] Failed to load LiDAR points. Check for Path."<< endl; } pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI> mypoints; sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 ros_Lidar_msg; cv_bridge::CvImage ros_image; sensor_msgs::ImagePtr ros_image_msg; for(vector<LidarPoint>::iterator iter = lidar_pts.begin();iter!=lidar_pts.end();iter++) { LidarPoint temp = *iter; PointXYZI point; float x = temp.x; float y = temp.y; float z = temp.z; int32_t intensity = temp.r; if(abs(x)<100000) { point.x = x; point.y = y; point.z = z; point.intensity = intensity; } else { x=0,y=0,z=0; point.x = x; point.y = y; point.z = z; point.intensity = intensity; } mypoints.push_back(point); } ros::Time timestamp_ros = ros::Time::now(); pcl_conversions::toPCL(ros::Time::now(), mypoints.header.stamp); mypoints.header.frame_id = "velodyne"; pcl::toROSMsg(mypoints, ros_Lidar_msg); ros_Lidar_msg.header.stamp = timestamp_ros; ros_Lidar_msg.header.frame_id = "velodyne_points"; ros_image.image = img; ros_image.encoding = "mono8"; //cout<<"debug_______"<<endl; ros::Time timestamp_ros2 = ros::Time::now(); ros_image_msg = ros_image.toImageMsg(); ros_image_msg->header.seq = seq; ros_image_msg->header.stamp = timestamp_ros2; ros_image_msg->header.frame_id = "image"; seq++; bag.write("points_raw", ros_Lidar_msg.header.stamp, ros_Lidar_msg); bag.write("image_converter/cam1", ros_Lidar_msg.header.stamp, ros_image_msg); cout<<"write one frame: "<<seq<<endl; } printf("done\n"); return 0; }