
时间:2021-12-30 03:48:20

I need to access the value of a bound item several times in a template. Right now my ListView template looks like this:


<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" ItemPlaceholderID="plc"><br/>
  <input type="radio" class="myrating<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Day")%>" value="3" /><br/>
  <input type="radio" class="myrating<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Day")%>" value="4" /><br/>
        <div id="plc" runat="server"><br/>
        No data</EmptyDataTemplate><br/>

Under certain conditions I may have dozens of radio button so repeatedly calling <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Day")%> seems to be inefficient.


I would like to assign the value of that expression to a variable and then use this variable instead so my template would look something like this


<ItemTemplate><br />
<%String ClassName = "myrating" + <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Day")%><br />
  <input type="radio" class="<%=ClassName %>" value="3" /><br />
  <input type="radio" class="<%="ClassName" value="4" /><br />
    </ItemTemplate><br />

This example doesn't compile but I hope you are getting the idea.


4 个解决方案


You can use OnItemDataBount event and work with DataItem as with variable there.



You can give your page a public variable MyRating.


Now you can assign the variable in the expression binding Syntax:


         <%# MyRating = "myrating" + <%# Eval(Container.DataItem, "Day")%>
         //Use the variable inside the binding(!) block 

I usually bind to lists of view-objects. That way I can access view properties directly.


         <%# MyType = (MyType)Container.DataItem 
         <%# MyRating.Average %> 
         <%# MyRating.Count %> 

Hope this helps :-)

希望这可以帮助 :-)


I personally consider setting HTML element values in the OnItemDataBound event to be messier than in the ASP code. I also didn't like setting the variable value using a data-binding expression since it seems to cause the value to be output in the HTML.


Here's a similar way to do it based on the other answers:


1. Create a protected field in the code-behind to use as your variable.

protected string className;

2. Use a data-binding expression to assign to the variable.

<asp:Literal runat="server" Visible="false" Text="<%# className = "myrating" + DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Day") %>" />

Make sure to do this inside the hidden server-side tag so that the result of the expression does not appear in the resulting HTML.


3. Use the variable inside data-binding expressions in the ASP code.

<ItemTemplate><br />
    <input type="radio" class="<%# className %>" value="3" /><br />
    <input type="radio" class="<%# className %>" value="4" /><br />
</ItemTemplate><br />

Make sure to use data-binding expressions to access the variable. Other expression types only seem to see the default value of the variable.


I think the main disadvantage of this approach is the use of the field, which would ideally be scoped to the ItemTemplate element.



You can define public/protected variables in the code-behind and assign those in data binding expressions.


If you don't have access to the code-behind (e.g. when you are modifying the markup of a compiled application), you can declare variables in a script block set to run on server, e.g.:


<script runat="server">
    YourNamespace.Rating current;

Then in your control's binding templates:


    <%# (current = (YourNamespace.Rating)Eval("Day")) == null ? "" : "" %>

Put it in the HeaderTemplate if you only want it to get executed once per databinding.
The == null ? "" : ""-part, is to prevent any generated cruft html (e.g. the ToString value of the assigned value), from being rendered in the browser.

如果您只希望每个数据绑定执行一次,请将它放在HeaderTemplate中。 == null? “”:“ - ”部分是为了防止在浏览器中呈现任何生成的残缺html(例如指定值的ToString值)。


You can use OnItemDataBount event and work with DataItem as with variable there.



You can give your page a public variable MyRating.


Now you can assign the variable in the expression binding Syntax:


         <%# MyRating = "myrating" + <%# Eval(Container.DataItem, "Day")%>
         //Use the variable inside the binding(!) block 

I usually bind to lists of view-objects. That way I can access view properties directly.


         <%# MyType = (MyType)Container.DataItem 
         <%# MyRating.Average %> 
         <%# MyRating.Count %> 

Hope this helps :-)

希望这可以帮助 :-)


I personally consider setting HTML element values in the OnItemDataBound event to be messier than in the ASP code. I also didn't like setting the variable value using a data-binding expression since it seems to cause the value to be output in the HTML.


Here's a similar way to do it based on the other answers:


1. Create a protected field in the code-behind to use as your variable.

protected string className;

2. Use a data-binding expression to assign to the variable.

<asp:Literal runat="server" Visible="false" Text="<%# className = "myrating" + DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Day") %>" />

Make sure to do this inside the hidden server-side tag so that the result of the expression does not appear in the resulting HTML.


3. Use the variable inside data-binding expressions in the ASP code.

<ItemTemplate><br />
    <input type="radio" class="<%# className %>" value="3" /><br />
    <input type="radio" class="<%# className %>" value="4" /><br />
</ItemTemplate><br />

Make sure to use data-binding expressions to access the variable. Other expression types only seem to see the default value of the variable.


I think the main disadvantage of this approach is the use of the field, which would ideally be scoped to the ItemTemplate element.



You can define public/protected variables in the code-behind and assign those in data binding expressions.


If you don't have access to the code-behind (e.g. when you are modifying the markup of a compiled application), you can declare variables in a script block set to run on server, e.g.:


<script runat="server">
    YourNamespace.Rating current;

Then in your control's binding templates:


    <%# (current = (YourNamespace.Rating)Eval("Day")) == null ? "" : "" %>

Put it in the HeaderTemplate if you only want it to get executed once per databinding.
The == null ? "" : ""-part, is to prevent any generated cruft html (e.g. the ToString value of the assigned value), from being rendered in the browser.

如果您只希望每个数据绑定执行一次,请将它放在HeaderTemplate中。 == null? “”:“ - ”部分是为了防止在浏览器中呈现任何生成的残缺html(例如指定值的ToString值)。