
时间:2021-07-16 05:16:43

There are a few questions around that circle around this question but I feel this is different enough.


I've decided I want to improve the breadth and depth of my maths skills specifically in areas that are useful and/or interesting to programmers.


  1. What topics should I study?
  2. 我应该学习哪些主题?

  3. What resources do you recommend (blogs/books/online lectures...)?
  4. 你推荐什么资源(博客/书籍/在线讲座......)?

I'm looking for easy to consume resources because I'll be doing this in my free time, I don't want to spend days struggling through a dense text but I want to get deeper than the surface. I've read the Yegge article on the topic (and most of the comments) which is useful but I think the voting system here will help me focus on the most useful/best resources and topics.



I am looking to create myself a study course that I'll follow over the next few years, I'm not looking to solve a particular problem I just want to learn some new skills that will interest me and may be useful in my career in the future.


12 个解决方案


Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science would be my suggestion for a book that covers some advanced topics.



For an introduction to Discrete Mathematics I strongly suggest this.


I feel very lucky to have been provided this book from University



Any programmer would do well to have a solid understanding on the undergraduate level of these following math courses:


  1. Calculus (at through multivariate calc)
  2. 微积分(通过多变量计算)

  3. Discrete Mathematics (absolutely essential)
  4. 离散数学(绝对必要)

  5. Linear Algebra (necessary for an understanding of matrices)
  6. 线性代数(理解矩阵所必需的)

  7. Combinatorics (further development of Dicrete maths)
  8. 组合学(Dicrete数学的进一步发展)

  9. Introduction to Abstract Algebra (this will solidify your understanding of modulo number systems, in particular binary, octal, hex etc.). It also gives a deep understanding of set theory which is ubiquitous in practical programming and the comp sci literature.
  10. 抽象代数简介(这将巩固您对模数系统的理解,特别是二进制,八进制,十六进制等)。它还深入理解了在实际编程和comp sci文献中普遍存在的集合论。

This is the fundamentals. If your are thinking about graphics or game programming then you have a whole slew of additional courses in physics, graphic arts, and possibly fluid dynamics. Also Differential Geometry is essential for any real world modeling of motion on curved surfaces.



It's a bit off from your question, but let me suggest the Princeton Companion to Mathematics.


It gives an overview of all of mathematics, so it is more than "math useful to programmers", but it's style is as easy to understand as it gets, and the important parts are in there.



Some time ago Steve Yegge wrote a dedicated article about math for programmers. His thesis is: As a programmer you should learn math but you should do so in different way than in shool/university.


His summary is this:


  1. Math is a lot easier to pick up after you know how to program. In fact, if you're a halfway decent programmer, you'll find it's almost a snap.
  2. 在您知道如何编程之后,数学更容易掌握。事实上,如果你是一个中等程度的程序员,你会发现它几乎是一个短暂的。

  3. They teach math all wrong in school. Way, WAY wrong. If you teach yourself math the right way, you'll learn faster, remember it longer, and it'll be much more valuable to you as a programmer.
  4. 他们在学校教数学都错了。方式,错了。如果你以正确的方式教自己数学,你会学得更快,记得更长,而且对于你作为程序员来说它会更有价值。

  5. Knowing even a little of the right kinds of math can enable you do write some pretty interesting programs that would otherwise be too hard. In other words, math is something you can pick up a little at a time, whenever you have free time.
  6. 知道一些正确的数学类型可以让你写一些非常有趣的程序,否则会很难。换句话说,只要你有空闲时间,数学就是你可以一次拿起一些东西。

  7. Nobody knows all of math, not even the best mathematicians. The field is constantly expanding, as people invent new formalisms to solve their own problems. And with any given math problem, just like in programming, there's more than one way to do it. You can pick the one you like best.
  8. 没有人知道所有的数学,甚至不是最好的数学家。随着人们发明新的形式主义来解决自己的问题,这个领域不断扩大。对于任何给定的数学问题,就像在编程中一样,有不止一种方法可以做到这一点。你可以选择你最喜欢的那个。

  9. Math is... ummm, please don't tell anyone I said this; I'll never get invited to another party as long as I live. But math, well... I'd better whisper this, so listen up: (it's actually kinda fun.)
  10. 数学是...嗯,请不要告诉任何人我说过这个;只要我活着,我就永远不会被邀请参加另一个派对。但是数学,好吧......我最好低声说出来,所以听听:(这实际上很有趣。)

Sad note: Steve abandoned his blog because of too much aggressive feedback.



  1. If you have any interest in game development, 3D graphics, or anything somewhat related to those, then do multivariate calculus and basic physics. This will help you understand the basic concepts much better. Also, linear algebra will help immensely with all of the matrix/vector stuff you will be doing.


    If you are NOT interested in these topics, I would still say study calculus and physics. Why? Solving calculus and physics problems gives you good experience in problem solving and exercises the brain. Programmers NEED to be good problem solvers... that is our job. Concepts you pick up from these courses are things you will keep with you the rest of your life.


  2. MIT and Stanford both have really good online courses for topics such as this. Of course you can't just jump into multivariate calculus without some more basic calc, but MIT and Stanford have resources for your basic calculus classes as well. Basic physics will be a little bit easier to pick up. Again, you can check MIT and Stanford for physics.


MIT OpenCourseWare:


Generally speaking, the applications of math to computer programming are pretty domain-specific - that is, you need to know whatever math the specific program you're writing requires. The only mathematical topics I can think of that are generally applicable to all kinds of programming are simple arithmetic and boolean logic, but I think if you didn't already know those you wouldn't be much of a programmer ;-)

一般来说,数学在计算机编程中的应用是非常特定于领域的 - 也就是说,您需要知道您正在编写的特定程序所需的数学。我能想到的唯一数学主题通常适用于所有类型的编程都是简单的算术和布尔逻辑,但我想如果你还不知道那些你不会成为程序员的那些;-)

Basically, I would just recommend learning the math as needed for whatever project you're working on. If you want to give yourself a good excuse to learn some new math, start a hobby program that does something mathematical.



As for topics, look at some of the answers here. Recommended ressources are difficult for me to give, I'm German speaking. I would recommend starting with linear algebra and geometry, which you will find in computer graphics. Look at the undergraduate math series by Springer for example.



Number theory doesn't have many direct applications to programming (though there are some neat tricks you can use for optimization), but there are several basic concepts that make cryptology much easier to study.


My number theory class used Silverman's Friendly Introduction to Number Theory, which is one of the best math textbooks I've ever seen. It's very easy to read (the title is entirely accurate about its friendliness), but covers a wide range of topics. Silverman is also an author on my cryptography textbook, An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography. It's more technical, addresses most areas of cryptography, and provides plenty of references for where to find more detail.



Consider Knuth's Art of Computer Programming series. It can get dense, but it will ground you in the math most needed for programming. I'd suggest going for the available fascicles of Volume 4 early on. These books are not for everybody, but if you find them interesting you will learn a whole lot.


They won't teach you calculus or geometry, which are important in many aspects of programming but tend to be more specialized.



I think you should dive into whatever interests you most and in order to find out what that is you should get some books which cover the facts and offer orientation and some books which nurture your motivation and curiosity. You really have to dive into it to find out, it's a pretty individual thing imho.


Facts / Orientation:


Donald Knuth - Bronstein, Semendjajew

Donald Knuth - Bronstein,Semendjajew

The Science of Programming - Data Structures and Algorithms

编程科学 - 数据结构和算法

Motivation / Curiosity:


The Road to Reality - Fermat's Last Theorem - Godel, Escher, Bach

现实之路 - 费马的最后定理 - 哥德尔,埃舍尔,巴赫

Also for motivation on the more practical side:




What sorts of math problems do you want to solve? 'Math' is a pretty big area!

你想解决什么样的数学问题? '数学'是一个非常大的领域!

MIT has some online courses, but that's probably a big time investment.


Wolfram has some tutorials, but again, you need to know what you're looking for.



Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science would be my suggestion for a book that covers some advanced topics.



For an introduction to Discrete Mathematics I strongly suggest this.


I feel very lucky to have been provided this book from University



Any programmer would do well to have a solid understanding on the undergraduate level of these following math courses:


  1. Calculus (at through multivariate calc)
  2. 微积分(通过多变量计算)

  3. Discrete Mathematics (absolutely essential)
  4. 离散数学(绝对必要)

  5. Linear Algebra (necessary for an understanding of matrices)
  6. 线性代数(理解矩阵所必需的)

  7. Combinatorics (further development of Dicrete maths)
  8. 组合学(Dicrete数学的进一步发展)

  9. Introduction to Abstract Algebra (this will solidify your understanding of modulo number systems, in particular binary, octal, hex etc.). It also gives a deep understanding of set theory which is ubiquitous in practical programming and the comp sci literature.
  10. 抽象代数简介(这将巩固您对模数系统的理解,特别是二进制,八进制,十六进制等)。它还深入理解了在实际编程和comp sci文献中普遍存在的集合论。

This is the fundamentals. If your are thinking about graphics or game programming then you have a whole slew of additional courses in physics, graphic arts, and possibly fluid dynamics. Also Differential Geometry is essential for any real world modeling of motion on curved surfaces.



It's a bit off from your question, but let me suggest the Princeton Companion to Mathematics.


It gives an overview of all of mathematics, so it is more than "math useful to programmers", but it's style is as easy to understand as it gets, and the important parts are in there.



Some time ago Steve Yegge wrote a dedicated article about math for programmers. His thesis is: As a programmer you should learn math but you should do so in different way than in shool/university.


His summary is this:


  1. Math is a lot easier to pick up after you know how to program. In fact, if you're a halfway decent programmer, you'll find it's almost a snap.
  2. 在您知道如何编程之后,数学更容易掌握。事实上,如果你是一个中等程度的程序员,你会发现它几乎是一个短暂的。

  3. They teach math all wrong in school. Way, WAY wrong. If you teach yourself math the right way, you'll learn faster, remember it longer, and it'll be much more valuable to you as a programmer.
  4. 他们在学校教数学都错了。方式,错了。如果你以正确的方式教自己数学,你会学得更快,记得更长,而且对于你作为程序员来说它会更有价值。

  5. Knowing even a little of the right kinds of math can enable you do write some pretty interesting programs that would otherwise be too hard. In other words, math is something you can pick up a little at a time, whenever you have free time.
  6. 知道一些正确的数学类型可以让你写一些非常有趣的程序,否则会很难。换句话说,只要你有空闲时间,数学就是你可以一次拿起一些东西。

  7. Nobody knows all of math, not even the best mathematicians. The field is constantly expanding, as people invent new formalisms to solve their own problems. And with any given math problem, just like in programming, there's more than one way to do it. You can pick the one you like best.
  8. 没有人知道所有的数学,甚至不是最好的数学家。随着人们发明新的形式主义来解决自己的问题,这个领域不断扩大。对于任何给定的数学问题,就像在编程中一样,有不止一种方法可以做到这一点。你可以选择你最喜欢的那个。

  9. Math is... ummm, please don't tell anyone I said this; I'll never get invited to another party as long as I live. But math, well... I'd better whisper this, so listen up: (it's actually kinda fun.)
  10. 数学是...嗯,请不要告诉任何人我说过这个;只要我活着,我就永远不会被邀请参加另一个派对。但是数学,好吧......我最好低声说出来,所以听听:(这实际上很有趣。)

Sad note: Steve abandoned his blog because of too much aggressive feedback.



  1. If you have any interest in game development, 3D graphics, or anything somewhat related to those, then do multivariate calculus and basic physics. This will help you understand the basic concepts much better. Also, linear algebra will help immensely with all of the matrix/vector stuff you will be doing.


    If you are NOT interested in these topics, I would still say study calculus and physics. Why? Solving calculus and physics problems gives you good experience in problem solving and exercises the brain. Programmers NEED to be good problem solvers... that is our job. Concepts you pick up from these courses are things you will keep with you the rest of your life.


  2. MIT and Stanford both have really good online courses for topics such as this. Of course you can't just jump into multivariate calculus without some more basic calc, but MIT and Stanford have resources for your basic calculus classes as well. Basic physics will be a little bit easier to pick up. Again, you can check MIT and Stanford for physics.


MIT OpenCourseWare:


Generally speaking, the applications of math to computer programming are pretty domain-specific - that is, you need to know whatever math the specific program you're writing requires. The only mathematical topics I can think of that are generally applicable to all kinds of programming are simple arithmetic and boolean logic, but I think if you didn't already know those you wouldn't be much of a programmer ;-)

一般来说,数学在计算机编程中的应用是非常特定于领域的 - 也就是说,您需要知道您正在编写的特定程序所需的数学。我能想到的唯一数学主题通常适用于所有类型的编程都是简单的算术和布尔逻辑,但我想如果你还不知道那些你不会成为程序员的那些;-)

Basically, I would just recommend learning the math as needed for whatever project you're working on. If you want to give yourself a good excuse to learn some new math, start a hobby program that does something mathematical.



As for topics, look at some of the answers here. Recommended ressources are difficult for me to give, I'm German speaking. I would recommend starting with linear algebra and geometry, which you will find in computer graphics. Look at the undergraduate math series by Springer for example.



Number theory doesn't have many direct applications to programming (though there are some neat tricks you can use for optimization), but there are several basic concepts that make cryptology much easier to study.


My number theory class used Silverman's Friendly Introduction to Number Theory, which is one of the best math textbooks I've ever seen. It's very easy to read (the title is entirely accurate about its friendliness), but covers a wide range of topics. Silverman is also an author on my cryptography textbook, An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography. It's more technical, addresses most areas of cryptography, and provides plenty of references for where to find more detail.



Consider Knuth's Art of Computer Programming series. It can get dense, but it will ground you in the math most needed for programming. I'd suggest going for the available fascicles of Volume 4 early on. These books are not for everybody, but if you find them interesting you will learn a whole lot.


They won't teach you calculus or geometry, which are important in many aspects of programming but tend to be more specialized.



I think you should dive into whatever interests you most and in order to find out what that is you should get some books which cover the facts and offer orientation and some books which nurture your motivation and curiosity. You really have to dive into it to find out, it's a pretty individual thing imho.


Facts / Orientation:


Donald Knuth - Bronstein, Semendjajew

Donald Knuth - Bronstein,Semendjajew

The Science of Programming - Data Structures and Algorithms

编程科学 - 数据结构和算法

Motivation / Curiosity:


The Road to Reality - Fermat's Last Theorem - Godel, Escher, Bach

现实之路 - 费马的最后定理 - 哥德尔,埃舍尔,巴赫

Also for motivation on the more practical side:




What sorts of math problems do you want to solve? 'Math' is a pretty big area!

你想解决什么样的数学问题? '数学'是一个非常大的领域!

MIT has some online courses, but that's probably a big time investment.


Wolfram has some tutorials, but again, you need to know what you're looking for.
