ORACLE 将一个库的部分值带条件插入到另外一个库

时间:2022-05-05 22:30:48


1.insert into table1 select * from table2 ; 或者2.create table1 as select * from table2 ;



insert into table1 t1 
 select CRMII.SEQ_HX_WRZGBD.NEXTVAL as id, --序列
        zqdm                        as gpbh,    --字段1
        zqmc                        as gpmc,    --字段2
        syl_lj                      as ljsyl,        --字段3
        sysdate                     as cjsj        --系统时间
   from (select SYL_LJ, zqmc, zqdm
           from (select zqmc, zqdm, max(syl_lj) as syl_lj
                   from (select ZQMC, ZQDM, SYL_LJ
                           from TETG_CP_JG_TJGP
                          where TJRQ between
                                to_number(to_char(sysdate - 100, 'yyyymmdd')) and
                                to_number(to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd'))    --修改函数
                               --and YTJCP_MC LIKE '%热点%'    模糊查询
                            and SYL_LJ is not null)
                  group by (zqmc, zqdm))    --去重
          order by SYL_LJ desc)    --排序
  where rownum <= 3;    --返回条数