sort test templated function lambda:非法使用此类型作为表达式

时间:2022-11-16 19:31:45

There's tons of people asking this question on *, but I haven't been able to find one with the same problem I am experiencing.


I've written some sorting routines, and I am trying to write re-usable functions for testing these routines, however, the more sorts I write the more complicated my functions are getting, almost to the point where I'd rather just copy paste the code for each sort.


The following are the signatures for the sort functions I am testing:


template<typename FwdIterator, typename Comparator = std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<FwdIterator>::value_type>>
void sort_selection(FwdIterator beg, FwdIterator end, Comparator cmp = Comparator())

template<typename BidirIt, typename Comparator = std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<BidirIt>::value_type>>
void sort_insertion(BidirIt first, BidirIt last, Comparator cmp = Comparator())

template<typename BidirIt, typename Comparator = std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<BidirIt>::value_type>>
void sort_merge(BidirIt first, BidirIt last, Comparator cmp = Comparator())

template<typename BidirIt, typename Comparator = std::less_equal<typename std::iterator_traits<BidirIt>::value_type>>
void sort_quick(BidirIt first, BidirIt last, Comparator cmp = Comparator())

The main difference being the default comparator for sort_quick.


The following are the templated functions I am trying to get to work for testing the sorts:


#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <dapps/containers/sort.hpp>
#include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::allocator;
using std::less;
using std::less_equal;
using boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer;

template<typename Func, typename Comp>
static void sort_test_uniques(const string & name, Func sort, Comp comparator)
    vector<int> orig{ 1, 4, 5, 3, 2 }, soln{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    cout << "Testing " << name << ".\n" << "Execution time:";
        auto_cpu_timer t;
        sort<vector<int>, Comp>(orig.begin(), orig.end(), comparator);
    assert(orig == soln);
    cout << "Result: PASS\n" << endl;

template<typename Func, typename Comp>
static void sort_test_duplicates(const string & name, Func sort, Comp comparator)
    vector<int> orig{ 1, 4, 5, 3, 1 }, soln{ 1, 1, 3, 4, 5 };
    cout << "Testing " << name << " with duplicates.\n" << "Execution time:";
        auto_cpu_timer t;
        sort<vector<int>, Comp>(orig.begin(), orig.end(), comparator);
    assert(orig == soln);
    cout << "Result: PASS\n" << endl;

template<typename Func, typename Comp>
static void sort_test(const string & name, Func sort, Comp comparator)
    sort_test_uniques(name, sort, comparator);
    sort_test_duplicates(name, sort, comparator);

int main(int argc, const char * argv [])
    using iterator = vector<int>::iterator;

    sort_test("sort_selection", &sort_selection<iterator>, less<int>());
    sort_test("sort_insertion", &sort_insertion<iterator>, less<int>());
    sort_test("sort_merge", &sort_merge<iterator>, less<int>());
    sort_test("sort_quick", &sort_quick<iterator>, less_equal<int>());
    sort_test("std:sort", &std::sort<iterator>, less<int>());

    return 0;

I added the second template parameter, Comp to the functions since sort_quick requires a different comparator when dealing with duplicates.


The compiler is giving me: error C2275: 'std::vector<int,std::allocator<_Ty>>' : illegal use of this type as an expression Since I am taking the function (Func parameter) by lambda or function pointer (not sure about this), the functions do not know about the default values for the comparator, so i figured I needed to be explicit and pass the comparators.

编译器给我:错误C2275:'std :: vector >':非法使用此类型作为表达式因为我通过lambda或函数指针获取函数(Func参数) (不确定这一点),函数不知道比较器的默认值,所以我想我需要明确并传递比较器。 ,std>

If I don't explicitly pass the template parameters and instead call sort(orig.begin(), orig.end(), comparator); the compiler gives me: error C2197: 'void (__cdecl *)(iterator,iterator)' : too many arguments for call.

如果我没有显式传递模板参数而是调用sort(orig.begin(),orig.end(),comparator);编译器给我:错误C2197:'void(__ cdecl *)(iterator,iterator)':调用的参数太多了。

1 个解决方案


You are instantiating template functions in your main() function when you call sort_test. Since the template instantiation is occurring here, all the knowledge about the template types need to be provided before passing the function pointer to the sort_test() method. This also means that you should not provide the template parameters when you call your sort() argument function, since it is already a fully instantiated function pointer.


You are doing that for the first four (your custom sort methods), but std::sort actually has overloaded methods:

您正在为前四个(您的自定义排序方法)执行此操作,但std :: sort实际上具有重载方法:

template< class RandomIt >
void sort( RandomIt first, RandomIt last );

template< class RandomIt, class Compare >
void sort( RandomIt first, RandomIt last, Compare comp );


The compiler is choosing the first method to instantiate since you only provide the definition of the function with one template parameter (<iterator>). You must provide both template parameters to std::sort(...) when defining the function you are passing to sort_test:

编译器选择第一种实例化方法,因为您只使用一个模板参数( )提供函数的定义。在定义要传递给sort_test的函数时,必须为std :: sort(...)提供两个模板参数:

int main(int argc, const char * argv [])
    using iterator = vector<int>::iterator;

    sort_test("sort_selection", &sort_selection<iterator>, less<int>());
    sort_test("sort_insertion", &sort_insertion<iterator>, less<int>());
    sort_test("sort_merge", &sort_merge<iterator>, less<int>());
    sort_test("sort_quick", &sort_quick<iterator>, less_equal<int>());
    sort_test("std:sort", &std::sort<iterator, less<int>>, less<int>());

    return 0;


You are instantiating template functions in your main() function when you call sort_test. Since the template instantiation is occurring here, all the knowledge about the template types need to be provided before passing the function pointer to the sort_test() method. This also means that you should not provide the template parameters when you call your sort() argument function, since it is already a fully instantiated function pointer.


You are doing that for the first four (your custom sort methods), but std::sort actually has overloaded methods:

您正在为前四个(您的自定义排序方法)执行此操作,但std :: sort实际上具有重载方法:

template< class RandomIt >
void sort( RandomIt first, RandomIt last );

template< class RandomIt, class Compare >
void sort( RandomIt first, RandomIt last, Compare comp );


The compiler is choosing the first method to instantiate since you only provide the definition of the function with one template parameter (<iterator>). You must provide both template parameters to std::sort(...) when defining the function you are passing to sort_test:

编译器选择第一种实例化方法,因为您只使用一个模板参数( )提供函数的定义。在定义要传递给sort_test的函数时,必须为std :: sort(...)提供两个模板参数:

int main(int argc, const char * argv [])
    using iterator = vector<int>::iterator;

    sort_test("sort_selection", &sort_selection<iterator>, less<int>());
    sort_test("sort_insertion", &sort_insertion<iterator>, less<int>());
    sort_test("sort_merge", &sort_merge<iterator>, less<int>());
    sort_test("sort_quick", &sort_quick<iterator>, less_equal<int>());
    sort_test("std:sort", &std::sort<iterator, less<int>>, less<int>());

    return 0;