
时间:2021-11-30 08:26:09

I have a global variable I called Y_VAL which is initialized to a value of 2.


I then have a function, called f() (for brevity), which uses Y_VAL.


def f():
    y = Y_VAL
    Y_VAL += 2

However, when trying to run my code, python gives the error message:


UnboundLocalError: local variable 'Y_VAL' referenced before assignment

If I remove the last line Y_VAL += 2 it works fine.

如果我删除最后一行Y_VAL + = 2,它可以正常工作。

Why does python think that Y_VAL is a local variable?


3 个解决方案



You're missing the line global Y_VAL inside the function.


When Y_VAL occurs on the right-hand-side of an assignment, it's no problem because the local scope is searched first, then the global scope is searched. However, on the left-hand-side, you can only assign to a global that way when you've explicitly declared global Y_VAL.


From the docs:


It would be impossible to assign to a global variable without global, although free variables may refer to globals without being declared global.




This is just how Python works: Assignment always binds the left-hand side name in the closest surrounding name space. Inside of a function the closest namespace is the local namespace of the function.


In order to assign to a global variable, you have to declare it global. But avoid global by all means. Global variables are almost always bad design, and thus the use of the global keyword is a strong hint, that you are making design mistakes.




I ran to the same issue as you and as many others like you, before realising it needs the global statement. I then decided to move everything to object orientation and have piece of mind. Call me insane but I just dont trust myself with the global statement and its not difficult to come against a problem of local scope that is a pain to debug.


So I would advice collect all your "global" variables put them in a class inside an init(self) and not only you wont have to worry about local scope but you will have your code much better organised. Its not a freak of luck that most programmer out there prefer OOP.




You're missing the line global Y_VAL inside the function.


When Y_VAL occurs on the right-hand-side of an assignment, it's no problem because the local scope is searched first, then the global scope is searched. However, on the left-hand-side, you can only assign to a global that way when you've explicitly declared global Y_VAL.


From the docs:


It would be impossible to assign to a global variable without global, although free variables may refer to globals without being declared global.




This is just how Python works: Assignment always binds the left-hand side name in the closest surrounding name space. Inside of a function the closest namespace is the local namespace of the function.


In order to assign to a global variable, you have to declare it global. But avoid global by all means. Global variables are almost always bad design, and thus the use of the global keyword is a strong hint, that you are making design mistakes.




I ran to the same issue as you and as many others like you, before realising it needs the global statement. I then decided to move everything to object orientation and have piece of mind. Call me insane but I just dont trust myself with the global statement and its not difficult to come against a problem of local scope that is a pain to debug.


So I would advice collect all your "global" variables put them in a class inside an init(self) and not only you wont have to worry about local scope but you will have your code much better organised. Its not a freak of luck that most programmer out there prefer OOP.
