
时间:2022-02-26 01:29:20

I have a MySQL query that checks an employee schedule DB and (thanks to a previous * question) returns any days that the user is not working as "No Work", so that if the user isn't working on Thursday, the query fills in that date even though the date does not appear in the original result set (and so I don't have to fill in those blanks via the PHP script).


Now the problem is that if the user is checking the schedule two weeks from now, it shows "No Work" for the entire week. If there are NO results, the script should output "Sorry, No Schedule posted for this week", so the user doesn't get mislead into thinking he has the week off and knows to check back later.


So the question is: What is the best query syntax for something like:


If Count(*) > 0 {
COALESCE(gooddata, nulldata) AS thedata
FROM sched_table
WHERE dates BETWEEN xxx AND yyy

So that it doesn't return any rows if all rows are null (or count is 0).


I tried adding a column for a count and having the script output "not posted" and quitting after one iteration, but then on good weeks it still quits after one iteration, so I'm getting frustrated.


I'm sure I can get the script to do what I want if I just take a step back, but I'm very curious if there is a way to do it in the query so that there has to be at least one row of non-Null values for it to coalesce the other null rows.


3 个解决方案


Oh nooo, a join with two inner selects, one of them EXISTS conditional? Are you serious? How about using a simple UNION to fill in the blanks?? :) Something like

哦,不,有两个内部选择的连接,其中一个EXISTS有条件?你是认真的吗?如何使用简单的UNION来填空? :) 就像是

SELECT real_week_data UNION SELECT fake_empty_week;

SELECT real_week_data UNION SELECT fake_empty_week;

This UNION would even unique the results for you, givin you exactly what you want..



I'm actually of the opinion that you can go too far with using the database to do row-level formatting/conditional output operations. PHP is actually a lot faster at doing string comparisons and arithmetic than MySQL. The unwritten policy among developers I've worked with has always been that we don't use the database to format our output and I think you're getting into that territory with what you're doing here.

我实际上认为使用数据库进行行级格式化/条件输出操作可能会走得太远。 PHP实际上比MySQL更快地进行字符串比较和算术运算。我与之合作的开发人员之间的不成文政策一直是我们不使用数据库来格式化我们的输出,我认为你正在进入这个领域,你正在这里做什么。

I'd be interested to know if others agree with this suggestion. I may actually post it as a new question... where does one draw the line in their use of the database to format output?



Most probably your query joins with a some kind of rowset to generate all days of week.


Add a condition into that rowset:


SELECT  COALESCE(gooddata, nulldata) AS thedata
FROM    (
        SELECT  *
        FROM    days_of_week
        WHERE   EXISTS
                SELECT  NULL
                FROM    sched_data
                WHERE   dates BETWEEN xxx AND yyy
WHERE   dates BETWEEN xxx AND yyy


Oh nooo, a join with two inner selects, one of them EXISTS conditional? Are you serious? How about using a simple UNION to fill in the blanks?? :) Something like

哦,不,有两个内部选择的连接,其中一个EXISTS有条件?你是认真的吗?如何使用简单的UNION来填空? :) 就像是

SELECT real_week_data UNION SELECT fake_empty_week;

SELECT real_week_data UNION SELECT fake_empty_week;

This UNION would even unique the results for you, givin you exactly what you want..



I'm actually of the opinion that you can go too far with using the database to do row-level formatting/conditional output operations. PHP is actually a lot faster at doing string comparisons and arithmetic than MySQL. The unwritten policy among developers I've worked with has always been that we don't use the database to format our output and I think you're getting into that territory with what you're doing here.

我实际上认为使用数据库进行行级格式化/条件输出操作可能会走得太远。 PHP实际上比MySQL更快地进行字符串比较和算术运算。我与之合作的开发人员之间的不成文政策一直是我们不使用数据库来格式化我们的输出,我认为你正在进入这个领域,你正在这里做什么。

I'd be interested to know if others agree with this suggestion. I may actually post it as a new question... where does one draw the line in their use of the database to format output?



Most probably your query joins with a some kind of rowset to generate all days of week.


Add a condition into that rowset:


SELECT  COALESCE(gooddata, nulldata) AS thedata
FROM    (
        SELECT  *
        FROM    days_of_week
        WHERE   EXISTS
                SELECT  NULL
                FROM    sched_data
                WHERE   dates BETWEEN xxx AND yyy
WHERE   dates BETWEEN xxx AND yyy