The component and implementation of a basic gradient descent in python

时间:2021-05-16 18:20:07

in my impression, the gradient descent is for finding the independent variable that can get the minimum/maximum value of an objective function. So we need an obj. function: \(\mathcal{L}\)

  • an obj. function: \(\mathcal{L}\)
  • The gradient of \(\mathcal{L}: 2x+2\)
  • \(\Delta x\) , The value of idependent variable needs to be updated: \(x \leftarrow x+\Delta x\)

1. the \(\mathcal{L}\) is a context function: \(f(x)=x^2+2x+1\)

how to find the \(x_0\) that makes the \(f(x)\) has the minimum value, via gradient descent?

Start with an arbitrary \(x\), calculate the value of \(f(x)\) :

import random
def func(x):
return x*x + 2*x +1
def gred(x): # the gradient of f(x)
return 2*x + 2 x = random.uniform(-10.0,10.0) #randomly pick a float in interval of (-10, 10)
# x = 10
print('x starts at:', x) y0 = func(x) #first cal
delta = 0.5 #the value of delta_x, each iteration
x = x + delta # === interation ===
for i in range(100):
y1 = func(x)
delta = -0.08*gred(x)
print(' delta=',delta)
if y1 > y0:
print(' y1>y0')
# if gred(x) is positive, the x should decrease.
# if gred(x) is negative, the x should increase.
print(' y1<=y0')
# if gred(x) is positive, the x should increase.
# if gred(x) is negative, the x should decrease.
x = x+delta
y0 = y1
print(' x=', x, 'f(x)=', y1)

Let's disscuss how to determin the some_value in the psudo code above.

if \(y_1-y_0\) has a large positive difference, i.e. \(y1 >> y0\), the x should shift backward heavily. so the some_value can be a ratio of \((y_1-y_0)\times(-gradient)\) , Let's say, some_value: \(\lambda = r \times\) gred(x) , here, \(r=0.08\) is the step-size.

The basic gradient descent has many shortcomings which can be found by search the 'shortcoming of gd'.

Another problem of GD algorithm is , What if the \(\mathcal{L}\) does not have explicit expression of its gradient?

Stochastic Gradient Descent(SGD) is another GD algorithm.