
时间:2022-02-02 06:34:25

Lets say my executable file, MyApp, links dynamically against an so file, boost-system.so. I compile and everything works fine for a while; my calls to boost-system funcs do what they are supposed to do.

假设我的可执行文件,MyApp,动态链接到so文件,boot -system。我汇编了一段时间,一切都没问题;我对启动系统函数的调用执行它们应该执行的操作。

After a while i realize i need to link to another so file, SomeAPI.so. However, SomeAPI.so have statically linked against boost-system.a, but an older, buggy version, which has functions with exactly the same names as "my" boost-system (ofcourse). Now, ALL calls (both from MyApp and SomeAPI) will go to the version SomeAPI statically linked (or my version of boost-system, depending on link order, both are bad for me).


I would like my calls from MyApp to go to my version of boost-system, and SomeAPI to use its statically linked boost-system.a functions. On Windows this is how it works.


I realize why this is not happening, but is there any way around this except renaming the namespaces in "my" boost-system to something local?


1 个解决方案



Use LD version scripts to hide function names that you don't want other .so files to see.




Use LD version scripts to hide function names that you don't want other .so files to see.
