cxgrid GridMode 等于 True 时的一些问题。

时间:2023-04-06 09:39:02
When using grid mode, the data controller loads a fixed number of dataset records into memory. The number of records to be loaded depends on the GridModeBufferCount property value. A user is permitted to perform data-related operations on the loaded records only."
I am using a bunch of bound grids which have non trivial queries and for some reason the automatic SQL record count embedded in the query component gives me garbage. One way to solve that is to go to the last record, then the first and use the dataset recordcount but it is a bit slow.
All these grids are in GridDBTableView1.DataController.DataModeController.GridMode := true;
I thought I could get the record count from the grid itself
I tried
GridDBTableView1.itemcount > gives me ?????
All of which gave me some WRONG values
I am sure in one of those properties you must have the correct number, if it is the case be kind enough to let me know
Thank you & Regards

当 GridMode = true 时, Grid.DataControl.RecordCount 只是dataset里一部分数量,这个数量行数多少取决于
