
时间:2022-01-11 03:40:05

what is the difference between pointer , reference and dereference in c?


8 个解决方案



Here is a memory map; a representation of memory as a sequence of blocks:


    address    01   02   03
data within  | 23 | 6f | 4a |

Now suppose we create a character:


char c = 'z';  // 'z' is 7a in hex

Further suppose c is stored at address 01, so our memory looks like so:


    address    01   02   03
data within  | 7a | 6f | 4a |

Now, let's create a pointer:


char* p = &c;  // point at c

p may be stored at address 02:


    address    01   02   03
data within  | 7a | 01 | 4a |

Here the pointer p is at address 02 and it points at address 01. That's the meaning of p = &c;. When we dereference the pointer p (at address 02) we look at what's in the address pointed at by p. That is, p points at address 01, and so dereferencing p means looking inside address 01.

这里指针p在地址02,它指向地址01.这就是p =&c;的含义。当我们取消引用指针p(在地址02)时,我们会查看p指向的地址中的内容。也就是说,p指向地址01,因此解除引用p意味着查看内部地址01。

Finally, lets create a reference:


char& r = c;

Here the memory layout doesn't change. That is, no memory is used to store r. r is a sort of alias for c, so when we refer to r we practically refer to c. r and c are conceptually one. Changing r means changing c, and changing c means changing r.

这里的内存布局不会改变。也就是说,没有内存用于存储r。 r是c的一种别名,所以当我们提到r时,我们实际上是指c。 r和c在概念上是一个。改变r意味着改变c,改变c意味着改变r。

When you create a reference you must initialize, and once initialized you cannot re-initialize it with another target. That is, above the reference r means and forever will mean c.


Also related are const references. These are the same as a reference, except they are immutable:


const char& r = c;
r = 'y';  // error; you may not change c through r
c = 'y'   // ok. and now r == 'y' as well

We use const references when we are interested in reading the data but frown upon changing it. By using a const reference the compiler will not copy the data, so this gives us ideal performance, but also forbid us from changing the data, for correctness.


In a sense, you can say that references are a compile-time feature, whereas pointers are a runtime feature. So references are faster and cheaper than pointers, but come with certain constraints and implications. Like other compile-time-vs-runtime alternatives, we sometimes pick one over the other for performance, sometimes for static analysis and sometimes for flexibility.




Time to go on a term-bashing spree, because these things always cause confusion.


  • A pointer is a memory address in its own right. Cue fancy diagram for how it happens in memory:


    | Address  | Value          |
    |0x1111    |0x1112          | <-- Pointer!
    |0x1112    |42              | <-- Pointed value
    |0x1113    |42              | <-- Some other value

    I've used a much smaller address size just for simplicity. Basically, 0x1111 is a pointer because its contents are the address of another value.


  • Dereferencing means examining the value of the address held in the pointer's value. Such fancy language can be confusing; basically, if I dereference 0x1111 I look at 0x1112 and get the value out of that address. Why? Because it's really useful and because assembly lets us do it too,


    mov rax, [r8]

    Is nasm/intel syntax for "look in r8, find that memory address, follow it and find the value at that memory address and put that in rax".

    用于“查看r8中的nasm / intel语法,找到该内存地址,跟随它并在该内存地址中找到值并将其放在rax中”。

  • Pass by value. Pass by value means that when you create a function stack frame, which is the stack contents around a function, you copy every value that is an argument to wherever it goes. Registers, stack, wherever. Of course, if you copy a pointer's value, you're copying a memory address and thus creating another pointer pointing to the same memory. This is how functions like this:


    void add(int* x)
        *x = *x + 7;


  • Pass by reference. What that function above does is essentially pass by reference semantics as you will see them in say C++. The crucial and possibly only difference as the implementation is likely identical at the assembly level is that a reference is something the C++ compiler understands. Since the compiler is the language this is important. C understands pointers and manipulating memory, and so do C compilers, but they'll let you do whatever you like. You can't re-assign a reference, for example,

    通过引用传递。上面的函数基本上是通过引用语义传递的,因为你会在C ++中看到它们。在程序集级别实现可能相同的关键且可能唯一的区别是引用是C ++编译器理解的内容。由于编译器是语言,这很重要。 C理解指针和操作内存,C编译器也是如此,但它们会让你做任何你喜欢的事情。例如,您无法重新分配参考

    void cppadd(int& x)
        int a = 7;
        x = &a; // doesn't work.

So, to sum it up, references are on one level a language feature where the compiler understands where the source memory is and prevents modification of that source memory address. It understands you want to play with the value. Pointers are just that, memory addresses holding other memory addresses.


Wikipedia summarises it pretty well:


In the C++ programming language, a reference is a simple reference datatype that is less powerful but safer than the pointer type inherited from C. The name C++ reference may cause confusion, as in computer science a reference is a general concept datatype, with pointers and C++ references being specific reference datatype implementations.

在C ++编程语言中,引用是一种简单的引用数据类型,它比从C继承的指针类型更强大但更安全。名称C ++引用可能会引起混淆,因为在计算机科学中引用是一般概念数据类型,带有指针和C ++引用是特定的引用数据类型实现。

Yes, I have mentioned C++ when this question is only C, but I feel it is prudent to clarify how a term has become somewhat confused with the addition of later languages.

是的,当这个问题只是C时,我提到了C ++,但我觉得澄清一个术语如何与后面的语言的添加有些混淆是明智的。



There's no explicit reference type in C like in C++. Anywhere anybody says "reference" in context of C language you can assume a pointer.

在C ++中,C中没有明确的引用类型。任何人在C语言的上下文中都说“引用”,你可以假设一个指针。



C has pointers and you can pretty much do anything you want with those pointers, you can deference them, and you change the value of a pointer. In fact pointer arithmetic is quite common technique in C programming. In my younger days as a C programmer references was not a commonly used term when talking with other C developers.


References as a term is very commonly used with Java, C# and Object Oriented Languages. In the context of Java and Object Oriented languages a reference is a pointer to an object instance in memory. With a reference you can't do pointer arithmetic, and that is the key difference between pointers and references in my view.


Pointers allow for pointer arithmetic and dereferencing, references only allow for dereferencing and changing what the reference points to.




Referencing means taking the address of an existing variable (using &) to set a pointer variable. In order to be valid, a pointer has to be set to the address of a variable of the same type as the pointer, without the asterisk:


int  c1;
int* p1;
c1 = 5;
p1 = &c1;
//p1 references c1

Dereferencing a pointer means using the * operator (asterisk character) to access the value stored at a pointer: NOTE: The value stored at the address of the pointer must be a value OF THE SAME TYPE as the type of variable the pointer "points" to, but there is no guarantee this is the case unless the pointer was set correctly. The type of variable the pointer points to is the type less the outermost asterisk.


int n1;
n1 = (*p1);

Invalid dereferencing may or may not cause crashes:


Any dereferencing of any uninitialized pointer can cause a crash Dereferencing with an invalid type cast will have the potential to cause a crash. Dereferencing a pointer to a variable that was dynamically allocated and was subsequently de-allocated can cause a crash Dereferencing a pointer to a variable that has since gone out of scope can also cause a crash. Invalid referencing is more likely to cause compiler errors than crashes, but it's not a good idea to rely on the compiler for this.




& is the reference operator and can be read as “address of”.
* is the dereference operator and can be read as “value pointed by”.


& is the reference operator    
* is the dereference operator

you can read wiki as well The dereference operator * is also called the indirection operator.


This text is taken from this link they have provided the same answer to the same question: meaning of "referencing" and "dereferencing"




A pointer's value is a memory address.


int a;
int* b = &a;
// b holds the memory address of a, not the value of a.

A reference is a pointer with a value (memory address) that refers to a desired item.


int a;
int* b = &a;
// b is a reference to a.

A dereference is a technique of grabbing the memory contents that a pointer references.


int a;
int* b = &a;
int c = *b;
// c dereferences b, meaning that c will be set with the value stored in the address that b contains.

Note that a C++ reference is a different thing than a C reference. A C++ reference is an abstract idea where C++ decides to allow you to use non-pointer syntax for most calls, but will automatically "do the right thing" in passing a pointer when needed.

请注意,C ++引用与C引用不同。 C ++引用是一个抽象的概念,C ++决定允许您对大多数调用使用非指针语法,但在需要时传递指针时会自动“做正确的事”。



Pointer is an address of some data, e.g. int* a. Here a is really just the address where an int value is stored. A reference, in contrast, is another name for some variable, an alias, e.g. int a; int &b = a Here b is just another name for a: b++ has the same effect as a++.

指针是某些数据的地址,例如int * a。这里只是存储int值的地址。相反,引用是某个变量的另一个名称,一个别名,例如, int a; int&b = a这里b只是a的另一个名称:b ++与++具有相同的效果。



as in "C++...":

如在“C ++ ...”中:

In some cases, the compiler can optimize away a reference so that there is no object representing that reference at run-time.




Here is a memory map; a representation of memory as a sequence of blocks:


    address    01   02   03
data within  | 23 | 6f | 4a |

Now suppose we create a character:


char c = 'z';  // 'z' is 7a in hex

Further suppose c is stored at address 01, so our memory looks like so:


    address    01   02   03
data within  | 7a | 6f | 4a |

Now, let's create a pointer:


char* p = &c;  // point at c

p may be stored at address 02:


    address    01   02   03
data within  | 7a | 01 | 4a |

Here the pointer p is at address 02 and it points at address 01. That's the meaning of p = &c;. When we dereference the pointer p (at address 02) we look at what's in the address pointed at by p. That is, p points at address 01, and so dereferencing p means looking inside address 01.

这里指针p在地址02,它指向地址01.这就是p =&c;的含义。当我们取消引用指针p(在地址02)时,我们会查看p指向的地址中的内容。也就是说,p指向地址01,因此解除引用p意味着查看内部地址01。

Finally, lets create a reference:


char& r = c;

Here the memory layout doesn't change. That is, no memory is used to store r. r is a sort of alias for c, so when we refer to r we practically refer to c. r and c are conceptually one. Changing r means changing c, and changing c means changing r.

这里的内存布局不会改变。也就是说,没有内存用于存储r。 r是c的一种别名,所以当我们提到r时,我们实际上是指c。 r和c在概念上是一个。改变r意味着改变c,改变c意味着改变r。

When you create a reference you must initialize, and once initialized you cannot re-initialize it with another target. That is, above the reference r means and forever will mean c.


Also related are const references. These are the same as a reference, except they are immutable:


const char& r = c;
r = 'y';  // error; you may not change c through r
c = 'y'   // ok. and now r == 'y' as well

We use const references when we are interested in reading the data but frown upon changing it. By using a const reference the compiler will not copy the data, so this gives us ideal performance, but also forbid us from changing the data, for correctness.


In a sense, you can say that references are a compile-time feature, whereas pointers are a runtime feature. So references are faster and cheaper than pointers, but come with certain constraints and implications. Like other compile-time-vs-runtime alternatives, we sometimes pick one over the other for performance, sometimes for static analysis and sometimes for flexibility.




Time to go on a term-bashing spree, because these things always cause confusion.


  • A pointer is a memory address in its own right. Cue fancy diagram for how it happens in memory:


    | Address  | Value          |
    |0x1111    |0x1112          | <-- Pointer!
    |0x1112    |42              | <-- Pointed value
    |0x1113    |42              | <-- Some other value

    I've used a much smaller address size just for simplicity. Basically, 0x1111 is a pointer because its contents are the address of another value.


  • Dereferencing means examining the value of the address held in the pointer's value. Such fancy language can be confusing; basically, if I dereference 0x1111 I look at 0x1112 and get the value out of that address. Why? Because it's really useful and because assembly lets us do it too,


    mov rax, [r8]

    Is nasm/intel syntax for "look in r8, find that memory address, follow it and find the value at that memory address and put that in rax".

    用于“查看r8中的nasm / intel语法,找到该内存地址,跟随它并在该内存地址中找到值并将其放在rax中”。

  • Pass by value. Pass by value means that when you create a function stack frame, which is the stack contents around a function, you copy every value that is an argument to wherever it goes. Registers, stack, wherever. Of course, if you copy a pointer's value, you're copying a memory address and thus creating another pointer pointing to the same memory. This is how functions like this:


    void add(int* x)
        *x = *x + 7;


  • Pass by reference. What that function above does is essentially pass by reference semantics as you will see them in say C++. The crucial and possibly only difference as the implementation is likely identical at the assembly level is that a reference is something the C++ compiler understands. Since the compiler is the language this is important. C understands pointers and manipulating memory, and so do C compilers, but they'll let you do whatever you like. You can't re-assign a reference, for example,

    通过引用传递。上面的函数基本上是通过引用语义传递的,因为你会在C ++中看到它们。在程序集级别实现可能相同的关键且可能唯一的区别是引用是C ++编译器理解的内容。由于编译器是语言,这很重要。 C理解指针和操作内存,C编译器也是如此,但它们会让你做任何你喜欢的事情。例如,您无法重新分配参考

    void cppadd(int& x)
        int a = 7;
        x = &a; // doesn't work.

So, to sum it up, references are on one level a language feature where the compiler understands where the source memory is and prevents modification of that source memory address. It understands you want to play with the value. Pointers are just that, memory addresses holding other memory addresses.


Wikipedia summarises it pretty well:


In the C++ programming language, a reference is a simple reference datatype that is less powerful but safer than the pointer type inherited from C. The name C++ reference may cause confusion, as in computer science a reference is a general concept datatype, with pointers and C++ references being specific reference datatype implementations.

在C ++编程语言中,引用是一种简单的引用数据类型,它比从C继承的指针类型更强大但更安全。名称C ++引用可能会引起混淆,因为在计算机科学中引用是一般概念数据类型,带有指针和C ++引用是特定的引用数据类型实现。

Yes, I have mentioned C++ when this question is only C, but I feel it is prudent to clarify how a term has become somewhat confused with the addition of later languages.

是的,当这个问题只是C时,我提到了C ++,但我觉得澄清一个术语如何与后面的语言的添加有些混淆是明智的。



There's no explicit reference type in C like in C++. Anywhere anybody says "reference" in context of C language you can assume a pointer.

在C ++中,C中没有明确的引用类型。任何人在C语言的上下文中都说“引用”,你可以假设一个指针。



C has pointers and you can pretty much do anything you want with those pointers, you can deference them, and you change the value of a pointer. In fact pointer arithmetic is quite common technique in C programming. In my younger days as a C programmer references was not a commonly used term when talking with other C developers.


References as a term is very commonly used with Java, C# and Object Oriented Languages. In the context of Java and Object Oriented languages a reference is a pointer to an object instance in memory. With a reference you can't do pointer arithmetic, and that is the key difference between pointers and references in my view.


Pointers allow for pointer arithmetic and dereferencing, references only allow for dereferencing and changing what the reference points to.




Referencing means taking the address of an existing variable (using &) to set a pointer variable. In order to be valid, a pointer has to be set to the address of a variable of the same type as the pointer, without the asterisk:


int  c1;
int* p1;
c1 = 5;
p1 = &c1;
//p1 references c1

Dereferencing a pointer means using the * operator (asterisk character) to access the value stored at a pointer: NOTE: The value stored at the address of the pointer must be a value OF THE SAME TYPE as the type of variable the pointer "points" to, but there is no guarantee this is the case unless the pointer was set correctly. The type of variable the pointer points to is the type less the outermost asterisk.


int n1;
n1 = (*p1);

Invalid dereferencing may or may not cause crashes:


Any dereferencing of any uninitialized pointer can cause a crash Dereferencing with an invalid type cast will have the potential to cause a crash. Dereferencing a pointer to a variable that was dynamically allocated and was subsequently de-allocated can cause a crash Dereferencing a pointer to a variable that has since gone out of scope can also cause a crash. Invalid referencing is more likely to cause compiler errors than crashes, but it's not a good idea to rely on the compiler for this.




& is the reference operator and can be read as “address of”.
* is the dereference operator and can be read as “value pointed by”.


& is the reference operator    
* is the dereference operator

you can read wiki as well The dereference operator * is also called the indirection operator.


This text is taken from this link they have provided the same answer to the same question: meaning of "referencing" and "dereferencing"




A pointer's value is a memory address.


int a;
int* b = &a;
// b holds the memory address of a, not the value of a.

A reference is a pointer with a value (memory address) that refers to a desired item.


int a;
int* b = &a;
// b is a reference to a.

A dereference is a technique of grabbing the memory contents that a pointer references.


int a;
int* b = &a;
int c = *b;
// c dereferences b, meaning that c will be set with the value stored in the address that b contains.

Note that a C++ reference is a different thing than a C reference. A C++ reference is an abstract idea where C++ decides to allow you to use non-pointer syntax for most calls, but will automatically "do the right thing" in passing a pointer when needed.

请注意,C ++引用与C引用不同。 C ++引用是一个抽象的概念,C ++决定允许您对大多数调用使用非指针语法,但在需要时传递指针时会自动“做正确的事”。



Pointer is an address of some data, e.g. int* a. Here a is really just the address where an int value is stored. A reference, in contrast, is another name for some variable, an alias, e.g. int a; int &b = a Here b is just another name for a: b++ has the same effect as a++.

指针是某些数据的地址,例如int * a。这里只是存储int值的地址。相反,引用是某个变量的另一个名称,一个别名,例如, int a; int&b = a这里b只是a的另一个名称:b ++与++具有相同的效果。



as in "C++...":

如在“C ++ ...”中:

In some cases, the compiler can optimize away a reference so that there is no object representing that reference at run-time.
