使用Maven Jenkins和JMeter自动化测试

时间:2021-12-25 14:49:44

  有两个插件能够实现在Maven build集成Jmeter测试, jmeter-maven-plugin 和 chronos-maven-plugin. 选择哪一个取决于情况,下面是一些判断标准:

  1. 该插件不应该依赖于本地JMeter的安装。
  2. 它必须能够从命令行启动JMeter测试(无GUI)。
  3. JMeter的图形用户界面也应该通过插件(例如,通过一个单独的Maven目标)直接实现。
  4. 它包含JMeter的插件。
  5. 该插件应该产生有意义的报告。

第一第二条两个都满足,jmeter-maven-plugin可以在无图形情况下使用一个简单的附加依赖项kg.apc:jmeter-plugins直接使用使用JMeter,这点是 jmeter-chronos-maven-plugin没有的。

下面是一段来自 jmeter-maven-example的配置:

       By default the test results are saved in a file 
       Further processing is easier without timestamp though.
       To simplify debugging, it is advisable to adapt the loglevel.
       The jmeter logs are written to the file jmeter.log.
       By default, the console output during a jmeter test run is suppressed.
       We want to display the progress using the listener "Generate Summary Results"
       (which periodically prints stats to stdout). Therefore we have to make sure,
       that the jmeter output is not suppressed.
       If tests fail (e.g. a http-request running into a timeout), the corresponding maven
       goal also fails (and subsequent goals aren't executed anymore). We want to create graphs
       from test-results, no matter if some requests failed or not, so we ignore jmeter failures.
            Unfortunately some transitive dependencies cannot be found on mvncentral
            and we have to explicitly exclude them.
            For a complete list, see https://github.com/mlex/jmeter-maven-example/
        <!-- ... -->
            Because of a bug in the jmeter-maven-plugin (see
            https://github.com/Ronnie76er/jmeter-maven-plugin/issues/77) we have to
            exclude jmeter dependencies here, too.
        <!-- ... -->

这个测试文件必须放在 /src/test/jmeter,您可以编辑和执行测试。

测试环境可以是各种,这里结合 Jenkins中创建一个Job,允
行,一个用于从jenkins执行。 Maven的特性是通过userProperties选项传递到JMeter的。


使用Jenkins-CI进行JMeter tests


使用Maven Jenkins和JMeter自动化测试


使用jmeter-graph-maven-plugin集合Jmeter的CMDRunner工具,可以让我们在Maven Build中输出图形结果。
