procedure CreateShape(const _layer: TObject; const _ptg: TGIS_Point3D; const _type: TGIS_ShapeType; const _dim: TGIS_DimensionType);
const _layer: TObject
TGIS_Layer which will own new shape
const _ptg: TGIS_Point3D
"starting" 3D of a new shape to be created; expected Viewer coordinate system
const _type: TGIS_ShapeType
type of shape to be created; it must be type supported by layer; if gisShapeTypeUnknown then shape of default type will be created
const _dim: TGIS_DimensionType
dimension of shape to be created; it must be type supported by layer; if gisShapeTypeUnknown then shape of default dimension will be created
Create and activate editing of a new shape.