在_vimrc中 set noexpandtab python 不起效果

时间:2022-02-13 14:35:02

我ctm,今天配置不让tab转为空格,在_vimrc中set noexpandtab 不起效果。

set ts=4也不起效果。







windows _vimrc set noexpandtab do not work





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The problem is that your settings are being overridden by a filetype plugin that's part of Vim. The issue is in ftplugin/python.vim:

" As suggested by PEP8.
setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 tabstop=8

The python plugin attempts to setup your source code to be PEP8 compliant by default, so it's adjusting the tabstop. You'll want some of what these plugins have to offer, but you may need to setup your own autocommands to fixup anything you don't like.

There are two ways to go about doing this. If you have a ~/.vim folder, the easiest way is to add the file ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/python.vim:

" Here, you can set the setting directly, or call a command or function
" to help you. We'll call a command, and then implement that command in
" your top-level vimrc to help keep things in one place.

In your .vimrc, add:

function! SetupPython()
" Here, you can have the final say on what is set. So
" fixup any settings you don't like.
setlocal softtabstop=2
setlocal tabstop=2
setlocal shiftwidth=2
command! -bar SetupPython call SetupPython()

The latter bit just allows you to call the function as SetupPython rather than call SetupPython() in the after file.

The other way, is to keep everything in your .vimrc, but you use the VimEnter autocommand to setup a FileType autocommand for python to set your preferences. By waiting until VimEnter is triggered, all the other plugins will have had time to setup their autocommands, so your's will be added to the end of the list. This allows you to run after the python plugin's FileTypeautocommand and set your own settings. This is a bit of a mess though, and the after/mechanism above is the preferred way of doing this.

FWIW, many common settings I keep in a SetupSource() function to be called from a number of different FileTypes. Then I'd have SetupPython() call SetupSource(). This helps to keep the specific functions a little cleaner and reduce some duplication. If it helps, take a look at the functions in my vimfiles here: https://github.com/jszakmeister/vimfiles/blob/master/vimrc#L5328