Codeforces Round #267 (Div. 2) C. George and Job题目链接请点击~
The new ITone 6 has been released recently and George got really keen to buy it. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough money, so George was going to work as a programmer. Now he faced the following problem at the work.
Given a sequence of n integers p1, p2, ..., pn. You are to choose k pairs of integers:
[l1, r1], [l2, r2], ..., [lk, rk] (1 ≤ l1 ≤ r1 < l2 ≤ r2 < ... < lk ≤ rk ≤ n; ri - li + 1 = m),
in such a way that the value of sum is maximal possible. Help George to cope with the task.
The first line contains three integers n, m and k (1 ≤ (m × k) ≤ n ≤ 5000). The second line contains n integersp1, p2, ..., pn (0 ≤ pi ≤ 109).
Print an integer in a single line — the maximum possible value of sum.
5 2 1
1 2 3 4 5
7 1 3
2 10 7 18 5 33 0
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#define LL long long
using namespace std;
const int maxn = + ;
LL p[maxn],s[maxn],dp[maxn][maxn];
int main(){
int n,m,k;
for(int i = ;i <= n;i++){
cin>>p[i];s[i] = s[i - ] + p[i];
for(int i = m;i <= n;i++)
for(int j = ;j <= k;j++)
dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-m][j-]+s[i]-s[i-m],dp[i-][j]);
return ;
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