
时间:2022-06-15 21:46:20

I'm confused on what the difference is between Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation. To me they seem like the same thing.


Can you please explain to me the differences between the two and in which situation I would use one over the other?


8 个解决方案



They ARE almost exactly the same thing, but they differ in context.


There is a class of browsers called "A Grade Browsers". These are your typical audience members that (probably) make up the majority of your visitors. You'll start with a baseline of these users. Call this best modern practices.


If you want to enhance the experience for anyone happening to use FF3.6 or Safari 4 or some other whizbang developer nightly webkit whathaveyou, you'll want to do awesome things like

如果你想增强使用FF3.6或Safari 4或其他一些开发者夜间webkit whathaveyou的人的体验,你会想做一些很棒的事情,比如

  • rounded corners via css
  • 圆角通过CSS
  • shadowed text (but please god, not TOO much)
  • 阴影文本(但请上帝,不要太多)
  • drop shadows (see above parenthetical)
  • 阴影(参见上面的括号内容)

These make your site kick-ass looking, but won't break it. This is progressive enhancement. Embracing the future from the point of best practices.


On the other hand, your niche Nintendo site attracts a fair number of IE5 users. Poor you, but you also want to make sure they keep coming back. You might provide an alternative to your ajax behavior by including the ajax script in an external file and if their JS isn't turned on, maybe your links update the whole page. Etc. From the point of view of best modern practices, you're making sure that certain historical markets are being catered by some semblance of a functional site. This is graceful degradation.


They are mostly identical, but differ in terms of priority for many development teams: PE is quite nice if you have the time, but GD is often necessary




If your site looks equally good on all browsers, but certain browsers get, say, dancing ponies because they support dancing ponies, then that's Progressive Enhancement. It works in all browsers, but certain browsers get something extra. Usually that term is applied to certain Javascript features that may enhance usability beyond "raw HTML".


If your site only looks the way you intend to on browsers that fully support, say, CSS3, and IE8- will display the same page without, say, rounded corners, then that's Graceful Degradation. The site is really meant for state-of-the-art browsers, but it's still usable in older browsers, just not as fancy.


In the end, they're really the same thing, looked at from two different perspectives.




The direction from a chosen baseline for each concept is different.


Graceful Degradation starts at a ideal user experience level and decreases depending on user agent capabilities down to a minimum level, catering for agents that don't support certain features used by the baseline.


Progressive Enhancement starts at a broad minimum user experience and increases depending on user agent capabilities up to a more capable level, catering for agents that support more advanced features than the baseline.


I think that one could employ both concepts if time/budget permit. If not then graceful degradation would be preferred.




Sorry to resurrect something that's way over a year old, but felt I could contribute, in some small way, my own opinion on the matter.


Although I agree with both Alex Mcp and deceze in a way, The terms "Graceful Degradation" and "Progressive Enhancement" have slightly different meanings from where I stand.

虽然我同意Alex Mcp和deceze两种方式,但“优雅降级”和“渐进增强”这两个术语与我的立场略有不同。

Graceful degradation, a lot of the time (in my opinion), seems to be more of a stick to beat an app into submission after it's been built badly in the first place in my experience. Like someone building out some vast javascript object that provides the user with something really cool to play with, until a manager comes along, tests the thing and everyone runs screaming throwing their arms around when it comes to their attention that their app doesn't work in 35% of browsers. "Someone better provide a fallback for this."

在很多时候(在我看来),优雅的降级似乎更像是一个坚持在我的经验中首先被严重构建的应用程序投入提交。就像有人建立了一些巨大的javascript对象,为用户提供了一些非常酷的东西,直到经理出现,测试这个东西,每个人都尖叫着,当他们注意到他们的应用不起作用时,他们会搂着他们在35%的浏览器中。 “有人能更好地为此做出回击。”

Progressive Enhancement though (and it's such a nicer term to say too) would seem to me to be more about building something that just works, on an entry level, everywhere, through the most basic methods available, to provide all the functionality that the user needs. This can then be added to with neat little unobtrusive helpers, styling etc. that actually enhance the user experience of the application in question, rather than just make it barely useable. "That looks cool. Does it work in IE6. Oh yeah. It Does"

虽然渐进式增强(并且它也是一个更好的术语)在我看来更多的是通过最基本的方法,在入门级,无处不在的地方构建可正常工作的东西,以提供用户的所有功能需要。然后,这可以添加到整洁的小的不显眼的助手,样式等,实际上增强了所讨论的应用程序的用户体验,而不是仅仅使其几乎不可用。 “看起来很酷。它在IE6中是否有效。哦是的。它确实如此”

I think maybe giving style as an example of Both terms in the top two answers here kind of overlooks the real underlying usability issue that progressive enhancement often solves by its very nature, where graceful degradation ignores until things go wrong.


Rant over...




Graceful degradation is the practice of building your web functionality so that it provides a certain level of user experience in more modern browsers, but it will also degrade gracefully to a lower level of user in experience in older browsers. This lower level is not as nice to use for your site visitors, but it does still provide them with the basic functionality that they came to your site to use; things do not break for them.


Progressive enhancement is similar, but it does things the other way round. You start by establishing a basic level of user experience that all browsers will be able to provide when rendering your web site, but you also build in more advanced functionality that will automatically be available to browsers that can use it.


In other words, graceful degradation starts from the status quo of complexity and tries to fix for the lesser experience whereas progressive enhancement starts from a very basic, working example and allows for constant extension for future environments. Degrading gracefully means looking back whereas enhancing progressively means looking forward whilst keeping your feet on firm ground.




Graceful Degradation

Graceful degradation is the ability of a computer, machine, electronic system or network to maintain limited functionality even when a large portion of it has been destroyed or rendered inoperative. The purpose of graceful degradation is to prevent catastrophic failure.


Graceful degradation is one solution. It is the practice of building a web site or application so it provides a good level of user experience in modern browsers. However, it will degrade gracefully for those using older browsers. The system may not be as pleasant or as pretty, but the basic functionality will work on older systems.


A simple example is the use of 24-bit alpha-transparent PNGs. Those images can be displayed on modern browsers without problems. IE5.5 and IE6 would show the image, but transparency effects would fail (it can be made to work if necessary). Older browsers that do not support PNG would show alt text or an empty space.

一个简单的例子是使用24位alpha透明PNG。这些图像可以毫无问题地在现代浏览器上显示。 IE5.5和IE6会显示图像,但透明效果会失败(必要时可以使其工作)。不支持PNG的旧版浏览器会显示替代文字或空格。

Developers adopting graceful degradation often specify their browser support level, e.g. level 1 browsers (best experience) and level 2 browsers (degraded experience).

采用优雅降级的开发人员通常会指定其浏览器支持级别,例如: 1级浏览器(最佳体验)和2级浏览器(降级体验)。

Progressive Enhancement

Progressive enhancement is a strategy for web design that emphasizes accessibility, semantic HTML markup, and external stylesheet and scripting technologies. Progressive enhancement uses web technologies in a layered fashion that allows everyone to access the basic content and functionality of a web page, using any browser or Internet connection, while also providing an enhanced version of the page to those with more advanced browser software or greater bandwidth.


Progressive enhancement is similar concept to graceful degradation but in reverse. The web site or application would establish a base-level of user experience for most browsers. More advanced functionality would then be added when a browser supports it.


Progressive enhancement does not require us to select supported browsers or revert to table-based layouts. We choose a level of technology; i.e. the browser must support HTML 4.01 and standard page request/responses.

渐进增强不需要我们选择支持的浏览器或恢复到基于表格的布局。我们选择一种技术水平;即浏览器必须支持HTML 4.01和标准页面请求/响应。

Going back to our image example, we might decide that our application should be functional in all graphical browsers. We could use a lower-quality GIF images by default but replace them with 24-bit PNGs when the browser supports them.



Wikipedia : Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation(Fault_tolerance)


Source : Sitepoint Blog




I find it tends to be attitudinal - are you saying "okay, my site works with Lynx, users can do everything I want them to be able to do, now lets add some panache", or are you saying "okay, my site works in Firefox, now lets try to fix it for people not willing to use that/who turn off javascript/etc"

我发现它往往是态度 - 你说“好吧,我的网站与Lynx合作,用户可以做我希望他们能够做的一切,现在让我们添加一些”,或者你说“好吧,我的网站工作在Firefox中,现在让我们尝试为不愿意使用它/关闭javascript / etc的人修复它“



to make it easier, just set your bar right at the top then you can ignore progressive enhancement. when a new feature comes out raise your bar ;)


or alternatively set your bar to the lowest level (lynx perhaps?) and just use progressive enhancement.




They ARE almost exactly the same thing, but they differ in context.


There is a class of browsers called "A Grade Browsers". These are your typical audience members that (probably) make up the majority of your visitors. You'll start with a baseline of these users. Call this best modern practices.


If you want to enhance the experience for anyone happening to use FF3.6 or Safari 4 or some other whizbang developer nightly webkit whathaveyou, you'll want to do awesome things like

如果你想增强使用FF3.6或Safari 4或其他一些开发者夜间webkit whathaveyou的人的体验,你会想做一些很棒的事情,比如

  • rounded corners via css
  • 圆角通过CSS
  • shadowed text (but please god, not TOO much)
  • 阴影文本(但请上帝,不要太多)
  • drop shadows (see above parenthetical)
  • 阴影(参见上面的括号内容)

These make your site kick-ass looking, but won't break it. This is progressive enhancement. Embracing the future from the point of best practices.


On the other hand, your niche Nintendo site attracts a fair number of IE5 users. Poor you, but you also want to make sure they keep coming back. You might provide an alternative to your ajax behavior by including the ajax script in an external file and if their JS isn't turned on, maybe your links update the whole page. Etc. From the point of view of best modern practices, you're making sure that certain historical markets are being catered by some semblance of a functional site. This is graceful degradation.


They are mostly identical, but differ in terms of priority for many development teams: PE is quite nice if you have the time, but GD is often necessary




If your site looks equally good on all browsers, but certain browsers get, say, dancing ponies because they support dancing ponies, then that's Progressive Enhancement. It works in all browsers, but certain browsers get something extra. Usually that term is applied to certain Javascript features that may enhance usability beyond "raw HTML".


If your site only looks the way you intend to on browsers that fully support, say, CSS3, and IE8- will display the same page without, say, rounded corners, then that's Graceful Degradation. The site is really meant for state-of-the-art browsers, but it's still usable in older browsers, just not as fancy.


In the end, they're really the same thing, looked at from two different perspectives.




The direction from a chosen baseline for each concept is different.


Graceful Degradation starts at a ideal user experience level and decreases depending on user agent capabilities down to a minimum level, catering for agents that don't support certain features used by the baseline.


Progressive Enhancement starts at a broad minimum user experience and increases depending on user agent capabilities up to a more capable level, catering for agents that support more advanced features than the baseline.


I think that one could employ both concepts if time/budget permit. If not then graceful degradation would be preferred.




Sorry to resurrect something that's way over a year old, but felt I could contribute, in some small way, my own opinion on the matter.


Although I agree with both Alex Mcp and deceze in a way, The terms "Graceful Degradation" and "Progressive Enhancement" have slightly different meanings from where I stand.

虽然我同意Alex Mcp和deceze两种方式,但“优雅降级”和“渐进增强”这两个术语与我的立场略有不同。

Graceful degradation, a lot of the time (in my opinion), seems to be more of a stick to beat an app into submission after it's been built badly in the first place in my experience. Like someone building out some vast javascript object that provides the user with something really cool to play with, until a manager comes along, tests the thing and everyone runs screaming throwing their arms around when it comes to their attention that their app doesn't work in 35% of browsers. "Someone better provide a fallback for this."

在很多时候(在我看来),优雅的降级似乎更像是一个坚持在我的经验中首先被严重构建的应用程序投入提交。就像有人建立了一些巨大的javascript对象,为用户提供了一些非常酷的东西,直到经理出现,测试这个东西,每个人都尖叫着,当他们注意到他们的应用不起作用时,他们会搂着他们在35%的浏览器中。 “有人能更好地为此做出回击。”

Progressive Enhancement though (and it's such a nicer term to say too) would seem to me to be more about building something that just works, on an entry level, everywhere, through the most basic methods available, to provide all the functionality that the user needs. This can then be added to with neat little unobtrusive helpers, styling etc. that actually enhance the user experience of the application in question, rather than just make it barely useable. "That looks cool. Does it work in IE6. Oh yeah. It Does"

虽然渐进式增强(并且它也是一个更好的术语)在我看来更多的是通过最基本的方法,在入门级,无处不在的地方构建可正常工作的东西,以提供用户的所有功能需要。然后,这可以添加到整洁的小的不显眼的助手,样式等,实际上增强了所讨论的应用程序的用户体验,而不是仅仅使其几乎不可用。 “看起来很酷。它在IE6中是否有效。哦是的。它确实如此”

I think maybe giving style as an example of Both terms in the top two answers here kind of overlooks the real underlying usability issue that progressive enhancement often solves by its very nature, where graceful degradation ignores until things go wrong.


Rant over...




Graceful degradation is the practice of building your web functionality so that it provides a certain level of user experience in more modern browsers, but it will also degrade gracefully to a lower level of user in experience in older browsers. This lower level is not as nice to use for your site visitors, but it does still provide them with the basic functionality that they came to your site to use; things do not break for them.


Progressive enhancement is similar, but it does things the other way round. You start by establishing a basic level of user experience that all browsers will be able to provide when rendering your web site, but you also build in more advanced functionality that will automatically be available to browsers that can use it.


In other words, graceful degradation starts from the status quo of complexity and tries to fix for the lesser experience whereas progressive enhancement starts from a very basic, working example and allows for constant extension for future environments. Degrading gracefully means looking back whereas enhancing progressively means looking forward whilst keeping your feet on firm ground.




Graceful Degradation

Graceful degradation is the ability of a computer, machine, electronic system or network to maintain limited functionality even when a large portion of it has been destroyed or rendered inoperative. The purpose of graceful degradation is to prevent catastrophic failure.


Graceful degradation is one solution. It is the practice of building a web site or application so it provides a good level of user experience in modern browsers. However, it will degrade gracefully for those using older browsers. The system may not be as pleasant or as pretty, but the basic functionality will work on older systems.


A simple example is the use of 24-bit alpha-transparent PNGs. Those images can be displayed on modern browsers without problems. IE5.5 and IE6 would show the image, but transparency effects would fail (it can be made to work if necessary). Older browsers that do not support PNG would show alt text or an empty space.

一个简单的例子是使用24位alpha透明PNG。这些图像可以毫无问题地在现代浏览器上显示。 IE5.5和IE6会显示图像,但透明效果会失败(必要时可以使其工作)。不支持PNG的旧版浏览器会显示替代文字或空格。

Developers adopting graceful degradation often specify their browser support level, e.g. level 1 browsers (best experience) and level 2 browsers (degraded experience).

采用优雅降级的开发人员通常会指定其浏览器支持级别,例如: 1级浏览器(最佳体验)和2级浏览器(降级体验)。

Progressive Enhancement

Progressive enhancement is a strategy for web design that emphasizes accessibility, semantic HTML markup, and external stylesheet and scripting technologies. Progressive enhancement uses web technologies in a layered fashion that allows everyone to access the basic content and functionality of a web page, using any browser or Internet connection, while also providing an enhanced version of the page to those with more advanced browser software or greater bandwidth.


Progressive enhancement is similar concept to graceful degradation but in reverse. The web site or application would establish a base-level of user experience for most browsers. More advanced functionality would then be added when a browser supports it.


Progressive enhancement does not require us to select supported browsers or revert to table-based layouts. We choose a level of technology; i.e. the browser must support HTML 4.01 and standard page request/responses.

渐进增强不需要我们选择支持的浏览器或恢复到基于表格的布局。我们选择一种技术水平;即浏览器必须支持HTML 4.01和标准页面请求/响应。

Going back to our image example, we might decide that our application should be functional in all graphical browsers. We could use a lower-quality GIF images by default but replace them with 24-bit PNGs when the browser supports them.



Wikipedia : Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation(Fault_tolerance)


Source : Sitepoint Blog




I find it tends to be attitudinal - are you saying "okay, my site works with Lynx, users can do everything I want them to be able to do, now lets add some panache", or are you saying "okay, my site works in Firefox, now lets try to fix it for people not willing to use that/who turn off javascript/etc"

我发现它往往是态度 - 你说“好吧,我的网站与Lynx合作,用户可以做我希望他们能够做的一切,现在让我们添加一些”,或者你说“好吧,我的网站工作在Firefox中,现在让我们尝试为不愿意使用它/关闭javascript / etc的人修复它“



to make it easier, just set your bar right at the top then you can ignore progressive enhancement. when a new feature comes out raise your bar ;)


or alternatively set your bar to the lowest level (lynx perhaps?) and just use progressive enhancement.
