
时间:2022-06-01 16:49:28

My original code is given below and works fine. I wanted to add range check of 'ind' and in the modified version I added an if statement. When I run it I get a "type error in conditional", and I THINK its because of the output defintion [[String]] not IO()?


Is there anyother way to check for the range of the value held in ind and produce an output like "error"/"outofrange" ?


original code

retrieve :: [Int] -> [[String]] -> [[String]]
retrieve [] dat = [[]]
retrieve ind dat = [exC ind d | d <- dat]

modified code

retrieve :: [Int] -> [[String]] -> [[String]]
retrieve [] dat = [[]]
retrieve ind dat = if ind>3
                       then putStrLn "not found"
                       else [exC ind d | d <- dat]


5 个解决方案


Replace putStrLn with error. That will cause your program to abort completely (unless something higher level catches the exception.)


The problem with what you've written is that you have declared a pure type, and then are trying to do IO, which isn't allowed.



There are actually two errors in that code.


  • You need to use error, because it has type String -> a instead of String -> IO ()
  • 你需要使用错误,因为它有类型String - > a而不是String - > IO()

  • You apply > to [Int] and Int. Assuming that you want to test whether ind has length at most 3, you will have to call length.
  • 您将>应用于[Int]和Int。假设您要测试ind的长度是否最多为3,则必须调用length。


retrieve :: [Int] -> [[String]] -> [[String]]
retrieve [] dat = [[]]
retrieve ind dat | length ind > 3 = error "not found"
                 | otherwise      = [exC ind d | d <- dat]


As described in Ganesh's post, you want to do IO in a pure function, which isn't possible.


Ways to express your program (*you'll have to use length ind > 3 anyway)

表达你的程序的方法(*你将不得不使用长度> 3)

1 Use error (best way) as shown in the other posts


2 Use pattern guards (non exhaustive patterns-exception will occur)

2使用图案防护(非详尽模式 - 将发生异常)

3 Implement the IO properly:


retrieve ind dat = if ind >= 3
                    then do return [exC ind d | d <- dat ] 
                    else do putStrLn "error"; return [[]]

retrieve will have the type


retrieve :: [Int] -> [[String]] -> IO [[String]]

4 Use Maybe to express that the computation may fail.


retrieve :: [Int] -> [[String]] -> Maybe [[String]]
retrieve [] dat = [[]]
retrieve ind dat | length ind > 3 = Nothing
                 | otherwise      = Just [exC ind d | d <- dat]


You can use a pattern guard for this:


retrieve :: [Int] -> [[String]] -> [[String]]
retrieve [] dat = [[]]
retrieve ind dat | ind <= 3 = [exC ind d | d <- dat]

If you leave it like that you'll get a "Non-exhaustive patterns in function retrieve". You could also add another case with a custom error:


retrieve _ _ = error "Out of range"


The then branch has type IO (), the else has type [[String]]. The types of the two if branches are different and there is no way to give a type to the whole if that doesn't cause a type conflict with one of the branches.



Replace putStrLn with error. That will cause your program to abort completely (unless something higher level catches the exception.)


The problem with what you've written is that you have declared a pure type, and then are trying to do IO, which isn't allowed.



There are actually two errors in that code.


  • You need to use error, because it has type String -> a instead of String -> IO ()
  • 你需要使用错误,因为它有类型String - > a而不是String - > IO()

  • You apply > to [Int] and Int. Assuming that you want to test whether ind has length at most 3, you will have to call length.
  • 您将>应用于[Int]和Int。假设您要测试ind的长度是否最多为3,则必须调用length。


retrieve :: [Int] -> [[String]] -> [[String]]
retrieve [] dat = [[]]
retrieve ind dat | length ind > 3 = error "not found"
                 | otherwise      = [exC ind d | d <- dat]


As described in Ganesh's post, you want to do IO in a pure function, which isn't possible.


Ways to express your program (*you'll have to use length ind > 3 anyway)

表达你的程序的方法(*你将不得不使用长度> 3)

1 Use error (best way) as shown in the other posts


2 Use pattern guards (non exhaustive patterns-exception will occur)

2使用图案防护(非详尽模式 - 将发生异常)

3 Implement the IO properly:


retrieve ind dat = if ind >= 3
                    then do return [exC ind d | d <- dat ] 
                    else do putStrLn "error"; return [[]]

retrieve will have the type


retrieve :: [Int] -> [[String]] -> IO [[String]]

4 Use Maybe to express that the computation may fail.


retrieve :: [Int] -> [[String]] -> Maybe [[String]]
retrieve [] dat = [[]]
retrieve ind dat | length ind > 3 = Nothing
                 | otherwise      = Just [exC ind d | d <- dat]


You can use a pattern guard for this:


retrieve :: [Int] -> [[String]] -> [[String]]
retrieve [] dat = [[]]
retrieve ind dat | ind <= 3 = [exC ind d | d <- dat]

If you leave it like that you'll get a "Non-exhaustive patterns in function retrieve". You could also add another case with a custom error:


retrieve _ _ = error "Out of range"


The then branch has type IO (), the else has type [[String]]. The types of the two if branches are different and there is no way to give a type to the whole if that doesn't cause a type conflict with one of the branches.
