[React] React Fundamentals: JSX Deep Dive

时间:2023-03-10 00:28:36
[React] React Fundamentals: JSX Deep Dive

"JSX transforms from an XML-like syntax into native JavaScript. XML elements and attributes are transformed into function calls and objects, respectively."


render: function(){
var style = {
backgroundColor: '#ccc',
color: blue
return (
<div >
<a href="#" style={style}/> {/*This is comment*/} Thisis message
{/*JSX don't have if else*/}
{i > 1 ? 'More than one' : 'one'}
{i>1&& 'More than one' }


render: function(){
var style = {
backgroundColor: '#ccc',
color: blue
return (
React.createElement("div", null,
React.createElement("a", {href: "#", style: style}), " ", /*This is comment*/" Thisis message",
/*JSX don't have if else*/
i > 1 ? 'More than one' : 'one',
i>1&& 'More than one'