
时间:2021-10-08 19:01:06

I've been getting more and more comfortable using vi on a daily basis, but one thing that bothers me is that when I use it on Ubuntu it behaves differently than when I use it on CentOS (and probably other places). I actually prefer the way it works in CentOS.


Here are three things that are really bothering me on Ubuntu:


  1. In CentOS insert mode there is a big bold notice at the bottom that I'm in INSERT mode, but in Ubuntu there is no notice so I can never tell which mode I'm in.


  2. In CentOS insert mode I can press the up/down keys and the cursor will move up and down. But when I'm in Ubuntu pressing up and down inserts the letters A and B respectively on new lines.


  3. In CentOS insert mode I can use the backspace key and it will delete the character that is before the cursor, but in Ubuntu I just hear a beep sound and nothing happens. I can press the delete key in command mode, but I'd rather be able to press the backspace key.


Are these differences something that I have to live with or is it an easy fix?


9 个解决方案


In ubuntu, the default vim install comes from the package vim-tiny, which isn't the whole thing.


You probably want to:


apt-get install vim


apt-get install vim-full

Some of your other problems sound like issues with the backspace key and other things. Once you get the full version of vim, try adding these to your .vimrc:


set nocompatible

set t_kb=^H

(IMPORTANT NOTE: that ^H is a literal ctrl-H character, which you'll get by doing Ctrl-V Ctrl-H in insert mode)

(重要说明:^ H是一个文字ctrl-H字符,您可以通过在插入模式下按Ctrl-V Ctrl-H获得)


The previously offered answers did not work for me.


I tend to prefer leaving OS installations as stock as possible and keeping config files as simple as possible. In order to fix these three issues in Ubuntu 12.04, I did the following:

我倾向于将操作系统安装尽可能保留为库存并尽可能简化配置文件。为了解决Ubuntu 12.04中的这三个问题,我做了以下事情:

In "~/.vimrc", insert the lines -
set nocp
set bs=2

在“〜/ .vimrc”中,插入行 - 设置nocp set bs = 2


In addition to installing vim-full, if you do not already hava a ~/.vimrc:

除了安装vim-full之外,如果你还没有使用〜/ .vimrc:

$ cp /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/vimrc_example.vim ~/.vimrc

This example .vimrc already makes the most important settings and is a good start for customization.



I'll assume you mean VIM when you say VI? And at least, the 2nd point seems to be a console/terminal issue with VIM/term combo. The page below suggests some fixes, but none that I could make work (I use vim over putty to an Ubuntu dev box)

当你说VI时,我会假设你的意思是VIM?至少,第二点似乎是VIM /术语组合的控制台/终端问题。下面的页面提供了一些修复,但没有一个我可以工作(我使用vim over putty到Ubuntu开发盒)


3rd point can be overwritten by using the following in your .vimrc


set backspace=indent,eol,start


I personally like vim tiny and its controls -- much closer to the real vi. In some distributions you ONLY get 'vim' -- vim-tiny not available. In these I have found similar solutions -- to basic ones are -- steal vim-tiny from another distro or compile the real vi (code still available).

我个人喜欢vim tiny及其控件 - 更接近真正的vi。在某些发行版中,你只能得到'vim' - vim-tiny不可用。在这些我发现类似的解决方案 - 基本的 - 从另一个发行版窃取vim-tiny或编译真正的vi(代码仍然可用)。

Some of my issues with vim are its coloring -- most of which can be turned off but not all. The big issue is not reporting the line number on Ctrl-G for me this make full vim unusable -- I have not found a way around this one.

我对vim的一些问题是它的着色 - 其中大部分可以关闭但不是全部。最大的问题是没有报告Ctrl-G上的行号对我来说这使得完全vim无法使用 - 我还没有找到解决这个问题的方法。

Nearly all vim/vi issues could be addressed if both versions can were available with a vim install. If only vim-tiny is installed you can always up the install to the full vim -- however, for some unknown reason if the full vim is installed (Slackware versions) the vim-tiny is not available at all.

如果两个版本都可以通过vim安装获得,那么几乎所有的vim / vi问题都可以得到解决。如果只安装了vim-tiny,你可以随时安装到完整的vim - 但是,由于某些未知的原因如果安装了完整的vim(Slackware版本),vim-tiny根本不可用。

The full 'vim' should have a simple switch to drop to 'vim-tiny' the vi compatibility switch does NOT do this. This attitude by the vim developers has persisted for years -- their goal is to effectively a 'market share' concept i.e. to take over and direct the users options -- I'm NOT impressed.

完整的'vim'应该有一个简单的开关,可以放到'vim-tiny',vi兼容开关不会这样做。 vim开发人员的态度持续多年 - 他们的目标是有效地实现“市场份额”概念,即接管和指导用户选择 - 我没有留下深刻印象。


(1) Check if showmode setting is different on both.


(2) Don't know about this one, I think this has more to do with the terminal than Vi itself.


(3) Maybe try using :map <BS> :normal d ?

(3)也许尝试使用:map :normal d?


In CentOS, vi is an alias for a different program, vim, but in recent versions of Ubuntu, vi means just vi, not vim. The difference you see if the difference between two different programs, vi and vim.


If you like vim, just run vim, not vi. This works in Ubuntu too



Setting this in my .vimrc worked for me..


set term=builtin_ansi


I Have WDMyCLoud with Debian 7 inside, im using like:

我在内部使用Debian 7进行WDMyCLoud,即使用:

cp /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/debian.vim ~/.vimrc


In ubuntu, the default vim install comes from the package vim-tiny, which isn't the whole thing.


You probably want to:


apt-get install vim


apt-get install vim-full

Some of your other problems sound like issues with the backspace key and other things. Once you get the full version of vim, try adding these to your .vimrc:


set nocompatible

set t_kb=^H

(IMPORTANT NOTE: that ^H is a literal ctrl-H character, which you'll get by doing Ctrl-V Ctrl-H in insert mode)

(重要说明:^ H是一个文字ctrl-H字符,您可以通过在插入模式下按Ctrl-V Ctrl-H获得)


The previously offered answers did not work for me.


I tend to prefer leaving OS installations as stock as possible and keeping config files as simple as possible. In order to fix these three issues in Ubuntu 12.04, I did the following:

我倾向于将操作系统安装尽可能保留为库存并尽可能简化配置文件。为了解决Ubuntu 12.04中的这三个问题,我做了以下事情:

In "~/.vimrc", insert the lines -
set nocp
set bs=2

在“〜/ .vimrc”中,插入行 - 设置nocp set bs = 2


In addition to installing vim-full, if you do not already hava a ~/.vimrc:

除了安装vim-full之外,如果你还没有使用〜/ .vimrc:

$ cp /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/vimrc_example.vim ~/.vimrc

This example .vimrc already makes the most important settings and is a good start for customization.



I'll assume you mean VIM when you say VI? And at least, the 2nd point seems to be a console/terminal issue with VIM/term combo. The page below suggests some fixes, but none that I could make work (I use vim over putty to an Ubuntu dev box)

当你说VI时,我会假设你的意思是VIM?至少,第二点似乎是VIM /术语组合的控制台/终端问题。下面的页面提供了一些修复,但没有一个我可以工作(我使用vim over putty到Ubuntu开发盒)


3rd point can be overwritten by using the following in your .vimrc


set backspace=indent,eol,start


I personally like vim tiny and its controls -- much closer to the real vi. In some distributions you ONLY get 'vim' -- vim-tiny not available. In these I have found similar solutions -- to basic ones are -- steal vim-tiny from another distro or compile the real vi (code still available).

我个人喜欢vim tiny及其控件 - 更接近真正的vi。在某些发行版中,你只能得到'vim' - vim-tiny不可用。在这些我发现类似的解决方案 - 基本的 - 从另一个发行版窃取vim-tiny或编译真正的vi(代码仍然可用)。

Some of my issues with vim are its coloring -- most of which can be turned off but not all. The big issue is not reporting the line number on Ctrl-G for me this make full vim unusable -- I have not found a way around this one.

我对vim的一些问题是它的着色 - 其中大部分可以关闭但不是全部。最大的问题是没有报告Ctrl-G上的行号对我来说这使得完全vim无法使用 - 我还没有找到解决这个问题的方法。

Nearly all vim/vi issues could be addressed if both versions can were available with a vim install. If only vim-tiny is installed you can always up the install to the full vim -- however, for some unknown reason if the full vim is installed (Slackware versions) the vim-tiny is not available at all.

如果两个版本都可以通过vim安装获得,那么几乎所有的vim / vi问题都可以得到解决。如果只安装了vim-tiny,你可以随时安装到完整的vim - 但是,由于某些未知的原因如果安装了完整的vim(Slackware版本),vim-tiny根本不可用。

The full 'vim' should have a simple switch to drop to 'vim-tiny' the vi compatibility switch does NOT do this. This attitude by the vim developers has persisted for years -- their goal is to effectively a 'market share' concept i.e. to take over and direct the users options -- I'm NOT impressed.

完整的'vim'应该有一个简单的开关,可以放到'vim-tiny',vi兼容开关不会这样做。 vim开发人员的态度持续多年 - 他们的目标是有效地实现“市场份额”概念,即接管和指导用户选择 - 我没有留下深刻印象。


(1) Check if showmode setting is different on both.


(2) Don't know about this one, I think this has more to do with the terminal than Vi itself.


(3) Maybe try using :map <BS> :normal d ?

(3)也许尝试使用:map :normal d?


In CentOS, vi is an alias for a different program, vim, but in recent versions of Ubuntu, vi means just vi, not vim. The difference you see if the difference between two different programs, vi and vim.


If you like vim, just run vim, not vi. This works in Ubuntu too



Setting this in my .vimrc worked for me..


set term=builtin_ansi


I Have WDMyCLoud with Debian 7 inside, im using like:

我在内部使用Debian 7进行WDMyCLoud,即使用:

cp /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/debian.vim ~/.vimrc