
时间:2021-08-07 19:24:16

I installed Meteor for Windows and want to know what version of Meteor I have installed to decide if its time to update. How can this be done?

我安装了Meteor for Windows,想知道我安装了哪个版本的Meteor来决定是否有时间更新。如何才能做到这一点?

meteor update does not work on Windows yet.

meteor update在Windows上不起作用。

meteor --version returns the message Unreleased (running from a checkout)

meteor --version返回消息Unreleased(从结帐运行)

5 个解决方案



If you installed the Windows version via the MSI, you can look in the standard windows add/remove programs wizard to see what version you have.


The version of Meteor for Windows you are using does not use the 'warehouse' and therefore Meteor always uses a version of 'none'. There is an experimental version of Meteor for Windows which does use the warehouse available at: https://github.com/sdarnell/meteor/wiki/Windows

您使用的Meteor for Windows版本不使用“仓库”,因此Meteor始终使用“无”版本。有一个Meteor for Windows的实验版本可以使用以下网址:https://github.com/sdarnell/meteor/wiki/Windows



In the project folder, in command line try this...


meteor --version



cd into your hidden .meteor folder and open up the release file inside the folder, it will have the version number


$ cd .meteor
$ nano release

$ cd .meteor $ nano发布



If you have access to the Meteor CLI, meteor show meteor has interesting output. This is what I got:

如果您可以访问Meteor CLI,那么流星表流星的输出就会很有趣。这就是我得到的:

$ meteor show meteor
Package: meteor@1.1.10                        
Maintainers: mdg                              
Exports: Meteor                               

This is an internal Meteor package.           

Recent versions:                              
  1.1.5   March 18th, 2015                    
  1.1.6   April 1st, 2015
  1.1.7   September 22nd, 2015
  1.1.9   September 29th, 2015
  1.1.10  October 27th, 2015    installed

Older and pre-release versions of meteor have been hidden. To see all 73 versions, run 'meteor show --show-all meteor'.



FYI, you can always check this in the browser with Meteor.release command put in devtools console of your Meteor app page.




If you installed the Windows version via the MSI, you can look in the standard windows add/remove programs wizard to see what version you have.


The version of Meteor for Windows you are using does not use the 'warehouse' and therefore Meteor always uses a version of 'none'. There is an experimental version of Meteor for Windows which does use the warehouse available at: https://github.com/sdarnell/meteor/wiki/Windows

您使用的Meteor for Windows版本不使用“仓库”,因此Meteor始终使用“无”版本。有一个Meteor for Windows的实验版本可以使用以下网址:https://github.com/sdarnell/meteor/wiki/Windows



In the project folder, in command line try this...


meteor --version



cd into your hidden .meteor folder and open up the release file inside the folder, it will have the version number


$ cd .meteor
$ nano release

$ cd .meteor $ nano发布



If you have access to the Meteor CLI, meteor show meteor has interesting output. This is what I got:

如果您可以访问Meteor CLI,那么流星表流星的输出就会很有趣。这就是我得到的:

$ meteor show meteor
Package: meteor@1.1.10                        
Maintainers: mdg                              
Exports: Meteor                               

This is an internal Meteor package.           

Recent versions:                              
  1.1.5   March 18th, 2015                    
  1.1.6   April 1st, 2015
  1.1.7   September 22nd, 2015
  1.1.9   September 29th, 2015
  1.1.10  October 27th, 2015    installed

Older and pre-release versions of meteor have been hidden. To see all 73 versions, run 'meteor show --show-all meteor'.



FYI, you can always check this in the browser with Meteor.release command put in devtools console of your Meteor app page.
