Lobes of the brain

时间:2021-11-16 03:22:03

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobes_of_the_brain (Except for the last figure)

Lobes of the brain

Terminologia Anatomica (1998) divides cerebrum into 6 lobes:

  1. Frontal lobe—conscious thought; damage can result in mood changes, social differences, etc. The frontal lobes are the most uniquely human of all the brain structures.
  2. Parietal lobe—plays important roles in integrating sensory information from various senses, and in the manipulation of objects; portions of the parietal lobe are involved withvisuospatial processing
  3. Occipital lobe—sense of sight; lesions can produce hallucinations
  4. Temporal lobe—senses of smell and sound, as well as processing of complex stimuli like faces and scenes.
  5. Limbic lobe—emotion, memory
  6. Insular cortex—pain, some other senses.

Lobes of the brain

Lobes of the brain

Lobes of the brain

Lobes of the brain

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