
时间:2022-01-27 01:04:11

I want to create a simple form with a name and an email and save these data in an XML file. So far I found that using Ajax with jQuery is quite easy. So I used the usual code:


//dataString have the values taken from the form
var dataString = 'name='+ name + '&email=' + email;
 type: "POST",
 url: "users.xml",
 data: dataString,
 dataType: "xml",
 success: function() { .... }

If I understood well, in the url I should add the name of the XML file that will be created.


When the user clicks a button I call the function with the Ajax request, and then I should call somewhere a function for generating the xml.


I am using also two beans. One is for setting the elements of the user and the other is for saving the data in the XML. I am using the XStream library for the xml although I don't know if is the best solution.


The problem now it that I can not connect all these together in order to save the data in the XML.


Does anyone know what should I do?


Thanks a lot!


1 个解决方案



Sorry, but your understanding is incorrect. The url should point to the URL of a server-side CGI/API which processes the HTTP POST request. The dataType indicates the data type of the HTTP response which is been returned from the server side after processing the HTTP request. This can be either a HTML string, a JSON string or a XML string. To ease immediate processing of the response, you can set the datatype there so that jQuery knows how to "preformat" the response. Often JSON is been used since it's the most compact and the quickiest to process in Javascript.

对不起,但您的理解不正确。 url应指向处理HTTP POST请求的服务器端CGI / API的URL。 dataType表示在处理HTTP请求之后从服务器端返回的HTTP响应的数据类型。这可以是HTML字符串,JSON字符串或XML字符串。为了便于立即处理响应,您可以在其中设置数据类型,以便jQuery知道如何“预格式化”响应。通常使用JSON,因为它是最简洁,最快速的Javascript处理。

In case of a JSP/Servlet application, you need to let the url point to a Servlet which has the doPost() method implemented like follows:

对于JSP / Servlet应用程序,您需要让url指向一个Servlet,该Servlet具有如下实现的doPost()方法:

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    // First process HTTP request.
    String name = request.getParameter("name");
    String email = request.getParameter("email");
    // Do your business stuff here. You want to store this in a xml file? 

    // Then return HTTP response.
    response.getWriter().write("<status>ok</status>"); // Or whatever XML string you would like to return depending on the outcome of the business stuff.



Sorry, but your understanding is incorrect. The url should point to the URL of a server-side CGI/API which processes the HTTP POST request. The dataType indicates the data type of the HTTP response which is been returned from the server side after processing the HTTP request. This can be either a HTML string, a JSON string or a XML string. To ease immediate processing of the response, you can set the datatype there so that jQuery knows how to "preformat" the response. Often JSON is been used since it's the most compact and the quickiest to process in Javascript.

对不起,但您的理解不正确。 url应指向处理HTTP POST请求的服务器端CGI / API的URL。 dataType表示在处理HTTP请求之后从服务器端返回的HTTP响应的数据类型。这可以是HTML字符串,JSON字符串或XML字符串。为了便于立即处理响应,您可以在其中设置数据类型,以便jQuery知道如何“预格式化”响应。通常使用JSON,因为它是最简洁,最快速的Javascript处理。

In case of a JSP/Servlet application, you need to let the url point to a Servlet which has the doPost() method implemented like follows:

对于JSP / Servlet应用程序,您需要让url指向一个Servlet,该Servlet具有如下实现的doPost()方法:

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    // First process HTTP request.
    String name = request.getParameter("name");
    String email = request.getParameter("email");
    // Do your business stuff here. You want to store this in a xml file? 

    // Then return HTTP response.
    response.getWriter().write("<status>ok</status>"); // Or whatever XML string you would like to return depending on the outcome of the business stuff.