
时间:2022-03-05 20:32:44

I'm Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.20GHz (as told to me by cat /proc/cpuinfo), but I need to go into as much depth as possible re. architecture for working on parallel programming (likely using pthreads). Any pointers?

我是Intel(R)Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.20GHz(正如cat / proc / cpuinfo告诉我的那样),但我需要尽可能深入地重新考虑。从事并行编程的架构(可能使用pthreads)。有什么指针吗?

3 个解决方案



The sys filesystem knows all about this:


$ ls /sys/devices/system/cpu 
cpu0  cpu2  cpuidle  possible  sched_mc_power_savings
cpu1  cpu3  online   present

$ ls /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/
core_id        core_siblings_list   thread_siblings
core_siblings  physical_package_id  thread_siblings_list

Here's the documentation


Using this filesystem, you can find out how many CPUs you have, how many threads they have, which CPUs are next to which other cpus, and which CPUs share caches with which other ones.


For example - Q: which CPUs does cpu0 share it's L2 cache with?

例如 - 问:哪些CPU使用cpu0共享它的L2缓存?

$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index2/{type,level,shared_cpu_list}

A: It shares it's unified L2 cache with cpu1 (and itself).


Another example: Q: which CPUs are in the same physical package as cpu0 (on a larger machine):


cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/core_siblings

A: cores 0, 2, 4 and 6. (taken from the bit pattern above, lsb=cpu0)

A:核心0,2,4和6.(取自上面的位模式,lsb = cpu0)

not all linux systems have the sys filesystem in, and it's not always in root. (possibly in proc/sys?). the thread_siblings_list form is not always available, but the thread_siblings (bit pattern) one is.

并非所有的Linux系统都有sys文件系统,并且它并不总是在root中。 (可能在proc / sys中?)。 thread_siblings_list表单并不总是可用,但是thread_siblings(位模式)是。



I found lstopo of the hwloc project quite useful. This will give you graphical output (based on information found in /proc and /sys as Alex Brown described) of the topology of your system (see their webpage for an example). From the graphical output you can easily see

我发现hwloc项目的lstopo非常有用。这将为您提供系统拓扑的图形输出(基于/ proc和/ sys中的信息,如Alex Brown所述)(有关示例,请参阅其网页)。从图形输出中您可以轻松看到

  • if hyperthreaded cores are present
  • 如果存在超线程核心

  • which cpu numbers correspond are different hyperthreads on the same physical core
  • 哪些cpu编号对应的是同一物理核心上的不同超线程

  • how many CPU sockets are used
  • 使用了多少个CPU插槽

  • which cores share the L3 cache
  • 哪些核心共享L3缓存

  • if the main memory is common between CPU sockets or whether you are on a NUMA system
  • 如果主内存在CPU插槽之间是常见的,或者您是否在NUMA系统上


If you need to access this information programmatically, there is some documentation how hwloc can be used as a library.




To get the lowest detail about the processor a system engineer could run their equivalent to CPUZ and get to the lowest levels when permitted in law for the home or office address where the processor is to be installed and used. Software engineers and developers are not usually permitted to know that level of detail but I can tell you that the architecture can be of the type where a processor spawns or instances a virtual second processor giving close to x1.75 processing equivalent, or there are real physical multiple cores on the same die using technology and control methods as enhancements of previous implementations of the design. The Core processor has an interface for system programmers, application developers to use and this mode of access would be the expectation of Intel, details available from them.




The sys filesystem knows all about this:


$ ls /sys/devices/system/cpu 
cpu0  cpu2  cpuidle  possible  sched_mc_power_savings
cpu1  cpu3  online   present

$ ls /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/
core_id        core_siblings_list   thread_siblings
core_siblings  physical_package_id  thread_siblings_list

Here's the documentation


Using this filesystem, you can find out how many CPUs you have, how many threads they have, which CPUs are next to which other cpus, and which CPUs share caches with which other ones.


For example - Q: which CPUs does cpu0 share it's L2 cache with?

例如 - 问:哪些CPU使用cpu0共享它的L2缓存?

$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index2/{type,level,shared_cpu_list}

A: It shares it's unified L2 cache with cpu1 (and itself).


Another example: Q: which CPUs are in the same physical package as cpu0 (on a larger machine):


cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/core_siblings

A: cores 0, 2, 4 and 6. (taken from the bit pattern above, lsb=cpu0)

A:核心0,2,4和6.(取自上面的位模式,lsb = cpu0)

not all linux systems have the sys filesystem in, and it's not always in root. (possibly in proc/sys?). the thread_siblings_list form is not always available, but the thread_siblings (bit pattern) one is.

并非所有的Linux系统都有sys文件系统,并且它并不总是在root中。 (可能在proc / sys中?)。 thread_siblings_list表单并不总是可用,但是thread_siblings(位模式)是。



I found lstopo of the hwloc project quite useful. This will give you graphical output (based on information found in /proc and /sys as Alex Brown described) of the topology of your system (see their webpage for an example). From the graphical output you can easily see

我发现hwloc项目的lstopo非常有用。这将为您提供系统拓扑的图形输出(基于/ proc和/ sys中的信息,如Alex Brown所述)(有关示例,请参阅其网页)。从图形输出中您可以轻松看到

  • if hyperthreaded cores are present
  • 如果存在超线程核心

  • which cpu numbers correspond are different hyperthreads on the same physical core
  • 哪些cpu编号对应的是同一物理核心上的不同超线程

  • how many CPU sockets are used
  • 使用了多少个CPU插槽

  • which cores share the L3 cache
  • 哪些核心共享L3缓存

  • if the main memory is common between CPU sockets or whether you are on a NUMA system
  • 如果主内存在CPU插槽之间是常见的,或者您是否在NUMA系统上


If you need to access this information programmatically, there is some documentation how hwloc can be used as a library.




To get the lowest detail about the processor a system engineer could run their equivalent to CPUZ and get to the lowest levels when permitted in law for the home or office address where the processor is to be installed and used. Software engineers and developers are not usually permitted to know that level of detail but I can tell you that the architecture can be of the type where a processor spawns or instances a virtual second processor giving close to x1.75 processing equivalent, or there are real physical multiple cores on the same die using technology and control methods as enhancements of previous implementations of the design. The Core processor has an interface for system programmers, application developers to use and this mode of access would be the expectation of Intel, details available from them.
