class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Contact contact = new Contact();
PdaItem pda = new PdaItem();
pda = contact;
public class PdaItem
public string Name { set; get; }
public DateTime LastUpdated { set; get; }
public class Contact : PdaItem
public string Address { set; get; }
public string Phone { set; get; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
PdaItem pda = new PdaItem("name1", DateTime.Now);
Contact contact = new Contact("name2", DateTime.Now.AddDays(), "beijing", "");
pda = contact;
Person person = new Person("PersonName1", "tianjin");
contact = person;
public class PdaItem
public PdaItem()
public PdaItem(string pName, DateTime pLastUpdated)
Name = pName;
LastUpdated = pLastUpdated;
public string Name { set; get; }
public DateTime LastUpdated { set; get; }
public class Contact : PdaItem
public Contact()
public Contact(string pName, DateTime pLastUpdated, string pAddress, string pPhone)
: base(pName, pLastUpdated)
Address = pAddress;
Phone = pPhone;
public string Address { set; get; }
public string Phone { set; get; }
public class Person
public Person(string pName, string pAddress)
Name = pName;
Address = pAddress;
public string Name { set; get; }
public string Address { set; get; }
/// <summary>
/// 隐式转换
/// </summary>
/// <param name="person"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static implicit operator Contact(Person person)
Contact c = new Contact();
c.Name = person.Name;
c.Address = person.Address;
c.LastUpdated = DateTime.Today;
c.Phone = "";
return c;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Contact p = new Contact("xxm", DateTime.Now, );
Console.ReadLine(); }
public class PdaItem
public PdaItem()
public PdaItem(string pName, DateTime pLastUpdated)
Name = pName;
LastUpdated = pLastUpdated;
public string Name { set; get; }
public DateTime LastUpdated { set; get; }
public class Person
public Person(int pSex)
Sex = pSex;
public int Sex { set; get; }
public string GetSex()
switch (Sex)
case :
return "女";
case :
return "男";
return "未定义";
} }
public class Contact : PdaItem
public Contact()
public Contact(string pName, DateTime pLastUpdated, int sex)
: base(pName, pLastUpdated)
person = new Person(sex);
public Person person { set; get; }
public int Sex
set { person.Sex = value; }
get { return person.Sex; }
public string GetSex()
switch (Sex)
case :
return Name + "," + "女" + "," + LastUpdated;
case :
return Name + "," + "男" + "," + LastUpdated; ;
return Name + "," + "未定义" + "," + LastUpdated; ;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
PdaItem p = new PdaItem("pname", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-));
Contact c = new Contact("name1", DateTime.Now);
p = c;
p.Name = "name1";
Console.WriteLine(p.Name); }
public class PdaItem
public PdaItem()
public PdaItem(string pName, DateTime pLastUpdated)
Name = pName;
LastUpdated = pLastUpdated;
public virtual string Name { set; get; } public DateTime LastUpdated { set; get; }
} public class Contact : PdaItem
public override string Name
return FirtstName;
FirtstName = value + " from Contact";
public string FirtstName;
public Contact()
public Contact(string pName, DateTime pLastUpdated)
: base(pName, pLastUpdated)
{ } }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
PdaItem p = new PdaItem("pname", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-));
Contact c = new Contact("name1", DateTime.Now);
p = c;
p.Name = "name1";
Console.WriteLine(p.Name); }
public class PdaItem
public PdaItem()
public PdaItem(string pName, DateTime pLastUpdated)
Name = pName;
LastUpdated = pLastUpdated;
public string Name { set; get; } public DateTime LastUpdated { set; get; }
} public class Contact : PdaItem
public new string Name
return FirtstName;
FirtstName = value + " from Contact";
public string FirtstName;
public Contact()
public Contact(string pName, DateTime pLastUpdated)
: base(pName, pLastUpdated)
{ } }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
PdaItem p;
Contact c = new Contact("contact name");
p = c;
Console.WriteLine(p.Name +","+ p.GetSummary()); Appointment ap = new Appointment("appointment name");
p = ap;
Console.WriteLine(p.Name + "," + p.GetSummary());
Console.ReadLine(); }
public abstract class PdaItem
public PdaItem()
{ }
public PdaItem(string pName)
Name = pName;
public virtual string Name { set; get; }
public abstract string GetSummary();
} public class Contact : PdaItem
public new string Name
return FirtstName;
FirtstName = value + " from Contact";
public string FirtstName;
public Contact()
public Contact(string pName)
: base(pName)
{ }
public override string GetSummary()
return "GetSummary() from Contact";
} }
public class Appointment : PdaItem
public new string Name
return FirtstName;
FirtstName = value + " from Appointment";
public string FirtstName;
public Appointment()
public Appointment(string pName)
: base(pName)
{ }
public override string GetSummary()
return "GetSummary() from Appointment";
} }
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