How to permanently remove TFS Source Control association bindings?
Ihave faced this issue when I decided to move one of my freelance project frommy own TFS toCodePlex.
To re-assign to a new Source Control, you need to remove association to old onefirst.
Anothercase when you may need this is when you renamed your TFS and your projectscannot find their code storage and you will see this warning each time you tryto open these projects:
Hereis how to remove this association:
1. Remove all *.vssscc and *.vspscc files from your Solution folders.
2. Check if your Solution *.sln file is Read-Only. Remove this flag if needed.
3. Open *.sln file in an editor. I prefer Windows Notepad for such operations.
4. Find GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) looking as showing belowand remove it begining with GlobalSection and ending with EndGlobalSection:
- GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) = preSolution
- SccNumberOfProjects = 2
- SccEnterpriseProvider = {4CA58AB2-18FA-4F8D-95D4-32DDF27D184C}
- SccTeamFoundationServer = http://<YourTFS>/tfs/defaultcollection
- SccLocalPath0 = .
- SccProjectUniqueName1 = <Your Project path and name in TFS>.csproj
- SccProjectName1 = <Project Name>
- SccLocalPath1 = <Project Path>
- EndGlobalSection
5.Save and close your Solution file.
6. Go ahead and open this Solution in Visual Studio IDE as usual.
7. If you will get IDE warning similar as shown below, just select"Permanently remove source control association bindings".
That'sit! Now you can associate your code with a new TFS Project.
P.S. I tested this on VS/TFS 2010. Not sure if this works with older versions.
使用过程:我下载的vs2012的解决方案,用vs2015打开,因为这个是Team Foundation 项目的缘故,每次都提示连接服务器,如图1,图2所示。很麻烦啊,就想清除掉这些信息,一、删除掉MVC 项目下的web文件夹下的 *.vspscc文件,二、打开sln文件,删除掉以下代码,保存再打开就好了。
- GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) = preSolution
- SccNumberOfProjects = 2
- SccEnterpriseProvider = {4CA58AB2-18FA-4F8D-95D4-32DDF27D184C}
- SccTeamFoundationServer = http://<YourTFS>/tfs/defaultcollection
- SccLocalPath0 = .
- SccProjectUniqueName1 = <Your Project path and name in TFS>.csproj
- SccProjectName1 = <Project Name>
- SccLocalPath1 = <Project Path>
- EndGlobalSection