
时间:2022-02-09 19:33:53

  1.sprintf(char * str, const char * format, ...) -> snprintf(char * str, size_t size, const char * format, ...)

   vsprintf(char * str, const char * format, va_list ap) -> vsnprintf(char * str, size_t size, const char * format, va_list ap)



  char buf[5];
  snprintf(buf, 5, "This is a test string."); // buf becomes "This", buf[4] is '/0'
  snprintf(buf, 6, "This is a test string."); // ERROR: buffer overflow
  snprintf(buf, 5, "abc"); // buf becomes "abc", the value of buf[3] is '/0', buf[4] is undefined.
  char buf[5];
  _snprintf(buf, 5, "This is a test string.");// buf becomes "This ", buf[4] is ' '
  buf[4] = 0; // buf[4] is '/0' now.
  _snprintf(buf, 6, "This is a test string."); // ERROR: buffer overflow
  _snprintf(buf, 5, "abc"); // buf becomes "abc", the value of buf[3] is '/0', buf[4] is undefined.

  2. strcat(char * dest, const char * src) -> strncat(char * dest, const char * src, size_t n);



  char dest[5] = "abc";
  strncat(dest, "defghijklmn", 5 - 3 - 1); // dest becomes "abcd", dest[4] is '/0',
   // always minus the buffer length by 1 as the value of n.
  strncat(dest, "defghijklmn", 5 - 3); // ERROR: buffer overflow

  3. strcpy(char * dest, const char * src) -> strncpy(char * dest, const char * src, size_t n);

  strncpy是一个比较容易出错的函数,它保证复制src中不多于n字节的内容,但是如果src的前n个字节中没有包含'/0',就会导致 dest没有正常的以'/0'终止。另外,它还保证如果src的长度小于n,则dest剩余的部分都会以'/0'填充。在用这个函数时,有一个最佳实践就 是先把dest以0填充,并传入dest的长度减1的值作为n,这样可以确保安全。


  char buf[5] = {0}; // Always zero-fill the buffer,
   // always use this form to initialize the stack arrays to get
   //better performance over memset.
  char * buf2 = new char[5];
  memset(buf2, 0, 5); // Always zero-fill the buffer
  strncpy(buf, "abcde", 5); // ERROR: buf is not null-terminated.
  strncpy(buf2, "abcde", 5 - 1); // Right, always minus the buffer length by 1
   //as the value of n. buf becomes "abcd", buf[4]
   //is '/0' by initilization;
  // This is a common error in the existing code.
  char buf3[5];
  const char * str = "Test";
  strncpy(buf3, str, strlen(str)); // Wrong, buf may not null-terminated,
   // potential buffer-overflow
  strncpy(buf3, str, strlen(str)+1); // Wrong, potential buffer-overflow.
   //No difference with using strcpy.