continous integration environment (Jenkins and bitbucket configuration)

时间:2023-03-10 06:39:07
continous integration environment (Jenkins and bitbucket configuration)

continous integration environment (Jenkins and bitbucket configuration)

+++++++++++ install plugin on the jenkins website +++++++++++++

- jenkins plugin need to install:
ssh plugin, git plugin and bitbucket plugin

- add the public key [ jenkins server ] into bitbucket or github
you need to know which user run the jenkins service
cat ~/.ssh/

+++++++++++++++++++ configure bitbucket webhook ++++++++++++++++++++

#1. Click your project's repository
#2. Click [setting] - [webhook]
#3. Click [Add webhook]

Title: CI Notification
URL: http://jenkins_server_ip:8080/bitbutket-hook/
status: Active
SSL / TLS [unchecked]
Triggers: choose [Repository push]

+++++++++++++++++++++++ helloworld_build_app +++++++++++++++++++++++

#1. Click "New Item" at the top right.

#2. Enter an item name. [helloworld_build_app]

#3. Select Freestyle project option.

#4. Click "OK" button.

#5. Typing your_display_name [helloworld_build_app] on the field of Display Name after you click the Advanced button.

#6. Source Code Management

1) choose git
2)Repository URL:
3)Credentials: add into your credentails

#7. Build Triggers
Build when a change is pushed to BitBucket [select this option only you install bitbucket plugin]

#8. Build
Add Build Step => Execute Shell

#!/bin/bash --login

#exec 1> /tmp/jenkins_helloworld_build_app.log

echo "=============== START TO BUILD =================="

export RAILS_ENV=test

echo "=============================================================="
echo "=============================================================="

source ~/.bashrc # Loads RVM

[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"

cd . # Loads the RVM environment set in the .rvmrc file

rvm current # will display current rvm (debugging purpoyse)

rvm -v
rvm list
rvm gemset list

rvm use 2.3.1@helloworld

rvm gemset list

RAILS_ENV=test bundle install --without development

RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rails db:drop db:create db:migrate

RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rails test

echo "=============== END TO BUILD =================="


+++++++++++++++++++++++ helloworld_deploy_app ++++++++++++++++++++++

#1. Click "New Item" at the top right.

#2. Enter an item name. [helloworld_deploy_app]

#3. Select Freestyle project option.

#4. Click "OK" button.

#5. Typing your_display_name [helloworld_deploy_app] on the field of Display Name after you click the Advanced button.

#6. Source Code Management

1) choose git
2)Repository URL:
3)Credentials: add into your credentails

#7. Build Triggers
1) Select Build after other projects are built

2) Projects to watch [helloworld_build_app]

3) Trigger only if build is stable

#8. Build
Execute Shell

#!/bin/bash --login

echo "===================== START TO DEPLOY ======================="

source ~/.bashrc # Loads RVM

[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"

cd . # Loads the RVM environment set in the .rvmrc file

rvm current # will display current rvm (debugging purpoyse)

rvm -v
rvm list
rvm gemset list
rvm use 2.3.1@helloworld
rvm gemset list

bundle exec cap staging puma:kill_puma
bundle exec cap staging deploy

echo "====================== END TO DEPLOY ======================="

cd /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/your_project_name

whomai => jenkins

try to deploy your project via [ bundle exec cap staging deploy ]
