Best practice for Invoke other scripts or exe in PowerShell

时间:2023-03-09 18:09:30
Best practice for Invoke other scripts or exe in PowerShell

Recently, I find I used many different type method to invoke other scripts or exe in PowerShell. Maybe by start new process, or just use the call operator &. That's fine. But I want to mention there's one preper way to invoke other scripts or exe in PowerShell I'd like to use.

Problem background:

I want to run msbuild to build something, but I want to sepcify multi folders. e.g. I want to output to both 'C:\output' and 'D:\output'. So, what should I do ?

I may use the call operator & directly like:

Best practice for Invoke other scripts or exe in PowerShell

What's wrong ? Can you find it ?

Actually, The real OutputFolder property value would be: "C:\output, D:\output".

And the whole script will be tranlated to:

& .\msbuild.exe YOUR_PROJECT.csproj /t:$Targets /p:C:\output, D:\output

msbuild.exe will report something like, property is invalid or cannot distinguish and so on. Because the wired comma exists.


Best practice for Invoke other scripts or exe in PowerShell

Create a argument array, and use double quote to quote the property value to make true the quote will in the property value.
