Error using subsindex Function 'subsindex' is not defined for values of class 'struct'.

时间:2022-03-16 13:22:02
 clc; clear all;  close all;
image_path = '/media/wangxiao/Elements/image_segment_backup/';
savePath = '/media/wangxiao/Seagate/wangxiao/additional_data/'; threshold = ; first_files = dir(image_path); for i = :length(first_files)
sec_file_name = first_files(i).name;
sec_path = [image_path, sec_file_name, '/'];
sec_files = dir(sec_path);
disp(['process the: ', sec_file_name, '---', num2str(i-), '/', num2str(length(first_files)-),' waiting . . . ']); for j = :length(sec_files)
third_file_name = sec_files(j).name;
third_path = [sec_path, third_file_name, '/'];
third_files = dir(third_path);
disp([' process the: ', third_file_name, '---', num2str(j-), '/', num2str(length(sec_files)-),' . . . ']); for k = :length(third_files)
fourth_files_name = third_files(k).name;
fourth_path = [third_path, fourth_files_name, '/'];
fourth_files = dir(fourth_path);
disp([' process the: ', fourth_files_name, '---', num2str(k-), '/', num2str(length(third_files)-),' . . . ']); for ii = :length(fourth_files)
fifth_file_name = fourth_files(ii).name;
fifth_path = [fourth_path, fifth_file_name, '/'];
fifth_files = dir(fifth_path);
disp([' process the: ', fifth_file_name, '---', num2str(ii-), '/', num2str(length(fourth_files)-),' . . . ']); for jj = :length(fifth_files)
six_file_name = fifth_files(jj).name;
six_path = [fifth_path, six_file_name, '/'];
six_files = dir([six_path, '*.jpg']);
% disp([' process the: ', six_file_name, '---', num2str(jj-), '/', num2str(length(fifth_files)-), ' . . . ']); for kk = :length(six_files)
seven_file_name = six_files(kk).name;
image = imread([six_path, seven_file_name]); imshow(image); [width, length, channel] = size(image);
% disp(sec_file_name);
% disp(third_file_name);
% disp(fourth_files_name);
% disp(fifth_file_name);
% disp(six_file_name);
% disp(seven_file_name);
resolution = width * length ; if (resolution > threshold)
imwrite(image, [savePath, seven_file_name]);
end end end end end end end

Error using subsindex           Function 'subsindex' is not defined for values of class 'struct'.

Error using subsindex
Function 'subsindex' is not defined for values of class 'struct'.

Error in pre_deal_additional_data (line 39)
                    for kk = 1:length(six_files)



fuck the error and  the answer is :

 clc; clear all;  close all;
image_path = '/media/wangxiao/Elements/image_segment_backup/';
savePath = '/media/wangxiao/Seagate/wangxiao/additional_data/'; threshold_self = ; first_files = dir(image_path); for i = :size(first_files, )
sec_file_name = first_files(i).name;
sec_path = [image_path, sec_file_name, '/'];
sec_files = dir(sec_path);
disp(['process the: ', sec_file_name, '---', num2str(i-), '/', num2str(length(first_files)-),' waiting . . . ']); for j = : size(sec_files, )
third_file_name = sec_files(j).name;
third_path = [sec_path, third_file_name, '/'];
third_files = dir(third_path);
% disp([' process the: ', third_file_name, '---', num2str(j-), '/', num2str(length(sec_files)-),' . . . ']); for k = : size(third_files, )
fourth_files_name = third_files(k).name;
fourth_path = [third_path, fourth_files_name, '/'];
fourth_files = dir(fourth_path);
% disp([' process the: ', fourth_files_name, '---', num2str(k-), '/', num2str(length(third_files)-),' . . . ']); for ii = : size(fourth_files, )
fifth_file_name = fourth_files(ii).name;
fifth_path = [fourth_path, fifth_file_name, '/'];
fifth_files = dir(fifth_path);
% disp([' process the: ', fifth_file_name, '---', num2str(ii-), '/', num2str(length(fourth_files)-),' . . . ']); for jj = : size(fifth_files, )
six_file_name = fifth_files(jj).name;
six_path = [fifth_path, six_file_name, '/'];
six_files = dir([six_path, '*.jpg']);
% disp([' process the: ', six_file_name, '---', num2str(jj-), '/', num2str(length(fifth_files)-), ' . . . ']); for kk = : size(six_files, )
seven_file_name = six_files(kk).name;
image = imread([six_path, seven_file_name]); % imshow(image); [width, length, channel] = size(image); resolution_self = width * length ; if (resolution_self > threshold_self)
imwrite(image, [savePath, seven_file_name]);
end end end end end end end