
时间:2022-04-22 19:33:58

I am having a pdf storage folder on network in which all users used to store their all files for sharing each other . Now I need to copy all those files from that folder to another folder which is on same network but on different server.


4 个解决方案


Use xcopy and pass in the UNC path of the source and destination. For help on xcopy, run:


xcopy /?


Could you be more precise regarding your OSes, because i think that the answers may vary greatly depending on it.


If it's a windows box, i'd recommend the use of robocopy, which can handle retries, mirroring, speed capping and much more. You can find it here



Use robocopy.exe available here



robocopy \\server1\c$\sourcedir \\server2\backup\server1 /MIR

robocopy \\ server1 \ c $ \ sourcedir \\ server2 \ backup \ server1 / MIR


You will run into problems if any network files are in use at the time of the copy. Make sure you talk with your network administrator and managers to arrange a time that users can leave that directory alone so that your copy will complete without any exceptions.



Use xcopy and pass in the UNC path of the source and destination. For help on xcopy, run:


xcopy /?


Could you be more precise regarding your OSes, because i think that the answers may vary greatly depending on it.


If it's a windows box, i'd recommend the use of robocopy, which can handle retries, mirroring, speed capping and much more. You can find it here



Use robocopy.exe available here



robocopy \\server1\c$\sourcedir \\server2\backup\server1 /MIR

robocopy \\ server1 \ c $ \ sourcedir \\ server2 \ backup \ server1 / MIR


You will run into problems if any network files are in use at the time of the copy. Make sure you talk with your network administrator and managers to arrange a time that users can leave that directory alone so that your copy will complete without any exceptions.
