The command from their documentation says to run the command:
C:\php>php go-pear.phar
Could not open input file: go-pear.phar
According to Installation Documents the go-pear.bat
file should be located in the root of the php files (c:\php)
. I have downloaded php-5.5.9-Win32-VC11-x64 to go with my x64
version of Apache 2.4
根据安装文件的要求。bat文件应该位于php文件的根目录(c:\php)。我下载了php- 5.9- win32 - vc11 -x64版本的Apache 2.4
The closest thing I have to this is: phar.phar.bat.
When trying to run this I get the following:
C:\php>"C:\php\php.exe" "C:\php\pharcommand.phar"
No command given, check C:\php\pharcommand.phar help
C:\php>php phar.phar.bat
"%~dp0php.exe" "%~dp0pharcommand.phar" %*
2 个解决方案
Did you save go-pear.phar to C:\php\ ? If php is working fine then you should be able to just cd to the directory where you saved the go-pear.phar file and do
你保存go-pear。phar到C:\ php \ ?如果php运行良好,那么应该能够将cd保存到保存go-pear的目录。phar文件并做
$ php go-pear.phar
if you can't find the go-pear.bat file, try with the go-pear.phar
you must to download it on the PEAR website. after that, place it in this folder according your apache server configuration "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12"
如果你找不到梨子。bat文件,试试go-pear。phar你必须在PEAR网站上下载。然后,根据您的apache服务器配置将它放在这个文件夹中“C:\wamp\bin\php\ php5.12”
Did you save go-pear.phar to C:\php\ ? If php is working fine then you should be able to just cd to the directory where you saved the go-pear.phar file and do
你保存go-pear。phar到C:\ php \ ?如果php运行良好,那么应该能够将cd保存到保存go-pear的目录。phar文件并做
$ php go-pear.phar
if you can't find the go-pear.bat file, try with the go-pear.phar
you must to download it on the PEAR website. after that, place it in this folder according your apache server configuration "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12"
如果你找不到梨子。bat文件,试试go-pear。phar你必须在PEAR网站上下载。然后,根据您的apache服务器配置将它放在这个文件夹中“C:\wamp\bin\php\ php5.12”