1在SwiftOSX中显示NSButton旁边的NSMenu - ShowNSMenunext to NSButton in SwiftOSX
2016年04月11 - How can i show a NSMenu next to my NSButton after the button was clicked. 单击按钮后,如何在NSButton旁边显示NSMenu。 This is what i have so far. 这就是我到目前为止所拥有
2Swift Mac OSXNSButton标题颜色 - Swift Mac OSXNSButton title color
2015年01月10 - I would like to know how to change title color to a NSButton in swift, I've seen lots of examples in objective-c but I think in swift
3如何通过按NSButton显示键盘? - How to show a keyboard via press a NSButton?
2010年12月08 - I only know few ways to show a keyboard on iOS 我只知道在iOS上显示键盘的几种方法 touch textfield,search bar,textview..... 触摸文本字段,搜索栏,textview ..... Is it can via
4使用Swift在Xcode 6中进行NSButton事件处理 - NSButton Event Handling in Xcode 6 with Swift
2014年07月29 - I want to set the action and target for an NSButton in swift. In previous versions of Xcode, there were setAction and setTarget methods, but those
5如果在swift中按下NSButton,则创建简单的动作 - creating simple action if NSButton is pressed in swift
2016年06月10 - I am in the process of learning swift. I would like to know how to programmatically call a function if a button is pressed.... I tried
6在NSButton上悬停事件以显示图像 - Get hover event over NSButton to show an image
2013年02月28 - So I am trying to make an application that has a button (doesn't have to be a button) that when you hover over it a pop-up window appears. I have been
7显示文本结尾旁边的更多按钮Swift - Show more button next to end of text Swift
2016年11月14 - answer in swift. After clicking on more button i want to show all the text. change the button to less. 如果空间不足,我想在文本末尾或下方显示更多按钮。我不明白Apple开发者是怎么做到的?请迅速回答。点击
8SwiftOSX - 在IKImageView上设置NSImage - SwiftOSX - set NSImage on IKImageView
2017年09月06 - ) imagemIKImageView.setImage(cgImagem, imageProperties: [AnyHashable : Any]) } } @IBAction func voltarButtonClicked(_ sender: NSButton) { dismiss(self) } }
9拖放功能swiftOSX - Drag and drop function swiftOSX
2016年05月08 - This is a bit complex but I hope that someone can help me. I am trying to build a drag and drop function for my OSX application. 这有点复杂,但我希望有人可以帮助
10SwiftOSX NSImageView拖放 - SwiftOSX NSImageView Drag and Drop
2017年09月04 - : NSProgressIndicator! @IBOutlet weak var salvarFornercedorButton: NSButton! var fornecedor: Fornecedor? var logoFornecedorSelecionada = false override
2016年01月03 - Xcode,使用 File\NewProject… 菜单,在弹出窗口中选择 “OS X/Application”,然后Next。在接下来的窗口中,配置App信息。在product name栏中输入ScaryBugsMac,输入你的机构名以及机构ID。剩余字段保留为空白。选择Swift作为开发语言,保持所有
12在Swift中,处理单击和释放事件 - NSButton in Swift, handle click and release events
2016年08月20 - actions because it doesn’t show its state; it always displays its normal image or title. This option is called Momentary Light in Interface Builder’s Button
13如何为OSX快速分割图像? - How to split image with Swift for OSX
2015年01月06 - 'm approaching it correctly. Here is what I have so far (to show the playground output, code attached at end): 我将一个2880 x 2560图像分割成两个1440 x 2560图像。我一直在
14NSMenu委托不会触发menuWillOpen - NSMenu delegate does not trigger menuWillOpen
2017年02月08 - I've got an Interface Builder NSMenu-Object. I added my custom Class "StatusBarMenu". 我有一个Interface Builder NSMenu-Object。我添加了自定义类“StatusBarMenu
15使用Swift的OSX Statusbar App [重复] - OSX Statusbar App using Swift [duplicate]
2014年06月10 - This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案: OSX status menu not working in Swift 1 answer OSX状态菜单在Swift 1中无效 I am
16示例表视图不打印数组SwiftOSX。 - Sample TableView not print the array SwiftOSX
2015年06月30 - I have the next code in my application but only print the next image,i don't know why.Someone who can help me solve this error.I think that the error
17为iOS和OSX启动Swift REPL - Starting Swift REPL for iOS vs OSX
2014年06月24 - How does one invoke the Swift REPL for iOS? I tried the command line argument of swift -sdk ... and have looked, via swift -h, at the other
18使用Swift为OSX禁用睡眠/屏幕保护程序 - Using Swift to disable sleep/screen saver for OSX
2016年06月02 - I'm looking for a way to disable sleep mode and screensaver through my application using Swift. I know this question has been asked before, but none
19如何使用Swift从OSX获取MAC地址 - How to get MAC address from OSX with Swift
2015年08月05 - Is it possible to get the MAC address using Swift? 是否可以使用Swift获取MAC地址? The MAC address being the primary address for the Wi-Fi or Airport. MAC地址
20SwiftOSX音频在录制时通过 - SwiftOSX Audio pass thru while recording
2017年08月17 - I'm programming in Xcode 9 - swift 4 - macOS NOT IOS 我用的是Xcode 9 - swift 4 - macOS而不是IOS I have a basic recording audio setup below for recording
21Realm SwiftOSX Cocoapods示例应用程序崩溃 - Realm SwiftOSX Cocoapods sample app crashes
2016年02月16 - My steps were: 我的步骤是: 1) In Xcode, I create a new command-line OSX Swift app and add their example "class Dog" code, plus "import RealmSwift
22在Swift中捕获OSX媒体控制按钮 - Capture OSX media control buttons in Swift
2015年09月10 - but it is not working in combination with Swift: 我知道这个可爱的库,但它不能与Swift结合使用:
23OSX状态菜单在Swift中不起作用 - OSX status menu not working in Swift
2014年06月05 - anything. 但是,如果我尝试在swift中基本上做同样的事情,它什么都不做。 class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { @IBOutlet var statusMenu: NSMenu; func
24[电子] [OSX]始终显示托盘图标 - [Electron][OSX] Always show the tray icon
2016年09月10 - I am writing an OSX App using Electron, and it primarily focuses on the tray. Basically, it only shows when the app is currently being used, how can
25如何让osx shell脚本在echo中显示颜色 - How to get osx shell script to show colors in echo
2015年02月28 - I'm trying to add color output to my errors in a bash script that I have running on a mac. The problem is the colors are not working. I created the si
26如何用Swift iOS监听UIReturnKeyType.Next - How to listen for UIReturnKeyType.Next with Swift iOS
2014年06月12 - When the user presses next on the keypad I want to move from the current UITextField to the next UITextField, the UIReturnKeyType is set
27在Swift中使用Tab键选择next NSTextView - Select next NSTextView with Tab key in Swift
2016年03月15 - Is there a way to change the responder or select another text view by pressing tab on the keyboard, in Swift? 是否有一种方法可以通过快捷键上的tab来改变应答器或选择另一个文本视图
2015年04月28 - subview (SignUpWindowView.swift), I set up each field with a function, as an example: 在我的signUpWindow子视图(SignUpWindowView.swift)中,我使用函数设置每个字段,例如: func
2016年10月28 - This appears very simple, but I've been struggling for several days to get access to the Calendar on OSX. I have switched on the App Sandbox
30从文件SwiftOSX简单读入字符串? [重复] - Simple read into string from file SwiftOSX? [duplicate]
2015年12月31 - In the playground (Xcode 7, Swift 2.1) for OSX, this creates nothing but an empty string: 在OSX的操场(Xcode 7,Swift 2.1)中,这只会创建一个空字符串: let fileString = “/Users/me
31使用swift在mailcore2 OSX中获取电子邮件正文 - Fetch an email body in mailcore2 OSX with swift
2015年09月15 - I try use this class: MCOIMAPFetchContentOperation for fetch body mail. But i don't know how invoke her in swift and i don't know the arguments who
32如何在osx上使用swift创建透明背景的窗口? - How can I create a window with transparent background with swift on osx?
2015年12月30 - I want to create an osx/cocoa application on my mac, which does something very simple: Display a text string on my mac, with no background.
2017年07月01 - I set the NSWindow as "hidden at launch". How do I make NSWindow appear (pop up) when a button is pressed? 我将NSWindow设置为“隐藏在发射时”。当按下按钮时,如何使NSWindow显示(
34没有使用Swift的storyboard或xib文件的OSX应用程序 - OSX application without storyboard or xib files using Swift
2015年03月01 - main的.swift文件。但我不知道在那里写什么(就像我需要autoreleasepool或类似的东西?)。例如,我将如何初始化NSMenu以及如何将NSViewController添加到活动窗口(iOS的类似.rootViewController没有帮助)。谢谢你的帮助 ;) Edit: I
35OSX / Swift:屏幕可用时调用功能 - OSX/Swift: Call function when screen becomes available
2016年01月04 - I want my OSX app to call a function when the user's screen becomes available, ex: their computer wakes from sleep or the user turns on their screen.
36SwiftOSX - 从另一个类和线程更新NSTextView - SwiftOSX - update NSTextView from another class and maybe thread
2018年05月22 - concepts. 我是Swift编程的新手,我的背景一直是程序语言,所以我要接受语言和一些OO概念。 I'm building an OSX application that has 1 GUI window, with 2 input fields and a button - when the button
37如何从OSXSwift中的// URL获取电子邮件主题 - How to get e-mail subject from message:// URL in OSXSwift
2016年06月14 - in flux at the moment and most examples show how to use it in iOS, I simply cannot find a way to set up my "Preview" object using a URL and get
38为什么Swift 3对OSX vs iOS构建的处理方式不同? - Why does Swift 3 treat NSString differently for OSX vs iOS build?
2016年09月29 - I have a class that is shared by iOS and OSX. After upgrading to Swift 3, the following line of code: 我有一个由iOS和OSX共享的类。升级到Swift 3后,代码如下: let
39如何显示关于td的旁边的响应 - how to show the response next to the regarding td
2013年11月20 - when i clicking the forth button it reaponse is showing on the first td i want to show the response next to the regarding td below is my code can one
2011年01月05 - I am making an NSTableView programmatically but for some reason no matter what I do, I cannot make the darn headerView show up. It is imperative
41限制项目在菜单和显示时,单击next按钮 - Limit item in menu and show when click next button
2017年02月24 - I have a menu have many items. 我有一份菜单有很多项目。 I want to show only 5 items, other items will be hidden. 我只想显示5个项目,其他项目将被隐藏。 When clicking next
42在每次打开时修改NSMenu结构? - Modify NSMenu structure on each open?
2011年03月13 - I need to be able to dynamically modify an NSMenu hierarchy each time it is shown (add/remove items etc). For example: 我需要能够在每次显示时动态修改NSMenu层次结构(添加
43找到右键单击显示的NSMenu位置 - Find NSMenu position which was shown on right click
2012年11月07 - In my app I have three NSImageView. When the user right click over the imageview, I am showing a NSMenu which two NSMenuItems "Add Photo", "Delete
44以swift的方式显示AM/PM。 - Show AM/PM in capitals in swift
2015年07月17 - I wrote the following code to show a datetime in a particular format: 我编写了以下代码以显示特定格式的datetime: let formatter = NSDateFormatter
45在Swift 3中显示Facebook活动 - Show Facebook Events in Swift 3
2017年06月02 - How can I store Facebook events in an array using Swift 3? I have the following code which I pretty much copied from The Swift Guy but it doesn't
46在swift中的alertController中显示textField - show the textField in the alertController in swift
2016年06月08 - Just now I wrote the code which is provided below. I would like to produce the output for the following code but it crashes when I run it, and it show
47在Swift中的View上显示GoogleMaps? - Show GoogleMaps on View in Swift?
2015年09月07 - My code: 我的代码: var camera = GMSCameraPosition.cameraWithLatitude(currentLocation.latitude, longitude: currentLocation.longitude, zoom: 12) //latitu
48Swift - 无法显示导航栏 - Swift - Unable to show Navigation Bar
2016年01月24 - 控制器,从中有一个VC继承自UITableViewController(注释为VC1)。当我单击表中的一行时,它会转到另一个显示详细信息的视图(注释为VC2)。我希望在详细信息视图中显示导航栏,但事实并非如此。我尝试了以下选项: I tried to set the segue as Show
2014年08月03 - Ok, so been working on this issue for a while now, trying to load a local HTML file or URL to a web view in Swift for OS X not iOS. 好了,我们已经研究这个问题
50带有圆角和背景颜色的NSButton - NSButton with round corners and background color
2016年09月14 - 。:( EDIT: I'm asking about OSX 编辑:我问的是OSX。
51mouseEntered事件上的NSButton图像阴影 - NSButton image shadow on mouseEntered event
2012年08月25 - I have a borderless NSButton that contains an image and is subclassed with my ButtonEffect class to detect mouseEntered and mouseExited events. My
52NSButton如何为文本着色 - NSButton how to color the text
2012年10月28 - on OSX I have an NSButton with a pretty dark image and unfortunately it is not possible to change the color using the attributes inspector. See
53是否可以制作圆形NSButton? - Is it possible to make a circular NSButton?
2016年03月03 - I am trying to create a custom shape NSButton. In particular I am trying to make a round button, using a custom image. I've found a tutorial
54如果NSTextfield不为空,则启用NSButton - enable NSButton if NSTextfield is not empty
2016年08月04 - I am creating a OSX app and would like to enable a button when all textfield are filled. But do not have much experience with osx app as there seem
55NSVutualEffectView上的NSButton:错误的背景颜色 - NSButton on NSVisualEffectView: Wrong Background Color
2015年06月05 - I have a NSVisualEffectView within a NSPopover developed for 10.10. 我在为10.10开发的NSPopover中有一个NSVisualEffectView。 When subclassing the NSVisualEffectVi
2014年08月21 - , which works perfectly on my OSX system (too huge to copy). I already tested it with Valgrind, and I am not missing any frees /mallocs /or writes, all
57Swift以编程方式向按钮添加show动作 - Swift add show action to button programmatically
2016年02月22 - how can I add action to button programmatically. I need to add show action to buttons in mapView. thanks 如何以编程方式向按钮添加操作。我需要在mapView中为按钮添加show动作。谢谢
58在GRDB和Swift 3中使用编译错误 - compile error with in GRDB and Swift 3
2017年07月25 - ]' has no member 'next'" 我正在使用Swift 3和GRDB SQLite库开发iOS应用程序。以下代码片段导致编译错误“类型'[Row]'的值没有成员'next'” let rows = try Row.fetchAll(db, sql, arguments:arguments
59MacOS 上的 NSCell(比较NSButton和 NSButtonCell )
2017年09月08 - NSButton 和 NSButtonCell 的继承关系Cell和Control 的关系本文选摘自 关于NSCell : 和 NSButtonCell 的继承关系NSButton的继承关系
2017年03月29 - 转自我的简书: NSButton不能像UIButton那样简单的修改title的颜色,或者说NSButton不能像UIButton那样做很多事,使用起来真的很不方便。 经过大量研究测试,终于发现一种修改文字颜色的相对来说
2014年10月29 - This is an OSX project, not iOS and the problem happens on all projects, including newly created ones. 几天来我一直在使用Xcode 6.1没有问题,但突然间我在所有Swift文件中都收到错误没有这样的模块'Cocoa
2014年06月06 - I've been trying to replicate the usual way of doing this in Objective-c in swift for a new swift app I'm playing around with. 我一直在尝试复制通常在Objective-c
2015年11月02 - What I want to do is call some code when the internet connection is established or restored. 我想做的是在建立或恢复互联网连接时调用一些代码。 I know there are solutions out
2016年07月18 - I'm making an NSURLRequest through a proxy host/port. It seems that the request is receiving the appropriate response. The only issue is that this pro
65带有Swift Cocoa库的OSX命令行工具,未加载库 - OSX Command Line Tool with Swift Cocoa Library, Library not loaded
2015年02月18 - (OSX) written in Swift. I'm using a Cocoa Framework (PriorityQueue) written in Swift. When I set EMBEDDED_CONTENT_CONTAINS_SWIFT to yes on the Framework
2016年07月24 - found similar Objective-C example that I converted the best I could to swift for my case (I'm really bad at Objective-C). 我正在尝试确定当前前景应用程序是否处于全屏模式(另一个应用程序
2017年09月21 - 识别的选择器发送到实例0x6080000055a0 Action that calls the class 调用该类的操作 @IBAction func selecionarFotosButtonClicked(_ sender: NSButton) { let panel
2011年07月01 - =文本(用户名输入) input type=password (password) 输入类型=密码(密码) input type=submit (Login button) 输入类型=提交(登录按钮) Why does the Android browser show "Go
69Swift 2 AVPlayer -播放下一个视频 - Swift 2 AVPlayer - Play Next video Previous Video
2016年03月30 - of videos. If the user makes it full-screen video, then previous and next player button enable , and play when they click. 我必须完成播放视频。我有一个视频列表。如果用户将它设置为全屏视频
70Swift:ARKit保存ARPlaneAnchor用于下一个会话 - Swift : ARKit Save ARPlaneAnchor for next session
2017年07月25 - ARKit is quite new and I am quite new in swift... So I'm having some troubles... ARKit很新,我很快就开始......所以我遇到了一些麻烦...... I'd like to save
71NSMenu阻塞定时器/全局事件监视器/等 - NSMenu blocking timers / global event monitors / etc
2013年03月05 - 不再起作用: To show the menu: 要显示菜单: [_menu popUpMenuPositioningItem:nil atLocation:point inView:nil]; My timer (called before the popup) is no longer
72jQuery show-hide远近找到下一个元素 - jQuery show-hide find next element far and near
2012年10月11 - This show-hide function attempts to do so anonymously, without the need to maintain unique IDs for the target divs. 此show-hide函数尝试匿名执行此操作,而无需为目标div维护
73按顺序切换元素 - 显示一个,然后隐藏它并显示下一个 - Toggle elements in sequence - show one, then hide it and show the next
2015年09月13 - Let's say we have 10 lights (we use li tag) . I want to show them one by one like this : 假设我们有10个灯(我们使用li标签)。我想像这样一个一个地展示它们: <h3>Light<
74如何在单击按钮时显示下一篇文章 - How to shownext article on click of a button
2014年09月16 - ').click(function() $(this).parents('div').next('article').show(); }); Now on click of the .continue button I need to hide the present article and show
75datatables bootstrap分页 - 仅显示上一个/下一个 - datatables bootstrap pagination - only show previous / next
2013年03月15 - , the DataTables table shows previous 1 2 3 4 5 next, and it's just chunky. How can I lose the numbers, and just have previoius next? 无论如何,DataTables表显示了之前
76在Array onClick中显示下一个图像 - Shownext image in Array onClick
2017年09月11 - I am working on setting up images that can be clicked through with on screen arrows. Currently I have the images all showing up via a loop and an arra
77ViewPager在屏幕上的项目预览之前和之前显示 - ViewPager shownext and before item preview on screen
2015年06月01 - I want to show viewpager next and before page preview in screen. Before and next page show deep in screen and slide next page with deep animation.
78如何在字段旁边显示错误消息 - How to Show Error Messages Next to Field
2011年04月13 - I have a form with input fields/labels etc. How do I get the error message to show up next to the field? instead of clumped together at the top? 我有一个
79在悬停时显示表格行旁边的元素 - Show element next to table row on hover
2012年08月21 - What I'm trying to implement is when someone hovers over a table row, I want to show up-and-down arrows on the left side of the table (outside
80如何以编程方式在ViewPager中显示下一个视图? - How to programmatically shownext view in ViewPager?
2011年10月18 - I created a ViewPager and everything is working fine, however I want to have a previous next button outside of ViewPager which can be used
81如何使用UIScrollView来显示下一个视图的边缘 - How to use UIScrollView to show edge of the next view
2017年08月22 - I am new in ios development, i want to show edge of next view using scrollview initial i got help from this Link, here is my view hierarchy 1) I
82如何使用下一页显示viewpager - How to show viewpager with next pages
2016年12月28 - I want to show the next item in viewpager as a shadow that user select which would look like following image: 我想将viewpager中的下一个项目显示为用户选择的阴影,如下图所示
83如何在下一个活动中显示文字和图像 - How can show text and image in next activity
2018年08月01 - ) { // Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "You Clicked at " +web[+ position], Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); String value=(String)grid.getItemAtPosition(i
84如何在下一页显示插入数据 - How to show insert data in the next page
2017年11月29 - I have two form. In the second page mobile no is not showing. 我有两种形式。在第二页中,移动设备没有显示。 echo $_r['mobile']; in the second form is showing nothing. echo
2016年05月09 - (paired) par(mfrow = c(1,2)) If I look at "plots" it is perfectly fine and it shows these two perfectly next to each other. However, when I want
86SQL Microsoft Access立即显示下一行 - SQL Microsoft Access Show immediate next row
2015年10月30 - I'm trying to show rowa and rowb (right below it) if rowa is true in the WHERE statement. I do have it ORDER BY Date, but that wouldn't affect
87在mysql中显示从现在()到下7天的记录。 - Show records from now() till next 7 days in mysql
2011年01月26 - I want to select rows from the datetime now till 7 days in the future, how can I do this? Read alot about the date function of mysql but cant figure i
88jquery显示同一个类的下一个div ? - jquery shownext div of same class?
2011年06月06 - () { $(".slides").parentsUntil(".slides").prev().show(); $('.slides').hide(); }); $('.next').click(function() { $(this).parentsUntil
89SwiftShow modal over modal可能不会解散父级? - SwiftShow modal over modal possible without dissmiss parent?
2017年07月11 - I´m currently testing some popover modals in my iOS App. I have a Dialog with displays a second Dialog on of it. I cal the second Dialog like this: 我目
2017年09月05 - Mac开发之如何设置NSButton高亮图片iOS开发设置UIButton高亮图片非常简单,但Mac开发和iOS开发略有不同,在NSButton的setImage并没有设置 UIControlState的参数,因此要设置NSButton的高亮图片是要有一定波折的。这里讲两种方式设置button高亮
91用swift在谷歌地图上显示坐标 - Show co-ordinates on google map in swift
2018年05月02 - ) break case .failure(_): print("error") break } } but I am unable to show it on the google maps. Honestly I
92不会在swift中显示登录页面 - will not show login page in swift
2017年09月03 - login button, i go to next page. now how can i say the app do not show login page for next running until i log out?? 当我点击登录按钮时,我转到下一页。现在我怎么能说应用程序不显示下次运行
93swift:iOS根据条件显示警报动作 - swift: iOS show alert action depending to a condition
2018年04月11 - I have my code below which trigger an alert but I want to trigger alert and show only actions depending on the condition for example in the condition
94如何使用swift显示和/或隐藏子视图 - How do I show and/or hide a subview using swift
2015年01月16 - So I've created a ViewControl in my storyboard that has 3 subviews. Each one represents a different view I want to show depending on which table row
95如何在TableView中显示对象数组 - swift - How to show array of objects in TableView - swift
2017年06月19 - [index]) return cell } } } So..i want to show in this line, only the DestinoInstancia.desDestino = dep.desDestino! 所以..我想在这一行显示
96如何在swift中显示数组的所有元素? - How to show all the elements of an array in swift?
2014年06月10 - I have an array like this: var array = ["Chinese","Italian", "Japanase", "French" , "American"] 我有一个这样的数组:var数组= ["Chinese","Italian", " japan "," Fre
2015年10月20 - I want to show UIPickerView in UIAlertController or UIPopoverController, I am new to iOS, please give me some example code here. 我想在
98如何在Swift中将Gif显示到UIImageView中? - How to show gif into UIImageView in Swift?
2014年06月30 - ; self.dataImageView.animationRepeatCount = 1; self.dataImageView.image = testImage.images.lastObject; [self.dataImageView startAnimating]; } Swift: var url : NSURL
99Swift:强制显示Modal中的导航栏 - Swift: Force show Navigation Bar in Modal
2015年02月09 - I have the following Storyboard Segue in my Swift project: 我的Swift项目中有以下Storyboard Segue: The animation is correct, but there is no navigation bar
100Xcode Swift在tableView中显示来自CloudKit的数据 - Xcode Swiftshow data from CloudKit in tableView
2016年02月25 - Hope someone can help me. Im trying to show data (privateData) from CloudKit in a UITableview with prototype cell, but my code do bot show my data
101Swift: UILabel如何显示所有文本 - Swift: UILabel how to show all text
2015年06月12 - I am very new to Swift and I don't know how to make my UILabel show all text. 我对Swift很陌生,我不知道如何让我的UILabel显示所有的文本。 Here is how my label looks like
102将键更改为true然后在swift中显示视图 - Change key to true then show view in swift
2016年05月14 - OK, so I've added a view onto my Application that asks the user to accept or decline the Terms of Service. I have it so when they click accept, it cha
2018年04月30 - Hello i want to show the collectionView exactly as the above image. I know that it responsible for UICollectionViewFlowLayout, but unable to do it.
104在Swift中的AppDelegate中显示警报[重复] - Show alert in AppDelegate in Swift [duplicate]
2015年08月24 - This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案: How to show UIAlertController from Appdelegate 5 answers 如何从Appdelegate 5答案显示
105如何在Swift中显示背景颜色的SDWebimage - How to show SDWebimage for background Colour in Swift
2017年11月09 - SDWebImage is great library for conversion URL to image. Its working great. But, I have following issue SDWebImage是将URL转换为图像的绝佳库。它的工作很棒。但是,我有以下问题
106从解析查询对象以使用swift显示为标签 - querying an object from parse to show as a label using swift
2015年11月08 - I'm trying to query an object from Parse and I had it working with the old swift code but I'm getting an error now. 我正在尝试从Parse查询一个对象,我让它使用旧的swift代码
107如何使用Swift打开Goog le地图以显示路线 - How to open Google Maps to show route using Swift
2015年08月16 - I read around the Internet but couldn't find a legit answer. I need to open Google Maps when the user clicks a button to show directions. Start
108如何显示所有注释调用Swift - How to show all annotations call out Swift
2016年11月20 - I have an app which has a lot of annotations and I want to have their call outs open at the beginning(and if its possible never disappear). What I acc
109如何在swift中以编程方式显示/隐藏UISearchBar - how to show / Hide UISearchBar programmatically in swift
2018年03月13 - to do is show / Hide UISearchBar programmatically but I am not having the desire results. 我想要做的就是以编程的方式显示/隐藏UISearchBar,但是我没有得到想要的结果。 What I am trying
110切换UITextField以在Swift中显示和隐藏 - Toggling UITextField to show and hide in Swift
2016年10月11 - I'm trying to hide a username textfield when toggling over to login from register and show it again when toggling back. I'm programming the UI
2018年01月17 - In my AppDelegate.swift file I have this two lines: 在我的AppDelegate.swift文件中,我有两行: let barButtonItemMenu = UIBarButtonItem.appearance
112在前台Swift 3中显示本地通知 - Getting local notifications to show while app is in foreground Swift 3
2016年09月26 - to keep the optional func and xcode wants me to switch it to private. 我不知道这有多重要,但我不能保留可选的func和xcode让我把它改为private。 I'm trying to show the badge
113如何通过Swift(Xcode)上的代码显示屏幕? - How to show a screen through code on Swift (Xcode)?
2018年08月21 - to show the second one from the first one. 我是Xcode的新手,我正在尝试为iOS构建一个应用程序。应用程序必须有几个屏幕(View Controller),但是当我尝试从第一个屏幕显示第二个屏幕时,我遇到了麻烦。 I want to show the second
2015年12月18 - I'm trying to play an mp4 video from documents path in a AVPlayerViewController with an AVPlayer but it doesn't appear anything on screen.What am I do
115键盘上的NSNotificationCenter Swift 3.0显示和隐藏 - NSNotificationCenter Swift 3.0 on keyboard show and hide
2017年01月18 - I am trying to run a function when the keyboard shows and disappears and have the following code: 我正在尝试在键盘显示和消失时运行一个函数并具有以下代码: let notificationCenter
2014年10月29 - or didFinishLaunchingWithOptions and show a UIAlertView to confirm the user wants to import the data. Now that UIAlertView is depreciated I am trying to do the same thing
117iOS Swift:LaunchScreen不显示图像 - iOS Swift: LaunchScreen doesn't show image
2017年10月26 - Evening, my launch screen doesn't show the new images that I add in the assets. It displays only a black screen... Like if the image view isn't
118通过单击Swift中的按钮显示/隐藏窗口 - Show/Hide Window by Clicking button in Swift
2015年08月31 - I want to show/hide a window in swift by clicking a button from main window. Beginsheet is showing the window, but endsheet is not closing
119Swift Navigation Controller在发布时显示 - Swift Navigation Controller show on launch
2017年09月16 - 列表。 When user not logged in, then show the login page, otherwise show to list users page 当用户未登录时,则显示登录页面,否则显示列出用户页面 But when app launching
120swift IBDesignable视图不在故事板中显示 - swift IBDesignable view not show in storyboard
2014年11月06 - I want to custom a 5-star UIView,also I want it to be render in storyboard. So I decide to use @IBDesignable and @IBInspectable.The following is my co
121如何在Swift中显示另一个类的警报? - How to show an alert from another class in Swift?
2016年10月13 - ("Error", msg: "Could not add student to storage.") I then have this ErrorReporting.swift file: 然后我有这个ErrorReporting.swift文件: import Foundation class
122如何只在Swift中显示UITextField的底部边框? - How to only show bottom border of UITextField in Swift
2015年06月29 - I want to show only bottom border and hide the other sides. 我想只显示底部边框而隐藏其他边。 Output I see: As you can see I see the top, left and right borders also
123Swift操场图像没有显示它应该是什么 - Swift playground image doesn't show what it should
2014年10月07 - faced the following issues: 但我遇到了以下问题: The background exceed the rounded rect. 背景超过圆角矩形。 The gradient doesn't show. 渐变没有显示。 An image here:1 How
2016年06月20 - Extension question from New Firebase retrieve data and put on the tableView (Swift) 来自New Firebase的扩展问题检索数据并放在tableView(Swift)上 By moving
125使用Swift在启动屏幕上显示app版本 - Show version of app in launch screen with Swift
2015年11月07 - Scenario 场景 I want to show the version of my iOS 9 app made with Swift. 我想展示我的ios9应用的Swift版本。 What I did 我所做的 I know how to get the version (let
126无法在Swift中的UIButton上显示图像 - Cannot get image to show on UIButton in Swift
2015年12月31 - to the UIButton. I get the same result. Any ideas on how to make the image show on the device or simulator? 我一直在用这个工作几个小时,并努力寻找解决方案。我创建了一个UIButton并添加了一个渐变背层。我想要做的是在按
127如何在swift中隐藏/显示按钮 - how to hide/show a button in swift
2015年05月05 - I'm trying to have an if statement that will make a button hidden when a label displays a certain status, and appears when the label says something el
128无法在swift中的UIImageView中显示* .gif文件 - Unable to show a *.gif file in a UIImageView in swift
2015年10月20 - I have a *.gif file that I want to show in a UIImageView. I have tried the library FLAnimatedImage, code below. Result is just a static image. 我有一个
129如何在tableview swift中显示Checkmark? - How to show Checkmark in tableview swift?
2016年11月24 - I have to show check mark before i selected for some array values, i have to show the checkmark for array value 1 and none for 0.How to do
130Swift - 在页面滚动中隐藏/显示'tableHeaderView' - Swift - Hide/Show 'tableHeaderView' on page scroll
2018年05月14 - I have a button in tableHeaderView of a tableView. I want to add an effect like the facebook search bar that hides / shows the button on page scroll.
131如何从swift的当前日期开始接下来的10天 - How to get next 10 days from current date in swift
2015年03月05 - I have dateformat string like this "2015-03-09".How do i get next 10 days date from current date?any help will be appreciated.thanks in advance
2014年10月13 - :afterDelay:]. How can I schedule a piece of code to execute in the next runloop in Swift? 目前Swift中没有[NSRunLoop -performSelector:target: arguments:order:mode
2016年03月10 - the next and previous view controllers will resolve my issue of swipe delay. 由于经过大量的搜索和RND以及许多不同的代码实现之后滑动延迟的问题没有解决,所以我想预加载下一个和以前的视图控制器将解决我的滑动延迟问题。 how
134如何通过Swift中的Segue将数据传递给下一个View? - How to pass the data to next View via Segue in Swift?
2016年08月10 - I am developing in Swift. 我在Swift开发。 And the following picture is my storyboard. 以下图片是我的故事板。 There has a Main view. The Main view will change
135如何摆脱Swift导航后退按钮旁边的文本? - How can I get rid of the text next to the navigation back button in Swift?
2017年11月14 - How can I get rid of the text and just have the back arrow show up for ALL view controllers that show up on the navigation stack. 如何摆脱文本,只显示导航堆栈中显示
136Swift中下一个可用日期的日期格式[重复] - Date formatting for next available date in Swift [duplicate]
2017年09月17 - with is restricted. 我目前正在从运行联盟的第三方网站下载体育应用程序的夹具列表,因此我必须处理的数据受到限制。 I'm trying to implement a feature that displays the next upcoming fixture. My problem is the dates
2012年10月09 - I am trying to toggle a div using jquery - basically want to hide part of a form and only show it when a user selects a particular checkbox. 我正在尝试使用
2016年03月07 - I wrote a simple OSx (10.11) application to execute shell commands when a button is pressed. It works when I run it from xcode, but when I export
2016年02月23 - How can I dismiss a NSViewController when a subview NSButton is clicked? 单击子视图NSButton时,如何解除NSViewController? I can't access to NSViewController
2015年02月05 - /Foundation.h>@interface MqjNSButton : NSButton{ NSImage *image; }@property (readonly) NSImage *image;-(void)setImage:(NSImage *)imageTemp;@end源文件
2016年03月17 - 一直感觉在cocoa开发下的NSButton没有在ios开发下的UIButton使用起来方便,简单!但是还是需要自己去研究,通过各种自定义来实现想要的效果!接下来,我会以向NSButton添加鼠标移入移出效果为例,给大家简单的介绍下如何实现自定义NSButton!首先新建工程,然后创建继承于系统
142如何使NSButton标题在底部居中? - How to make NSButton title at bottom and centered?
2015年09月06 - How can I make a button's title at bottom and centered programmatically? 如何以编程方式在底部和居中创建按钮的标题?
143NSButton - 在禁用模式下设置文本颜色 - NSButton - set text color in disabled mode
2011年06月16 - For some reason, when my button is disabled, the text color turns white. I want it to stay black - how can i do that? 出于某种原因,当我的按钮被禁用时,文本颜色变为白色。我希望它保持
144保留NSTimer,不保留NSButton操作 - NSTimer is retaind and NSButton action is not retained
2014年07月17 - My question is why 我的问题是为什么 [myButton addTarget:self action:@selector(myAction) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; it is not retain and
2016年09月21 - works as expected for some view types (including NSImageView). However, it does not work as expected for an NSButton unless I add an explicit frame size
2012年10月17 - I'm subclassing NSButtonCell to customize the drawing (customizable theme). I'd like to customize the way checkboxes and radio buttons are drawn. 我将NS
147NSButton NSTrackingArea - 跟踪不起作用 - NSButton NSTrackingArea - tracking doesn't work
2012年09月15 - I'm trying to complete button highlighted on mouse over event. So I subclassed NSButton, where is put NSTrackingArea and methods - (void)mouseEntered
2015年02月05 - ;Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface MqjNSButton : NSButton { NSImage *image; } @property (readonly) NSImage *image; -(void)setImage:(NSImage
149如何将图像设置为NSButton以与按钮一起调整大小? - How to set an image to a NSButton to be resized along with the button?
2013年03月31 - cell] setImageScaling:NSImageScaleAxesIndependently]; but the image gets distorted and loses quality. How can I do this on OSX? Thanks! 我有一个图像(3宽x 15高
150创建的隐式NSButton没有正确显示 - Created recessed NSButton not displayed correctly
2013年05月22 - I just created some basic NSRecessedBezelStyle NSButton programmatically, the codes are listed below: 我刚刚用编程的方式创建了一些基本的NSRecessedBezelStyle NSButton
151NSToolbar项目中的NSButton:单击问题 - NSButton in NSToolbar item: click issue
2013年08月09 - I want to use a NSButton configured to show only an image in my NSToolbarItem. The item is created in IB and the code to add the button to it is: 我想
152Objective-c:NSButton setAction不起作用 - Objective-c: NSButton setAction not working
2011年09月09 - ,但我似乎无法让它工作。 In my AppController.h I have this code: 在我的AppController.h中我有这个代码: ... IBOutlet NSButton* btnZoomIn; IBOutlet NSButton* btnZoomOut
153如何用动画改变NSButton的状态? - How to change an NSButton's state with animation
2015年01月15 - animation (like when you click on it) when the corresponding boolean property in my model changes. Is there any method in NSButton that does this? I'm looking
154基于视图的NSTableView - NSButton子视图不会触发 - view based NSTableView - NSButton subview not firing
2013年07月22 - in the application delegate. However, if I place a NSButton in a regular view and do the same (hookup its action/target to call fire:) then it works. NSTableView中的按钮
155NSButton默认按钮,带蓝色外观 - NSButton default button with blueish look
2009年03月30 - I have a dialog with 1 or more buttons and want to be able to programmatically set the rightmost one be the default one, so that when the user presses
2009年08月14 - I'm new in Rails... smile 我是新在Rails中…微笑 In my blog aplication I want to have a "Previous post" link and a "Next post" link in the bottom of my show
2015年10月19 - I have a UITableView that is showing some strange thin grey lines next to the accessory view. This ONLY happens on the plus, no other iPhone shows
158如何在xml文件中显示文本旁边的图标? - How can I show an icon next to Text in xml file?
2013年08月12 - I tried to code like this 我试着这样编码 <ImageView android:id="@+id/ivIcon" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height=
159如何让Slider在跨度点击时显示下一个或上一个 - How to get Slider to shownext or previous on span click
2015年10月19 - they're supposed to do, but when I click the span arrows, it doesn't go to the next or previous image. 当我单击图像缩略图时,它们会执行它们应该执行的操作,但是当我单击跨度箭头时,它不会转到下一个或上一个图像
160knitr:如何显示彼此相邻的两个不同大小的图? - knitr: How to show two plots of different sizes next to each other?
2012年12月21 - I wanted to generate two images of different sizes, but show them side-by-side. Is this possible? 我想生成两个不同大小的图像,但是并排显示它们。这可能吗? This works