1 创建一个Hosted cloud service
2 选中一个Azure 中的image 来创建对应的VHD
3 选择一个路径来存放这个创建的VHD
4 选择这个VM需要开放的端口,需要远程登录的账号密码等等配置信息。
5 创建一个带有若干个虚拟机的部署。
2 用Management Class Library
REST API的方法,网上已经有了(详情可参考 http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/601419/How-to-manage-Azure-IaaS-Programmatically )
这里就只讲述 第二种方式,用 Management Class Libraries。
以下是创建Azure VM 的代码。
public static void QuickCreateVM()
ComputeManagementClient client = new ComputeManagementClient(cloudCredentials);
string vmName = "yuan2013vm"; //STEP1:Create Hosted Service
//Azure VM must be hosted in a hosted cloud service.
createCloudService(vmName, "East Asia", null); //STEP2:Construct VM Role instance
var vmRole = new Role()
RoleType = VirtualMachineRoleType.PersistentVMRole.ToString(),
RoleName = vmName,
Label = vmName,
RoleSize = VirtualMachineRoleSize.Small,
ConfigurationSets = new List<ConfigurationSet>(),
OSVirtualHardDisk = new OSVirtualHardDisk()
MediaLink = getVhdUri(string.Format("{0}.blob.core.windows.net/vhds", relatedStorageAccountName)),
SourceImageName = GetSourceImageNameByFamliyName("Windows Server 2012 Datacenter")
}; ConfigurationSet configSet = new ConfigurationSet
ConfigurationSetType = ConfigurationSetTypes.WindowsProvisioningConfiguration,
EnableAutomaticUpdates = true,
ResetPasswordOnFirstLogon = false,
ComputerName = vmName,
AdminUserName = "UserName",
AdminPassword = "Password1!",
InputEndpoints = new BindingList<InputEndpoint>
new InputEndpoint { LocalPort = , Name = "RDP", Protocol = "tcp" },
new InputEndpoint { LocalPort = , Port = , Name = "web", Protocol = "tcp" }
}; vmRole.ConfigurationSets.Add(configSet);
vmRole.ResourceExtensionReferences = null; //STEP3: Add Role instance to Deployment Parmeters
List<Role> roleList = new List<Role>() { vmRole };
VirtualMachineCreateDeploymentParameters createDeploymentParams = new VirtualMachineCreateDeploymentParameters
{ Name = vmName,
Label = vmName,
Roles = roleList,
DeploymentSlot = DeploymentSlot.Production
}; //STEP4: Create a Deployment with VM Roles.
client.VirtualMachines.CreateDeployment(vmName, createDeploymentParams);
Console.WriteLine("Create VM success");
catch (CloudException e)
{ throw e;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
} } private static Uri getVhdUri(string blobcontainerAddress)
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
string dateString = now.Year + "-" + now.Month + "-" + now.Day + now.Hour + now.Minute + now.Second + now.Millisecond; var address = string.Format("http://{0}/{1}-650.vhd", blobcontainerAddress, dateString);
return new Uri(address);
} private static void createCloudService(string cloudServiceName, string location, string affinityGroupName = null)
ComputeManagementClient client = new ComputeManagementClient(cloudCredentials);
HostedServiceCreateParameters hostedServiceCreateParams = new HostedServiceCreateParameters();
if (location != null)
hostedServiceCreateParams = new HostedServiceCreateParameters
ServiceName = cloudServiceName,
Location = location,
Label = EncodeToBase64(cloudServiceName),
else if (affinityGroupName != null)
hostedServiceCreateParams = new HostedServiceCreateParameters
ServiceName = cloudServiceName,
AffinityGroup = affinityGroupName,
Label = EncodeToBase64(cloudServiceName),
catch (CloudException e)
throw e;
} } private static string EncodeToBase64(string toEncode)
byte[] toEncodeAsBytes
= System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(toEncode);
string returnValue
= System.Convert.ToBase64String(toEncodeAsBytes);
return returnValue;
} private static string GetSourceImageNameByFamliyName(string imageFamliyName)
ComputeManagementClient client = new ComputeManagementClient(cloudCredentials);
var results = client.VirtualMachineImages.List();
var disk = results.Where(o => o.ImageFamily == imageFamliyName).FirstOrDefault(); if (disk != null)
return disk.Name;
throw new CloudException(string.Format("Can't find {0} OS image in current subscription"));
1 "East Asia" 是数据中心的地址,你可以在portal中创建VM的时候找到相关选项。
2 在创建Azure虚拟机的时候,它的结构与Cloud service 类似,即顶层还是需要一个hosted service,接着是deployment,虚拟机必须在deployment之中。
3 在 Azure REST API 中有两个方法来添加虚拟机, Add ROLE和 CreateVMDeployment,经常有人搞不清这两个的区别,在了解第二点以后这里就很好理解了。
CreateVMDeployment,是先创建一个VM Deployment,然后再向其中添加若干个VM(通常是一个), 而ADD role 必须向已经存在的Deployment中添加VM,而且只能添加一台。
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