
时间:2022-12-15 19:29:54

In css examples, I've seen rules defined starting with a . and some starting with # - sometimes these are mixed in the same file. What is the difference between these rules:


h1  { font-size:18pt;}
.new-alerts  { font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold;}
#old-alerts  { position:relative; font-size:10pt; }

Are they referenced differently on the html page? Is it how the properties are inherited?


4 个解决方案



. refers to a class. <span class="one" /> could be selected with .one.

。是指一个类。可以用. 1来选择。

# refers to an ID. <span id="one" /> could be selected with #one.

#是指一个ID。可以用# 1来选择。

You should be using classes when there could be more than one of a given element, and IDs when you know there will only be one. #navigation-bar would be using an ID because you will only have one navigation bar in your layout, but .navigation-link would be using a class name because you will have multiple navigation links. (It'd be better practice to use #navigation-bar a:link to get the navigation links, but you get my point.)

当给定元素中可能有多个元素时,应该使用类;当知道只有一个元素时,应该使用id。# navig-bar将使用一个ID,因为你的布局中只有一个导航条,而. navig-link将使用一个类名,因为你将有多个导航链接。(最好使用# navigationbar a:link获取导航链接,但你明白我的意思了。)



The dot . is a class selector, the hash/pound/octothorpe # selects by an ID:


    .foo { ... }
    #bar { ... }
<p class='foo'>Foo</p>
<p id='bar' class='baz'>Bar</p>

IDs have to be unique throughout a document, classes don't have to be. That's basically the primary difference. There are some things to note with regard to scripting but those are usually not of particular interest when styling.


Furthermore, an element may belong to multiple classes:


<p class="foo bar baz">

and as seen above, classes and IDs are not mutually exclusive.




. is a class and can be reused many times and for different elements


# is an ID and must be used only once on each page.




See Class vs ID




. refers to a class. <span class="one" /> could be selected with .one.

。是指一个类。可以用. 1来选择。

# refers to an ID. <span id="one" /> could be selected with #one.

#是指一个ID。可以用# 1来选择。

You should be using classes when there could be more than one of a given element, and IDs when you know there will only be one. #navigation-bar would be using an ID because you will only have one navigation bar in your layout, but .navigation-link would be using a class name because you will have multiple navigation links. (It'd be better practice to use #navigation-bar a:link to get the navigation links, but you get my point.)

当给定元素中可能有多个元素时,应该使用类;当知道只有一个元素时,应该使用id。# navig-bar将使用一个ID,因为你的布局中只有一个导航条,而. navig-link将使用一个类名,因为你将有多个导航链接。(最好使用# navigationbar a:link获取导航链接,但你明白我的意思了。)



The dot . is a class selector, the hash/pound/octothorpe # selects by an ID:


    .foo { ... }
    #bar { ... }
<p class='foo'>Foo</p>
<p id='bar' class='baz'>Bar</p>

IDs have to be unique throughout a document, classes don't have to be. That's basically the primary difference. There are some things to note with regard to scripting but those are usually not of particular interest when styling.


Furthermore, an element may belong to multiple classes:


<p class="foo bar baz">

and as seen above, classes and IDs are not mutually exclusive.




. is a class and can be reused many times and for different elements


# is an ID and must be used only once on each page.




See Class vs ID
